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Erişime Açık

Alexithymia and personality aspects in patients with panic disorder and/or major depressive disorder and the relationship between these aspects and the childhood traumas of the patients

Gazioğlu, Melisa Burcu

The present study aims to understand the relationship between alexithymia and personality in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and/or panic disorder (PD) in the context of childhood traumas. The total sample of the study consists of 161 people. The patient group consists of 103 people, 50 with MDD, and 53 with PD. The control group consists of 58 healthy people. The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), The Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated Form (EPQR-A), and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were given to a ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analysis of the notions of identity and selfness in Istanbul Biennial and Manifesta Biennial

Subaşı, Ege

Art, throughout history, has been a way of expression, in which people prefer to explain themselves, understand the world, and explain societies to each other. This way of expression, took shape on different notions, concepts, and phenomena, depending on the period. Notions of identity and selfness are the concepts that artists are working on. These notions, socially generate individuals and society, and frame them, also have been tried to interpret by approaching the hands of different disciplines of social sciences. In this work; identity and selfless which are some of the important notions ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The role of media in undervaluing political dialogue: Syrian war as a case

Althiab, Mohammad

Although the literature of contemporary capitalism theoretically abounds with calls for maintaining international peace and stability, in practice, its political representatives place wars among the many tools available for use to divide areas of political and economic influence when other political tools fail. This study aims to show the means used in the media to justify wars and armed conflicts by claiming that it is impossible to provide corresponding or alternative means, such as dialogue, for example, or the general social desire to maintain stability through political solutions. In this ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Consumer behavior in automotive industry in Turkey: research on shopping practices and buying behaviors of b and c segment automotive consumers

Gülsen, Deniz Gökçe

This dissertation hereby is aimed to analyze the buying behavior of automotive consumers in Turkey. There are 8 hypotheses but the main idea is to see whether B anc C segment consumers see buying a vehicle as an investment or not. The thesis contains three main parts; conceptual framework, research, and results. What these parts include is explained below. The conceptual framework contains three parts. The Concept of Consumer and Consumer Behavior part explains consumer behavior, types of buying behavior, consumer buying (decision process), and the factors affecting buying behavior. The Automo ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Toplumsal değerler ve ideolojiler: Tıflî hikâyeleri ile Meddah Behçet Mahir Hikâyeleri’ndeki temsiller

Çatalkaya, Seda

Sözlü kültür ortamında doğan ve sözlü gelenek içerisinde yayılan halk hikâyeleri, muhtevasında ait olduğu kültürün toplumsal değerlerini barındırır. Toplumsal yasalar, halkın yaşam biçimi, dinî inançları bu gelenekte halk anlatılarına konu olur. IV. Murad Devri’nin İstanbul’unda geçen, büyük bir kısmı 1850-80 yılları arasında yayımlanan (17. yüzyıl) Tıflî Hikâyeleri ile (20. yüzyıl) Meddah Behçet Mahir Hikâyeleri içeriklerinde ait oldukları devirlerin toplumsal değerlerinden ve ideolojilerinden izler taşır. İcracı, dinleyici ve bağlam ekseninde toplumsal değerler, kurumlar ve töreler desteklen ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Status of Ilkhan in the socio-political organization of the Qashqai Tribe

Sohrabi, Hossein

This anthropological research is related to the Qashqai tribe, which lives in southwestern Iran, and apart from the urban and rural population, it has nearly 96,500 nomadic people. This research answers the question, could the Qashqais have the same solidarity, authority, and integrity without an Ilkhan from the Shahilu family? My claim is based on the fact that the main factor of Qashqai solidarity and empowerment in southern Iran, where the majority of the population is Tajik and non-Turkish, was the Ilkhans from the Shahilu family. And with the leadership of the Shahilu family, the Qashqais ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analyzing baksı museum through the search for the center in today’s art

