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Erişime Açık

The adaptation study of the brief form of the affective Neuroscience personality scales (BANPS) to Turkish

Uçar, Nehir

The aim of this study is to adapt Brief Form of Affective Neuroscience Scales (BANPS) into Turkish culture and examine its reliability and validity. BANPS was originally developed by Barrett and colleagues (2013) to shorten and improve the psychometric properties of ANPS (Davis et al., 2003). The BANPS consisted of 33 items and six scales which aim to assess personality traits on the basis of six affective systems (SEEK, PLAY, CARE, FEAR, ANGER, SADNESS). The reliability and validity analyses of Turkish BANPS were conducted with three groups of participants, including all participants (N= 873) ...Daha fazlası

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Beyond a footrace: Ultramarathon as a liminoid performance

Özdem, İpek

This study aims to explore the experience of becoming an ultramarathoner and the codes of ultramarathon culture in Turkey through the lenses of symbolic and interpretive anthropology and performance studies. It identifies the meaning, value, and significance of ultramarathons for runners, and presents an ethnographic description of ultramarathon racing. The anthropological fieldwork was conducted from April 2018 to March 2022, employing in-person and online interviews, and participant observations at İznik Ultra Marathon, Salomon Cappadocia Ultra-Trail and Uludağ Premium Ultra Trail organizati ...Daha fazlası

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An analysis of the player avatar protagonist in video game narratives

Turgay, Murat Doğa

Video games depict various fantastic scenarios that players engage in. Fantasy has been a point of interest for humans for much of recorded history and fantasy fulfilment isan important appeal for people to play video games. The experience of such a fantasy can significantly enhance the player’s experience in games. Players experience fantasy in games through its elements:Culmination of gameplay, narrative story and the design of protagonist character(s) are how this fantasy is relayed to the player. The design of these three parts is significant in shaping the player’s fantasy and overall exp ...Daha fazlası

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Online psychotherapy setting and its reflections on Therapeutic relationship during Covid-19 pandemic

Özkan Ordulu, Nazlıcan

The purpose of this study was to explore how psychotherapy setting is affected by the mandatory conversion from face-to-face psychotherapy setting to online platforms due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, mainly with respect to the relationship between subjective perceptions and/or experiences regarding COVID-19 and therapeutic alliance for both psychotherapists and patients. A sample of 94 Turkish participants which consisted of 62 psychotherapy patients and 32 mental health professionals filled out the questionnaire whilst semi-structured interviews were done with nine psychotherapists and ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A sociological study on young people’s value differences from their parents along the materialist/postmaterialist axis

Öksüz, Nuran

This study aims to discover the challenges for secular middle-class youth in Turkey with materialist-postmaterialist value differences with their parents climbing the social ladder. The fact that the focused group is comparatively more advantageous than the lower-income groups in terms of socioeconomics can make their problems invisible. In this respect, the subject of this study has not been adequately covered in the literature, and it is crucial to study. The study used the in-depth interview method, and eight young people between the ages of 20 and 30 were reached with snowball sampling. Si ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Turkey and brain migration: Policies formed from push and pull perspectives and effects on brain drain

Sönmez, Nurdan

Brain drain, which is defined as the departure of well-educated human capital to another geography, was noticed by England, which lost its qualified power to other countries in 1945 and increased rapidly after the 1960s with the effect of globalization. Countries such as the USA, UK and Germany have developed important brain drain policies from a push and pull perspective. Turkey has also developed important policies such as university reforms. In the following periods, within the scope of Five-Year Development Planning, although TÜBİTAK 2232 developed policies to pull reverse brain drain and ...Daha fazlası

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Financial performance measurement with cash flow ratios: a research and comparison on borsa istanbul (BIST) main metal industry and accomodation sector

Gürdal, Banu İpek

As soon as people start to earn the money that their labor deserves, they begin to control their cash inflows and outflows. This control is more important for businesses established for profit making. Businesses that want to control their cash flows in a more detailed and neat report form refer to the cash flow statement. Knowing cash flow is vital for businesses. It provides both the control of the cash flow within themselves and the opportunity to compare itself with other businesses that use different accounting methods. The success and sustainability of a business is evaluated by the measu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Critical realism and socialist realism in cinema: the example of “Yol Ayrımı” movie

Katun, Sıdıka Seda

Realism in art, when associated with political economy and philosophy, is not a field that has received much academic study. A work of art necessarily reflects a particular ideology or a particular worldview and is therefore political. The motion picture also reflects a particular worldview and mainstream motion pictures are often shaped by the dominant ideology, which is the reality of an idealistic worldview. When the production phase of a movie, the director and the director's worldview, the script, the budget, the advertising relations, in other words the production relations, are evaluate ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Trade liberalization and some macroeconomic indicators in Turkey (1980-2018)

Alzabadi, Nader

This study aims to examine the impact of trade liberalization on some macroeconomic indicators (foreign direct investment, exports, imports, trade balance, and government size) in Turkey. Our study employed the autoregressive distributed lag bound test (ARDL) approach, unit root test, bound test for long-run estimation, and error correction term (EC). Findings show that trade liberalization does not have a positive impact on foreign direct investment inflow into the Turkish market, as well as that currency depreciation accompanied by an open economy decreases foreign capital inflow. Trade libe ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Istanbul’s ghost stories: Investigating the urban gothic space in Ahmet Ümit’s “A Memento for Istanbul” and Barbara Nadel’s “Land of the Blind”

Hamzalar, Yeşim

This dissertation examines the representations of Istanbul as an Urban Gothic Space in Ahmet Ümit’s “A Memento for Istanbul” and Barbara Nadel’s “Land of the Blind”. The study explores the urban space of Istanbul and argues for its palimpsestic nature, haunted by the blood and memories of the past civilizations and empires that it was once home to. Further emphasis is placed on the constant tug of war between the old and the new and East vs West. The supernatural and various transgressions which are manifested mainly in the historical parts of the urban city are investigated by employing vario ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Birinci Türk Coğrafya Kongresi’nde müfredat ve terim çalışmaları

Özkaya, Ahmet

Birinci Coğrafya Kongresi, 6-21 Haziran tarihleri arasında Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi’nde, Hasan Âli Yücel’in büyük gayretleriyle toplanarak coğrafyanın ana sorunlarını ele almıştır. Kurulan üç komisyon sayesinde belirlenen meseleler önce saptanmış ve ardından müzakere edilerek bir sonuca bağlanmıştır. Kongre, yapıldığı tarihten itibaren çeşitli tenkitlere konu olsa da yoğun tartışmalar, özellikle 7 coğrafi bölge hakkında eleştiriler 2000 yılı sonrası yaşanmıştır. 7 coğrafi bölge ile ilgili Türkiye Coğrafyası Komisyonu dışında Program ve Ders Komisyonu ve Terim Komisyo ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Status of Ilkhan in the socio-political organization of the Qashqai Tribe

Sohrabi, Hossein

This anthropological research is related to the Qashqai tribe, which lives in southwestern Iran, and apart from the urban and rural population, it has nearly 96,500 nomadic people. This research answers the question, could the Qashqais have the same solidarity, authority, and integrity without an Ilkhan from the Shahilu family? My claim is based on the fact that the main factor of Qashqai solidarity and empowerment in southern Iran, where the majority of the population is Tajik and non-Turkish, was the Ilkhans from the Shahilu family. And with the leadership of the Shahilu family, the Qashqais ...Daha fazlası

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