Mentalization is a competence of understanding ourselves and others that develops first in the family and later social environment. In the literature, it is stated that the relationship with parents and its association with attachment styles wield substantial influence in the development of mentalization. The importance of mentalization capacity in people's social lives, both in receiving and giving social support, has been emphasized. Furthermore, it has been noted that mentalization becomes more prominent with emerging adulthood which includes the process of individuation, and that parental bonding can be better understood during this period. However, there is no research in the literature on the impact of perceived parental bonding and overprotective parental bonding on individuals' mentalization. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between perceived parenting bonding and social support on mentalization during emerging adulthood. The findings showed that perceived parental care and social support predicted mentalization during emerging adulthood. Also, participants who perceived their parents as overprotective displayed less mentalization capacity. The significance of this study extends to both the clinical field and literature. Further research could involve a dialectical study that includes both mothers and fathers, allowing for an examination of the differences between their perceptions and the bonding of parents to their children.
Eser Adı (dc.title) | The role of parental bonding and social support in mentalization processes during emerging adulthood |
Yazar [Asıl] ( | Yıldırım, Ebrar |
Yazar Departmanı (dc.creator.department) | Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Yazar Departmanı (dc.creator.department) | Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Master’s Program in Clinical Psychology |
Yayın Tarihi ( | 2024 |
Yayın Turu [Akademik] (dc.type) | preprint |
Yayın Türü [Ortam] (dc.format) | application/pdf |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Emerging adulthood |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Mentalization |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Perceived parental bonding |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Social support |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Beliren yetişkinlik |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Zihinselleştirme |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Algılanan ebeveyn bağlılığı |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Sosyal destek |
Yayıncı (dc.publisher) | Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System |
Dil (dc.language.iso) | eng |
Özet Bilgisi (dc.description.abstract) | Mentalization is a competence of understanding ourselves and others that develops first in the family and later social environment. In the literature, it is stated that the relationship with parents and its association with attachment styles wield substantial influence in the development of mentalization. The importance of mentalization capacity in people's social lives, both in receiving and giving social support, has been emphasized. Furthermore, it has been noted that mentalization becomes more prominent with emerging adulthood which includes the process of individuation, and that parental bonding can be better understood during this period. However, there is no research in the literature on the impact of perceived parental bonding and overprotective parental bonding on individuals' mentalization. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between perceived parenting bonding and social support on mentalization during emerging adulthood. The findings showed that perceived parental care and social support predicted mentalization during emerging adulthood. Also, participants who perceived their parents as overprotective displayed less mentalization capacity. The significance of this study extends to both the clinical field and literature. Further research could involve a dialectical study that includes both mothers and fathers, allowing for an examination of the differences between their perceptions and the bonding of parents to their children. |
Kayıt Giriş Tarihi ( | 2024-02-21 |
Açık Erişim Tarihi ( | 2024-02-21 |
Haklar (dc.rights) | Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System |
Erişim Hakkı (dc.rights.access) | Open Access |
Telif Hakkı (dc.rights.holder) | Unless otherwise stated, copyrights belong to Yeditepe University. Usage permissions are specified in the Open Access System, and "InC-NC/1.0" and "by-nc-nd/4.0" are as stated. |
Telif Hakkı Url (dc.rights.uri) | |
Telif Hakkı Url (dc.rights.uri) | |
Açıklama [Genel] (dc.description) | Final published version |
Açıklama [Not] (dc.description.note) | Note: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used as established information without consulting multiple experts in the field. |
Tanım Koleksiyon Bilgisi (dc.description.collectioninformation) | This item is part of the preprint collection made available through Yeditepe University library. For your questions, our contact address is |
Yazar [KatkıdaBulunan] ( | Ünlütabak, Burcu |
Yazar [KatkıdaBulunan] Kurum (dc.contributor.institution) | Yeditepe University Faculty of Arts and Sciences |
Yazar [KatkıdaBulunan] Kurum (dc.contributor.institution) | Yeditepe University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology |
Yazar Katkı Sağlayan OrcID (dc.contributor.authorOrcid) | 0000-0002-1299-1177 |
Tek Biçim Adres (dc.identifier.uri) | |