Özgüz Çelik, Ebru

This thesis is based on the understanding of center in art; examines the displacement of the dominant forces of art along with economic, political or social changes and the reasons for this change. By examining this change from the Renaissance period to the present day, by tracing the similarities and contrasts in the past and present, through the conditions that led to the formation of these centers, their artistic production and consumption between these periods and today, the circulation of artistic productions in the world, museology, and collections, we answer the question of whether we c ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

‘The Other’ at the border: literary sieges and identity construction

Bakkalsalihoğlu, Fatma Gözde

In the 20th century, the issue of creating a national identity and fashioning the self gained significant importance as a consequence of the increasing nationalist movements and establishment of the unitary states with the collapse of empires. To create a collective identity consciousness in society, literature was utilized as one of the mediums, as it can be used in the service of different ideologies. First published in 1899, Eclipse of the Crescent Moon (Egri Csillagok) by Géza Gárdonyi focuses on creating the Hungarian national identity through the Turks, whereas The Siege (Kështjella) by ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Transformation of cyberpunk films in hollywood remakes: a comparative historical analysis

Aktaş İlcik, Ece

The last decade has seen an increase in Hollywood productions of cyberpunk films. These films, designed as remakes or sequels, appeal to both old fans of the cult original films and new audiences. The subject of this research is how the remakes, which aim to guarantee the box office undergo changes and how they fit into the system compared to the originals. In the research, it has been attempted to reveal how these change narratives have been integrated into current policies and the system compared to the originals, and to determine and show in which contexts this transformation of the remakes ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Grafik tasarımın yeni medya teknolojilerindeki geleceği: İnternet üzerinden yayın yapan talebe bağlı video platformlarında afiş ve thumbnail kullanımının dinamik izleme alışkanlıklarına bağlı değişimi

Kızıltaş, Emek

Dinamik bir iletişim bilimi olan grafik tasarım, günün şartları ve ihtiyaçlarına göre şekillenebilen, esneyebilen ve farklı yaklaşımlarla çözüm üretebilen bir disiplin olmayı sürdürmektedir. Gelecekte de varlığını sürdüreceği ön görülmekte olan grafik tasarımın, gelişen teknolojiler ve yeni medya alanındaki ihtiyaçlara büyük oranda cevap vermesi gerekliliği tüm dünyada kabul görmektedir. Dijital yayın platformlarının izleme alışkanlıklarına doğrudan etkisi, izleme etkinliğinin giderek bireyselleşmesine ve farklı pazarlama stratejilerinin gelişmesine neden olmaktadır. Tezde SVOD hizmeti sunan y ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Çılgın bilim adamları ve etik: Frankenstein ve Dr. Moreau’nun Adası

Yavuz, Emin Erdem

Takıntıları nedeniyle bilimsel normların dışına çıkan ve edebi eserlerde uzun yıllardır kullanılmış olan “Çılgın Bilim İnsanı” arketipi insanlarda korkulara neden olmuş ve bilime karşı duyulan ön yargıyı körüklemiştir. Bu figürün yaygınlaşmasının en büyük nedenlerinden birisi, dünyanın en popüler eserleri arasında gösterilebilecek Frankenstein’dır. Dr. Victor Frankenstein ile başlayan hırslarına yenik düşüp bilimi kullanarak çevresindekilere zarar verme klişesi günümüzde bile birçok bilim kurgu eserinde kendisini göstermektedir. Aynı zamanda günümüzde bile hala tartışılan hayvanlar üzerinde ya ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Implanting false autobiographical memories and the effect of mood on false autobiographical memory creation

Köksal Yasak, Kevser

Although human memory appears to be highly reliable, memory distortions are inevitable, influenced by external factors or the passage of time. Researchers have extensively studied these memory distortions, commonly known as false memory. The present study has two main objectives. Firstly, it aims to replicate a new method for implanting false autobiographical memories. Secondly, it seeks to explore the impact of mood on the false autobiographical belief and memory implantation. For the replication phase, the participants were divided into Single and Repeated groups. Participants were presented ...Daha fazlası

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