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Erişime Açık

Assessing media literacy: an analysis of university students

Özdinçler, Balkı

Media literacy refers to the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create messages in a wide variety of media modes and formats. Even though the media is so globalized and easily accessible, it is necessary to correctly perceive and read the messages, make sense of them, analyze, evaluate, criticize, etc. Before accessing media literacy equipment, the individual is only in a passive position in front of the messages presented by the media. However, with the media literacy equipment, individuals take an active position that evaluates questions, analyzes the media messages, and keeps a disti ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effects of using artificial intelligence on the certified public accountant profession: evidence from Istanbul certified public accountants

Alfares, Saja

Financial institutions' operations are being drastically altered by artificial intelligence (AI), which, as a result ofoperational efficiencies and savings of cost, is predicted to take over mundane jobs more and more. The field of AI has made great strides recently, especially in relation to the accounting industry, which has moved its focus from manual data entry using paper and pencil to automated data entry using computers and software. This research aims to study the level of awareness of the certified public accountants and their perceptions on the application of AI in the field of accou ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Beyond a footrace: Ultramarathon as a liminoid performance

Özdem, İpek

This study aims to explore the experience of becoming an ultramarathoner and the codes of ultramarathon culture in Turkey through the lenses of symbolic and interpretive anthropology and performance studies. It identifies the meaning, value, and significance of ultramarathons for runners, and presents an ethnographic description of ultramarathon racing. The anthropological fieldwork was conducted from April 2018 to March 2022, employing in-person and online interviews, and participant observations at İznik Ultra Marathon, Salomon Cappadocia Ultra-Trail and Uludağ Premium Ultra Trail organizati ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effects of climate change on financial markets

Günışık, Gündüz Can

There is a critical relationship between climate change and financial markets. In this study, temperature change values are used to examine the impact of climate change on agriculture, banking, investment, and insurance sectors. The study determines the relationship between temperature changes and agriculture, banking, investment, and insurance indices in BIST by regression analysis. The results show that climate change has different impacts on different sectors. While the agricultural sector is more sensitive to temperature changes, its impact on the bankingand investment sectors may be more ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The stigma of the fallen woman in the novels of jude the obscure and Yeryüzünde Bir Melek

Emiroğlu, Ecem Başak

Regardless of the cultural differences, the 19th century Victorian England and Tanzimat Period in Ottoman Empire had similar expectations from women. The two novelists from these two countries, Thomas Hardy and Ahmet Mithat Efendi, had critical attitude towards such expectations. Thus they created socially unacceptable but acceptable for them heroines. Afterall, for some Sue Bridehead is Hardy’s main focus and similarly for Ahmet Mithat Raziye is still an angel. The reason why these two heroines are unacceptable for the society’s of their days is intriguing. Considering all these, the aim of t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Attribution bias in the context of intergroug relations: The case of natives and immigrants

Akdoğdu, Deniz Beste

Ultimate attribution error (UAE) is the tendency to attribute negative outgroup behavior to disposition factor and negative ingroup behavior to external circumstances. This study investigates the UAE committed by Turkish individuals in the context of intergroup relations between Syrian immigrants and Turkish citizens in. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the other's out-group status and perceptual salience on the UAE. We intended to investigate these effects using a Virtual Reality configuration with virtual agents of a Turkish national and a Syrian immigrant. We hypoth ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Comparison and future of mobile gaming platform with other platforms along with people’s gaming habits and predispositions

Tınç, Sertaç

Today, smartphones have become a necessity for everyone. It is used by people of all ages, regardless of whether they are children or the elderly. Therefore, it is more accessible than other gaming platforms. Mobile games have become a platform where people can spend time comfortably while having fun in daily life, and it has also become one of the most popular game platforms of our time This article consists of information about comparison of mobile game platform with other platforms and opinions about its future profile, as well as opinions formed by analyzing and evaluating data with quanti ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Administrative organization of African states and oil policy: Angola and Nigeria compared

Durmuş, Ayşegül Ezgi

Angola and Nigeria are front running countries in terms of natural wealth among other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Angola lived under Portuguese rule before gaining independence. Nigeria, on the other hand, was under British colonization. Both still carry part of cultures they had acquired during the colonial period. At present, oil resources are the key element for their economic persistence and they have a notable position in the global oil market. Due to their colonial background, post-colonial experience and challenges that they have faced along with administrative and economic structu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A study of the strategies used by companies creating a distinctive brand image through the use of strategic terminology in product and service naming for differentiation and image building

Seçilmiş, Nuri Tolga

The use of strategic terminology in product and service naming is crucial for creating a distinctive brand image that sets companies apart from competitors. While brand naming is often prioritized, the importance of consistent terminology for product features and names is often overlooked. This study examines the strategies used by successful companies to develop a comprehensive approach to branding that includes a unique and consistent terminology for the brand, product, and product features. The thesis includes semi structured in-depth interviews with executives from Microsoft, Facebook, Son ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Dialogic discourse in John Fowles’s fiction

Cansız, Hümeyra

Mikhail Bakhtin is one of the prominent literary theorists of speech genres and stylistics. He was mainly focused on the philosophy of language and the multi-voiced, multi-languaged systems as a result of the oppressive regime he was under. His literary concepts reflect the autonomy of the characters, dialogue, and multi-voiced language systems. He advocated for unfinalizability, the idea of freedom of the characters, and the diversity of the languages within a novel. According to Bakhtin, language was not only a tool for communication and should be examined with its social context. His concer ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Increasing importance of global value chain Turkey's foreign trade comparative analysis

Akmanlar, Nur

The global value chain has increased its importance with the spread of foreign trade between countries. As a result of this situation, it has provided serious economic returns to the countries. Countries that use the global value chain effectively have become rich in this process. In this study, the comparison of foreign trade between BRIC countries and Turkey has been examined through Grubel Lloyd index. Through this Grubel Lloyd index, the economic effects of the global value chain on the Turkish economy and BRIC countries are detailed. The increasing importance of global value chain, which ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

From the quest for authenticity to advocacy: How do authentic brands create brand advocate consumers?

Tosun, Aslı

In a quest to investigate whether brands that position themselves as authentic create brand advocate consumers, the current study analyzes and collates the extant literature on brand authenticity through unfolding the relationship between brand authenticity and brand advocacy on the grounds of brand experience, actual self-image congruence, consumer involvement as well as the product category with an aim to explore whether brand authenticity positively influences brand advocacy behavior among consumers. The relationships are investigated through a comprehensive research model using two differe ...Daha fazlası

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