With increasing environmental concerns and a shift towards sustainable consumption, brands are employing social media as a powerful platform to communicate their sustainability initiatives. This study investigates the effect of sustainability communication on Instagram on consumer perceptions with a specific focus on nonluxury hygiene products. Drawing from an extensive literature review, this research explores how consumer perceptions of brand efforts for environmental sustainability affect brand attitude, word-of-mouth (WOM), brand engagement, and purchase intentions. Additionally, it examines the moderating role of attitude towards influencers in influencing consumer responses. The findings reveal that sustainability communication via influencers on social media significantly impacts brand attitude, brand engagement, and purchase intentions. However, this influence is not uniform across all aspects. While influencer-generated content plays a crucial role in driving brand engagement and purchase intentions, it does not significantly affect brand attitude when compared to content generated by the brand itself. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that a positive attitude towards influencers amplifies the effect of influencers' sustainability messages on brand attitude, brand engagement, and purchase intentions. Nonetheless, it does not significantly influence e-WOM. The study's results underscore the intricate dynamics within sustainability communication on social media, emphasizing the importance of considering both the source of communication and the role of influencers. Brands aiming to navigate this landscape effectively should recognize the distinct roles of influencer-generated and brand-generated content and strategically leverage influencer marketing to foster positive brand attitudes, enhance engagement, and ultimately influence consumer behavior in favor of sustainability. These insights provide valuable guidance for brands seeking to align themselves with the growing demand for sustainability and engage with environmentally conscious consumers on social media platforms.
Eser Adı (dc.title) | Understanding brands’ sustainability communications in social media: How the source of communication influences consumers’ responses |
Yazar [Asıl] (dc.creator.author) | Oran, Helin Ezgi |
Yazar Departmanı (dc.creator.department) | Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences |
Yazar Departmanı (dc.creator.department) | Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Master’s Program in Business Administration |
Yayın Tarihi (dc.date.issued) | 2024 |
Yayın Turu [Akademik] (dc.type) | preprint |
Yayın Türü [Ortam] (dc.format) | application/pdf |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Environmental sustainability communications |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Effect of social media on consumers’ responses |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Influencer marketing |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Source of brand communications |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Çevresel sürdürülebilirlik iletişimi |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Sosyal medyanın tüketicilerin tepkileri üzerindeki etkisi |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Etkileyici pazarlama |
Konu Başlıkları [Genel] (dc.subject) | Marka iletişiminin kaynağı |
Yayıncı (dc.publisher) | Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System |
Dil (dc.language.iso) | eng |
Özet Bilgisi (dc.description.abstract) | With increasing environmental concerns and a shift towards sustainable consumption, brands are employing social media as a powerful platform to communicate their sustainability initiatives. This study investigates the effect of sustainability communication on Instagram on consumer perceptions with a specific focus on nonluxury hygiene products. Drawing from an extensive literature review, this research explores how consumer perceptions of brand efforts for environmental sustainability affect brand attitude, word-of-mouth (WOM), brand engagement, and purchase intentions. Additionally, it examines the moderating role of attitude towards influencers in influencing consumer responses. The findings reveal that sustainability communication via influencers on social media significantly impacts brand attitude, brand engagement, and purchase intentions. However, this influence is not uniform across all aspects. While influencer-generated content plays a crucial role in driving brand engagement and purchase intentions, it does not significantly affect brand attitude when compared to content generated by the brand itself. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that a positive attitude towards influencers amplifies the effect of influencers' sustainability messages on brand attitude, brand engagement, and purchase intentions. Nonetheless, it does not significantly influence e-WOM. The study's results underscore the intricate dynamics within sustainability communication on social media, emphasizing the importance of considering both the source of communication and the role of influencers. Brands aiming to navigate this landscape effectively should recognize the distinct roles of influencer-generated and brand-generated content and strategically leverage influencer marketing to foster positive brand attitudes, enhance engagement, and ultimately influence consumer behavior in favor of sustainability. These insights provide valuable guidance for brands seeking to align themselves with the growing demand for sustainability and engage with environmentally conscious consumers on social media platforms. |
Kayıt Giriş Tarihi (dc.date.accessioned) | 2024-02-23 |
Açık Erişim Tarihi (dc.date.available) | 2024-02-23 |
Haklar (dc.rights) | Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System |
Erişim Hakkı (dc.rights.access) | Open Access |
Telif Hakkı (dc.rights.holder) | Unless otherwise stated, copyrights belong to Yeditepe University. Usage permissions are specified in the Open Access System, and "InC-NC/1.0" and "by-nc-nd/4.0" are as stated. |
Telif Hakkı Url (dc.rights.uri) | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 |
Telif Hakkı Url (dc.rights.uri) | https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC-NC/1.0/?language=en |
Açıklama [Genel] (dc.description) | Final published version |
Açıklama [Not] (dc.description.note) | Note: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used as established information without consulting multiple experts in the field. |
Tanım Koleksiyon Bilgisi (dc.description.collectioninformation) | This item is part of the preprint collection made available through Yeditepe University library. For your questions, our contact address is openaccess@yeditepe.edu.tr |
Tek Biçim Adres (dc.identifier.uri) | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11831/8283 |