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Erişime Açık

The role of media in undervaluing political dialogue: Syrian war as a case

Althiab, Mohammad

Although the literature of contemporary capitalism theoretically abounds with calls for maintaining international peace and stability, in practice, its political representatives place wars among the many tools available for use to divide areas of political and economic influence when other political tools fail. This study aims to show the means used in the media to justify wars and armed conflicts by claiming that it is impossible to provide corresponding or alternative means, such as dialogue, for example, or the general social desire to maintain stability through political solutions. In this ...Daha fazlası

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Analyzing baksı museum through the search for the center in today’s art

Özgüz Çelik, Ebru

This thesis is based on the understanding of center in art; examines the displacement of the dominant forces of art along with economic, political or social changes and the reasons for this change. By examining this change from the Renaissance period to the present day, by tracing the similarities and contrasts in the past and present, through the conditions that led to the formation of these centers, their artistic production and consumption between these periods and today, the circulation of artistic productions in the world, museology, and collections, we answer the question of whether we c ...Daha fazlası

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‘The Other’ at the border: literary sieges and identity construction

Bakkalsalihoğlu, Fatma Gözde

In the 20th century, the issue of creating a national identity and fashioning the self gained significant importance as a consequence of the increasing nationalist movements and establishment of the unitary states with the collapse of empires. To create a collective identity consciousness in society, literature was utilized as one of the mediums, as it can be used in the service of different ideologies. First published in 1899, Eclipse of the Crescent Moon (Egri Csillagok) by Géza Gárdonyi focuses on creating the Hungarian national identity through the Turks, whereas The Siege (Kështjella) by ...Daha fazlası

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Implanting false autobiographical memories and the effect of mood on false autobiographical memory creation

Köksal Yasak, Kevser

Although human memory appears to be highly reliable, memory distortions are inevitable, influenced by external factors or the passage of time. Researchers have extensively studied these memory distortions, commonly known as false memory. The present study has two main objectives. Firstly, it aims to replicate a new method for implanting false autobiographical memories. Secondly, it seeks to explore the impact of mood on the false autobiographical belief and memory implantation. For the replication phase, the participants were divided into Single and Repeated groups. Participants were presented ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Beyond borders and temporal boundaries: Unravelling the uncanny chronotopes in Louis De Bernières’ Birds Without Wings And Yaşar Kemal’s The Euphrates Is Flowing Blood

Gürsoy, Ayşe Nur

In the twentieth century, Turkey and Greece signed the Exchange Agreement and the effects of this decision was the same on the lives of both parties regardless of their seemingly fundamental cultural, religious, and national differences. Yaşar Kemal and Louis De Bernières highlights the multiculturism by focusing on the lives of the people who used to live in a “melting pot” during that time and thus their feeling of homesickness after the forced migration not just for those who were sent away but also those who stayed in. Considering all these, through the lenses of the uncanny and Bakhtin’s ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Internal and external dimensions of the foreign ıntervention: The case of Libya following the Arab Spring

Ali, Binnasr

Unlike Tunisia and Egypt, the Libyan uprising was more violent, which made it the target state for the first application of the principle of responsibility to protect (military intervention against the will of the targeted state under the pretext of protecting civilians). Although it was called a humanitarian intervention, it was participation in humanitarian disaster consisted eight months of civil war that ended with the killing of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the regime. This was the starting point of a complex and continuing state of instability which Libya is suffering from. The aim of th ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effect of working capital management and solvency on profitability: Case of bist basic metal sector companies

Demir, Arda Eren

In this research, effect of WCM (known for optimization of liquidity and efficiency) and solvency on profitability has been analyzed for basic metal sector companies listed in BİST in 2018-2022. This research also includes comparison of financial ratios of companies that had initial public offering in 2022 and companies that had initial public offering before 2022. Research findings show that working capital management has positive effect on profitability, as liquidity has effect on all of the studied profitability ratios. Solvency also has positive effect on profitability, as solvency has pos ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Online psychotherapy setting and its reflections on Therapeutic relationship during Covid-19 pandemic

Özkan Ordulu, Nazlıcan

The purpose of this study was to explore how psychotherapy setting is affected by the mandatory conversion from face-to-face psychotherapy setting to online platforms due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, mainly with respect to the relationship between subjective perceptions and/or experiences regarding COVID-19 and therapeutic alliance for both psychotherapists and patients. A sample of 94 Turkish participants which consisted of 62 psychotherapy patients and 32 mental health professionals filled out the questionnaire whilst semi-structured interviews were done with nine psychotherapists and ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Political cycles and transitional justice: Evidence from Uruguay and Chile

Genç, Tuçe

This study concentrates on how countries deal with the mass human rights violations, large-scale massacres, and social abuses experienced during authoritarian rule. A comparative research is conducted, focusing on the differences and similarities between societies governed by bureaucratic authoritarian systems. Uruguay and Chile are studied as similar cases that have ended up with different outcomes in transitional justice processes. The main question of the study is whether and how political cycles affect transitional justice policies. It is assumed that successive leftist governments in powe ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

On the universality of cognitive biases in natural language: The case of noun phrase internal ordersing

Akyürek, Sunay

The present study experimentally investigates the order of NP-internal modifiers in gesture modality as practiced by Turkish speaking participants in an attempt to understand the natural order within NPs cross linguistically, whether the participants’ preferences reflect a homomorphism bias, and whether their preferences are influenced by their native language. For these purposes, Turkish-speaking participants (N=44) randomly assigned to two conditions where access to their native language was suppressed in the first block (suppression-first condition) or where access to their native language ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Modifying the visual-texture complexity of foods to direct consumers' attention toward more sustainable options: Turkish rice pudding 'sütlaç' as a case

Baylan, Yeliz

The importance of visual elements and textures has been emphasized in sensory analysis studies examining consumer preferences, and these data have been used in the field of neomarketing to examine consumers' conscious or unconscious choices. This study focused on the possibility of directing consumers' attention to sustainable options by using the visual textural properties of products. This approach aimed to find solutions to problems such as carbon emissions and water pollution resulting from food production. Rice pudding, a traditional dessert, was chosen as the reference sample in this res ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research on the effects of basel criteria on sme’s and awareness of this effect by Turkish financial professionals in the Turkish banking system

Sapankaya, Aysel

The aim of this study is to find out the effects of Basel Criteria on the banking system and SMEs, and how much they are known by the bankers and accounting experts who are the actors of the financial system. In this research, firstly, the role of Basel Criteria of SMEs in Turkey in the crediting process, the collateral structure and the credit pricing processes in the lending stage were examined. In the second part, a survey was conducted with 69 experts (bankers and accountants) who are experts in their fields about the extent to which they create awareness about the benefits of these effect ...Daha fazlası

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