Nationalism and national identity of western Ukraine in the post - Soviet era

The research is designed to examine the essence and roots of Ukrainian nationalism of Western Ukraine, categories of identity regarding Ukrainians, and to present how modern Ukrainian national identity is constructed. The aim of the study is to understand within the broad context of nationalism the complexity of Ukrainian nationalism that does not fit the commonly used definition of a nation; common language, common religion, and common historical memory. The anthropological fieldwork is based on participant observation and in total 35 in-depth interviews which were conducted mainly in Lviv between 2014-2019. Moreover, in order to fully explore the notion of Ukrainian nationalism an analysis of national symbols, myths, traditions, and historical memory through its history is evaluated. Furthermore, the study analyzes the role of religion and OUN-UPA activities in shaping Ukrainian nationalism placing it also in the context of current political circumstances. The results of the research indicate that Ukrainian nationalism has its origins in Western Ukraine and then it spread from the West of Ukraine to the eastern parts of the country. As a consequence of the latest events; the Euromaidan Revolution, and the ongoing war with Russia, Ukrainian nationalism is being re-shaped and re-constructed. Those events caused also the resurrection of Stepan Bandera’s myth which is associated with Western Ukraine

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Nationalism and national identity of western Ukraine in the post - Soviet era
Author [Asıl]
Nowak, Agata
Yazar Departmanı
Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences
Yazar Departmanı
Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Doctoral Program in Anthropology
Publication Date
Publication Type [Academic]
Publication Type [Media]
Subject Headings [General]
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Subject Headings [General]
Subject Headings [General]
National identity
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Subject Headings [General]
Ukrainian nationalism
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Subject Headings [General]
Subject Headings [General]
Ukrayna milliyetçiliği
Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System
The research is designed to examine the essence and roots of Ukrainian nationalism of Western Ukraine, categories of identity regarding Ukrainians, and to present how modern Ukrainian national identity is constructed. The aim of the study is to understand within the broad context of nationalism the complexity of Ukrainian nationalism that does not fit the commonly used definition of a nation; common language, common religion, and common historical memory. The anthropological fieldwork is based on participant observation and in total 35 in-depth interviews which were conducted mainly in Lviv between 2014-2019. Moreover, in order to fully explore the notion of Ukrainian nationalism an analysis of national symbols, myths, traditions, and historical memory through its history is evaluated. Furthermore, the study analyzes the role of religion and OUN-UPA activities in shaping Ukrainian nationalism placing it also in the context of current political circumstances. The results of the research indicate that Ukrainian nationalism has its origins in Western Ukraine and then it spread from the West of Ukraine to the eastern parts of the country. As a consequence of the latest events; the Euromaidan Revolution, and the ongoing war with Russia, Ukrainian nationalism is being re-shaped and re-constructed. Those events caused also the resurrection of Stepan Bandera’s myth which is associated with Western Ukraine
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Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System
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Open Access
Unless otherwise stated, copyrights belong to Yeditepe University. Usage permissions are specified in the Open Access System, and "InC-NC/1.0" and "by-nc-nd/4.0" are as stated.
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Note: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used as established information without consulting multiple experts in the field.
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