Consumer behavior in automotive industry in Turkey: research on shopping practices and buying behaviors of b and c segment automotive consumers

This dissertation hereby is aimed to analyze the buying behavior of automotive consumers in Turkey. There are 8 hypotheses but the main idea is to see whether B anc C segment consumers see buying a vehicle as an investment or not. The thesis contains three main parts; conceptual framework, research, and results. What these parts include is explained below. The conceptual framework contains three parts. The Concept of Consumer and Consumer Behavior part explains consumer behavior, types of buying behavior, consumer buying (decision process), and the factors affecting buying behavior. The Automotive Sector part explains the segments in the Renault-Nissan (Europe) automobile classification, campaigns and target audience of segments’ brands, and the effects of the changing conditions in the automotive industry on the consumer. Consumer Behavior in Automotive Sector part combines the information presented in the first two parts and explains the expectations of consumers, considerations when buying an automobile and SEC classification, consumer decision styles, and its result in automotive. The research includes the research topic and the problem, which is the consumers’ buying behavior considering the segments in the automotive industry. Questions and hypotheses mainly focus on two of the best selling segments in Turkey; which are B and C segments. The methodology includes a survey that is done by consumers. The results include the analysis and inferences of the survey answers and their correlation with the automotive sector and consumer behavior. As a result, B and C segment automotive consumers consider buying their vehicles as an investment.

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Consumer behavior in automotive industry in Turkey: research on shopping practices and buying behaviors of b and c segment automotive consumers
Author [Asıl]
Gülsen, Deniz Gökçe
Yazar Departmanı
Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences
Yazar Departmanı
Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Master’s Program in Media And Communication Management
Publication Date
Publication Type [Academic]
Publication Type [Media]
Subject Headings [General]
Automotive consumer behavior
Subject Headings [General]
Automotive consumer
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B segment
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C segment
Subject Headings [General]
Consumer behavior
Subject Headings [General]
Turkey automotive industry
Subject Headings [General]
Otomotiv tüketici davranışı
Subject Headings [General]
Otomotiv tüketicisi
Subject Headings [General]
Tüketici davranışları
Subject Headings [General]
Türkiye otomotiv sektörü
Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System
This dissertation hereby is aimed to analyze the buying behavior of automotive consumers in Turkey. There are 8 hypotheses but the main idea is to see whether B anc C segment consumers see buying a vehicle as an investment or not. The thesis contains three main parts; conceptual framework, research, and results. What these parts include is explained below. The conceptual framework contains three parts. The Concept of Consumer and Consumer Behavior part explains consumer behavior, types of buying behavior, consumer buying (decision process), and the factors affecting buying behavior. The Automotive Sector part explains the segments in the Renault-Nissan (Europe) automobile classification, campaigns and target audience of segments’ brands, and the effects of the changing conditions in the automotive industry on the consumer. Consumer Behavior in Automotive Sector part combines the information presented in the first two parts and explains the expectations of consumers, considerations when buying an automobile and SEC classification, consumer decision styles, and its result in automotive. The research includes the research topic and the problem, which is the consumers’ buying behavior considering the segments in the automotive industry. Questions and hypotheses mainly focus on two of the best selling segments in Turkey; which are B and C segments. The methodology includes a survey that is done by consumers. The results include the analysis and inferences of the survey answers and their correlation with the automotive sector and consumer behavior. As a result, B and C segment automotive consumers consider buying their vehicles as an investment.
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Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System
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Open Access
Unless otherwise stated, copyrights belong to Yeditepe University. Usage permissions are specified in the Open Access System, and "InC-NC/1.0" and "by-nc-nd/4.0" are as stated.
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Note: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used as established information without consulting multiple experts in the field.
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