Turkey and brain migration: Policies formed from push and pull perspectives and effects on brain drain

Brain drain, which is defined as the departure of well-educated human capital to another geography, was noticed by England, which lost its qualified power to other countries in 1945 and increased rapidly after the 1960s with the effect of globalization. Countries such as the USA, UK and Germany have developed important brain drain policies from a push and pull perspective. Turkey has also developed important policies such as university reforms. In the following periods, within the scope of Five-Year Development Planning, although TÜBİTAK 2232 developed policies to pull reverse brain drain and Turquoise Card to pull foreign brain migration, Turkey was late in putting the brain drain on its political agenda. In this thesis, “Turkey and Brain Migration: Policies Formed from a Push and Pull Perspectives and Effects on Brain Drain” is examined and chronologically from its own historical depths, starting from the early republican period, mainly within the scope of the Five-Year Development Planning. Turquoise Card and TÜBİTAK 2232 reverse brain drain policies are also included. The effect of Turkey's brain migration policies, including the push and pull effect, is analyzed. In addition, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and dangers of these effects were evaluated with SWOT analysis. Additionally, the Brain Drain Policy has been conceptualized. This study was compiled from his thesis titled “Turkey and Brain Migration: Policies Formed from Push and Pull Perspectives and Its Effects on Brain Drain”

10.11.2023 tarihinden bu yana
10.11.2023 tarihinden bu yana
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24 Eylül 2024 13:34
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Eser Adı
Turkey and brain migration: Policies formed from push and pull perspectives and effects on brain drain
Yazar [Asıl]
Sönmez, Nurdan
Yazar Departmanı
Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences
Yazar Departmanı
Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Doctoral Program in Political Science and International Relations
Yayın Tarihi
Yayın Turu [Akademik]
Yayın Türü [Ortam]
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Brain Drain
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Development Planning
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Brain Migration Policy
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Turquoise Card
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
TÜBİTAK Reverse Brain Drain
Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System
Özet Bilgisi
Brain drain, which is defined as the departure of well-educated human capital to another geography, was noticed by England, which lost its qualified power to other countries in 1945 and increased rapidly after the 1960s with the effect of globalization. Countries such as the USA, UK and Germany have developed important brain drain policies from a push and pull perspective. Turkey has also developed important policies such as university reforms. In the following periods, within the scope of Five-Year Development Planning, although TÜBİTAK 2232 developed policies to pull reverse brain drain and Turquoise Card to pull foreign brain migration, Turkey was late in putting the brain drain on its political agenda. In this thesis, “Turkey and Brain Migration: Policies Formed from a Push and Pull Perspectives and Effects on Brain Drain” is examined and chronologically from its own historical depths, starting from the early republican period, mainly within the scope of the Five-Year Development Planning. Turquoise Card and TÜBİTAK 2232 reverse brain drain policies are also included. The effect of Turkey's brain migration policies, including the push and pull effect, is analyzed. In addition, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and dangers of these effects were evaluated with SWOT analysis. Additionally, the Brain Drain Policy has been conceptualized. This study was compiled from his thesis titled “Turkey and Brain Migration: Policies Formed from Push and Pull Perspectives and Its Effects on Brain Drain”
Kayıt Giriş Tarihi
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Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System
Erişim Hakkı
Open Access
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Unless otherwise stated, copyrights belong to Yeditepe University. Usage permissions are specified in the Open Access System, and "InC-NC/1.0" and "by-nc-nd/4.0" are as stated.
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Açıklama [Genel]
Final published version
Açıklama [Not]
Note: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used as established information without consulting multiple experts in the field.
Tanım Koleksiyon Bilgisi
This item is part of the preprint collection made available through Yeditepe University library. For your questions, our contact address is openaccess@yeditepe.edu.tr
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