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The relationship between management and information systems students’ e-learning styles and attitudes towards e-learning in Turkey during Covid-19 pandemic

Lüle Ercan, Nazlıcan

This research aims to investigate the relationship between e-learning styles and attitudes towards e-learning of Management Information Systems students who have experienced e-learning during Covid-19 pandemic and the change in terms of gender and grade level. This study was conducted with 114 participants. Two instruments were used. The results showed that audio-visual learning style is the learning style that the participants have the most. The higher e-learning predisposition scores means the participants have positive attitudes to use e-learning. The lower e-learning predisposition scores ...Daha fazlası

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Discursive constructions and visual representations of Syrian refugees: a focus on the media in Turkey

Yıldırım Şensoy, İmge

This study explores the discursive construction and media representations of Syrian refugees in relation to wider politics of nationalism and contested narratives of national identity in Turkey. For this purpose, frontpage coverage of 5 national dailies that were selected based on circulation size, target readership and ideological orientation were analyzed using Discourse-Historical Approach. News items and accompanying visuals sampled from Cumhuriyet, Yeni Akit, Hürriyet, Sözcü and Sabah were subjected to analysis through a set of paradigms that this study develops. These paradigms are Human ...Daha fazlası

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A research on the effects of basel criteria on sme’s and awareness of this effect by Turkish financial professionals in the Turkish banking system

Sapankaya, Aysel

The aim of this study is to find out the effects of Basel Criteria on the banking system and SMEs, and how much they are known by the bankers and accounting experts who are the actors of the financial system. In this research, firstly, the role of Basel Criteria of SMEs in Turkey in the crediting process, the collateral structure and the credit pricing processes in the lending stage were examined. In the second part, a survey was conducted with 69 experts (bankers and accountants) who are experts in their fields about the extent to which they create awareness about the benefits of these effect ...Daha fazlası

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An analysis of the player avatar protagonist in video game narratives

Turgay, Murat Doğa

Video games depict various fantastic scenarios that players engage in. Fantasy has been a point of interest for humans for much of recorded history and fantasy fulfilment isan important appeal for people to play video games. The experience of such a fantasy can significantly enhance the player’s experience in games. Players experience fantasy in games through its elements:Culmination of gameplay, narrative story and the design of protagonist character(s) are how this fantasy is relayed to the player. The design of these three parts is significant in shaping the player’s fantasy and overall exp ...Daha fazlası

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The Turkish right and the Republican People's Party - the case of 1977 general elections

Arslan, Fahri Kaan

The definition of ideological cleavage in Turkish political life through the concepts of right and left began with the orientation of the Republican People's Party to the Left of Center in the 1960s. This separation evolved into a deep polarization and social crisis that would turn into a low-intensity civil war during the 1970s. The 1977 General Elections were held in this crisis atmosphere. In this framework, the political characteristics of the period within the scope of our study have been tried to be scrutinized through the right-left divergence. This thesis aims to analyze the points of ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Bloody, bold and resolute: Dimensions of power in Hamlet, King Lear and Macbeth

Tönel, Utku

This thesis argues that there is a symbiotic relationship between the actions of characters making use of different aspects of power, and the plot progression in three tragedies by William Shakespeare; Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth, whose plots were built upon a problem of succession. For this purpose, the Aristotelian definition of tragedy was used in conjunction with the notion of power as defined by Steven Lukes throughout the study. To identify how this interaction helps build the dramatic structure, Thomas Pavel’s concept of move was utilised to pinpoint the plot progressionin the three ...Daha fazlası

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The search for identity in Hanif Kureishi’s the Buddha of Suburbia, the black album and Zadie Smith’s white teeth

Öztürk, Mesut

Hanif Kureishi and Zadie Smith engage in a critical examination of the established conceptualizations of identity, challenging their rigidity and highlighting the inherent unstable nature of identity. The objective of this thesis is to examine the the way in which Hanif Kureishi and Zadie Smith challenge the perceived stability of race, identity, and ethnicity within the dynamic cultural and societal landscape of post-war London. By drawing upon Homi K. Bhabha's theoretical concepts of hybridity, ambivalence, and the third space, both authors destabilize traditional dichotomies and offer criti ...Daha fazlası

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The stigma of the fallen woman in the novels of jude the obscure and Yeryüzünde Bir Melek

Emiroğlu, Ecem Başak

Regardless of the cultural differences, the 19th century Victorian England and Tanzimat Period in Ottoman Empire had similar expectations from women. The two novelists from these two countries, Thomas Hardy and Ahmet Mithat Efendi, had critical attitude towards such expectations. Thus they created socially unacceptable but acceptable for them heroines. Afterall, for some Sue Bridehead is Hardy’s main focus and similarly for Ahmet Mithat Raziye is still an angel. The reason why these two heroines are unacceptable for the society’s of their days is intriguing. Considering all these, the aim of t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analysis of the notions of identity and selfness in Istanbul Biennial and Manifesta Biennial

Subaşı, Ege

Art, throughout history, has been a way of expression, in which people prefer to explain themselves, understand the world, and explain societies to each other. This way of expression, took shape on different notions, concepts, and phenomena, depending on the period. Notions of identity and selfness are the concepts that artists are working on. These notions, socially generate individuals and society, and frame them, also have been tried to interpret by approaching the hands of different disciplines of social sciences. In this work; identity and selfless which are some of the important notions ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effects of stereotypes which are imposed through media on the creativity of children during the early puberty: the concept of goodness and badness

Cenk, Saime Özge

The aim of this thesis is to understand how much children in early puberty get affected by the stereotypes that are presented through media. Also, it aims to elaborate how much these children manage to get out of these stereotypical patterns in situations that require them to use their own creativity. To understand how much they can cross the stereotypical borders as they think during a creative process, students are asked to illustrate goodness and badness in human forms in focus group sessions held in different types of schools located in Istanbul and Mardin. The illustrations are then stati ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Transcultural aspects in Elif Batuman’s Fiction

Dindar, Elif Bıçaklar

This study aims at exploring Elif Batuman’s The Idiot and Either/Or from a transcultural perspective. This study examines Elif Batuman’s novels from an interdisciplinary perspective combining Wolfgang Welsch’s philosophical approach to transculturalism, transcultural literary studies as well as Bakhtinian concepts such as polyphony and intertextuality. Benefitting from this framework, the present study highlights the themes of the representation of national identity, mobility, cultural and linguistic diversity in Batuman’s fiction. The study also emphasizes how the protagonist transcends the s ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Security analysis of advanced encryption standard (AES) for image encryption

Küçükbacak, Rıdvan

Abstract In recent years, there have been major advancements in multimedia technologies and accordingly, file transfer over the internet has become extremely frequent. However, some security issues can occur in the internet, since it is a very insecure channel. To preserve the privacy and security of multimedia data transmitted over the internet, a number of encryption algorithms have been developed. This research presents a methodology for examining practically used image processing encryption algorithms. To measure the quality of encoded images, a number of factors such as correlation coeffi ...Daha fazlası

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