The effect of supply chain agility and supply chain resilience on firm performance: A Study of the Marmara organized industrial zones

Today, supply chain agility and supply chain resilience are two important concepts that companies try to invest in with their existing resources. In the rapidly changing and complex global world, the survival of companies and the ability to cope with their competitors resiliently depend on using their resources most efficiently. In addition, if these companies integrate digital technologies into their operations so they can quickly respond to customer expectations and increase the satisfaction of their customers who play a key role today. The first aim of this study is to investigate the effects of supply chain agility, supply chain resilience, and perceived customer satisfaction on firm performance. Another aim is to investigate the moderator effect of digital transformation between supply chain agility and perceived customer satisfaction. Lastly, the mediation roles of supply chain resilience and perceived customer satisfaction between supply chain agility and firm performance were examined separately and together by including them in the model. To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies that indicate the mediator role of perceived customer satisfaction between supply chain agility and firm performance and the moderator effect of digital transformation between supply chain agility and perceived customer satisfaction. Thus, it is expected that both the examination of these relations and the creation of the model by the researcher will contribute to the literature and fill the existing gap. The population of the research consists of manufacturing companies registered with OSBUK (Organized Industrial Zones Senior Organization)operating in the Marmara Region.The sample group was selected from top and middle managers in supply chain field.The data were analyzed by using SmartPLS4 program structural equation modeling (SEM). Finally, the results of the research were discussed, the importance and contributions of the study were explained. In addition, the limitations and implications related to management are discussed.

23.02.2024 tarihinden bu yana
23.02.2024 tarihinden bu yana
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24 Nisan 2024 07:30
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Detaylı Görünüm
Eser Adı
The effect of supply chain agility and supply chain resilience on firm performance: A Study of the Marmara organized industrial zones
Yazar [Asıl]
Gökhan, Esra Nur
Yazar Departmanı
Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences
Yazar Departmanı
Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Doctoral Dissertation in Business Administration
Yayın Tarihi
Yayın Turu [Akademik]
Yayın Türü [Ortam]
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Customer satisfaction
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Digital transformation
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Firm performance
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Resource-based theory
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Supply chain agility
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Supply chain resilience
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Müşteri memnuniyeti
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Dijital dönüşüm
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Firma performansı
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Kaynak temelli teori
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Tedarik zinciri çevikliği
Konu Başlıkları [Genel]
Tedarik zinciri esnekliği
Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System
Özet Bilgisi
Today, supply chain agility and supply chain resilience are two important concepts that companies try to invest in with their existing resources. In the rapidly changing and complex global world, the survival of companies and the ability to cope with their competitors resiliently depend on using their resources most efficiently. In addition, if these companies integrate digital technologies into their operations so they can quickly respond to customer expectations and increase the satisfaction of their customers who play a key role today. The first aim of this study is to investigate the effects of supply chain agility, supply chain resilience, and perceived customer satisfaction on firm performance. Another aim is to investigate the moderator effect of digital transformation between supply chain agility and perceived customer satisfaction. Lastly, the mediation roles of supply chain resilience and perceived customer satisfaction between supply chain agility and firm performance were examined separately and together by including them in the model. To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies that indicate the mediator role of perceived customer satisfaction between supply chain agility and firm performance and the moderator effect of digital transformation between supply chain agility and perceived customer satisfaction. Thus, it is expected that both the examination of these relations and the creation of the model by the researcher will contribute to the literature and fill the existing gap. The population of the research consists of manufacturing companies registered with OSBUK (Organized Industrial Zones Senior Organization)operating in the Marmara Region.The sample group was selected from top and middle managers in supply chain field.The data were analyzed by using SmartPLS4 program structural equation modeling (SEM). Finally, the results of the research were discussed, the importance and contributions of the study were explained. In addition, the limitations and implications related to management are discussed.
Kayıt Giriş Tarihi
Açık Erişim Tarihi
Yeditepe University Academic and Open Access Information System
Erişim Hakkı
Open Access
Telif Hakkı
Unless otherwise stated, copyrights belong to Yeditepe University. Usage permissions are specified in the Open Access System, and "InC-NC/1.0" and "by-nc-nd/4.0" are as stated.
Telif Hakkı Url
Telif Hakkı Url
Açıklama [Genel]
Final published version
Açıklama [Not]
Note: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used as established information without consulting multiple experts in the field.
Tanım Koleksiyon Bilgisi
This item is part of the preprint collection made available through Yeditepe University library. For your questions, our contact address is
Yazar [KatkıdaBulunan]
Ural, Tulin
Yazar [KatkıdaBulunan] Kurum
Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences
Yazar [KatkıdaBulunan] Kurum
Yeditepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Business Administration
Yazar Katkı Sağlayan OrcID
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