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Erişime Açık

Looming cognitive style as a predictor of social anxiety

Akbay, Ayşenaz

Looming Cognitive Style (LCS) has been proposed as a cognitive vulnerability factor specific to anxiety. This study aims to investigate the predictive role of LCS on trait and state social anxiety. With this purpose, for social anxiety manipulation, 30 participants were asked to make a short presentation about themselves. This relationship of concern was aimed to be investigated by assessing LCS and social anxiety assessments taken prior to the presentation. In this regard, the Demographic Information Form, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Questionnaire, Looming Maladaptive Style Questionnaire-Revised ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

An investigation of the relationship between health care expenditures and economic growth

Binay, Murat

In the 1960s, endogenous growth theories revealed that human capital accumulation is at least as important as physical capital accumulation on economic growth. Then, it was focused on how to increase the accumulation of human capital, and it was determined that the two main components were primarily education and then health. There are many studies in the literature on the relationship between economic growth and health expenditures. In the studies on the relationship between health expenditures and economic growth, although it has been observed that health expenditures generally increase econ ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Fact-checking in the postmodern era

Balcı, Habib

In this thesis, we have tried to evaluate the concept of fact-checking, which constructs a new discourse in the media industry in parallel with the concept of post-truth, and within this framework, we have tried to evaluate how fact-checking channels evaluate the concepts of truth and lies within the framework of Postmodern thought, as well as focusing on the question of whether fact-checking tools, which claim to be a fact-truth, are the new gate-keepers of the new media and which truths or lies these platforms open their eyes to and which ones they close to (such as peak a boo). Indeed, Post ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Ship investment strategies in fluctant shipping market condition: Turkey’s perspective

Başak, Ayşe Aslı

Abstract Maritime transport has become the way of carrying the greatest amount of world trade, which has been the case in recent years. In maritime trade, ports are the most important points that logistics opens up to international routes. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development has developed the "Link to Regular Maritime Route Routes" in order to enhance the contribution of international ports to the development of the country's ports and to measure their links to major global maritime logistics networks in maritime trade. Regression analysis, which is one of the quantitative r ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Mezopotamya mitolojisinin fantastik illüstrasyon sanatına etkisi ve Gılgamış Efsanesinin yeniden illüstratif yorumu

Taşut, Kübra

İllüstrasyon; bir düşünceyi, metni, kelimeyi, durumu ya da kavramı geleneksel, deneysel ya da dijital teknikler ile resimleyen sanattır. İlk çizgili ve renkli anlatı örnekleri mağara resimlerinde görülmektedir. Bu ilkel çizgili alıntılar, mağara dışında yaşanan günlük av maceraları, başka kabilelerle yaşanan çatışma sahneleri, yolculuk serüvenleri gibi olayları, mağara içinde yaşayan koruma altındaki ailelere bir tür duvara çizilmiş masal anlatıyor diyebiliriz. Hem dışarıda olanlar anlatılıyor hem de tehlikelere dikkat çekiliyor. İllüstrasyon tanımına uyan bu ilkel örnekler, tarihin ilk il ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Contributions of organizations in Istanbul Unkapani to popular music between 1960-2000

Or, Bora

This study is important in terms of contextualizing the scattered dissident voices that have developed in the Turkish geography, regardless of genre, within a broad perspective. It offers an uncommon combination of texts on music, art, social sciences, etc. Most of the studies on music to date have not touched upon the Unkapanı record stores bazaar. In this study, Unkapanı İMÇ (Istanbul ManifaturacılarÇarşısı)'s organizations from its first establishment until the time it lost its popularity, communication tools such as radio, cinema, TV used in the spread of popular music, the formation of Un ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Semiotic analysis of lovecraftian cosmic horror movies and an evaluation of horror genre in Turkish cinema

Önder, Melih

Cosmic Horror, developed by H. P. Lovecraft, is a subgenre of science fiction, fantasy and horror. Cosmic horror is about the fear of the unknowable. It is usually about threatening beings from outer space or ancient malevolent mysteries. It has also played a key role in the development of horror cinema. Unlike stereotypical horror themes, deep stories about the pains of human existence are included in the cosmic horror subgenre. This thesis presents a research on feature films that are directly or indirectly related to thecosmic horror genre. With this aim, some sample films were selected and ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Halkı yanıltacak markalar

Demir Mudun, Duygu Ece

Gelişen teknolojiler sayesinde artık dünyada küreselleşme büyük bir hız kazanmıştır. Küreselleşmeyle birlikte şirketler ve bireyler, sahip oldukları markaları yalnızca bulundukları ülke içinde değil de dünya çapında tanıtmak, markanın, dolayısıyla o markayla sunduğu hizmet veya malın farklı coğrafyalarda da bilinirliğini sağlamak, hedef tüketicilerin dikkatini çekmek ve sonunda da sunduğu hizmeti ya da ürettiği malı daha geniş bir kitleye ulaştırmak istemektedirler. Ancak gelişen teknolojiler ve küreselleşmenin de etkisiyle çok fazla markaya hızlı ve kolayca erişilmesi de tüketicileri yanıltıl ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Instrumental use of corporate social responsibility and capitalist activism

Öztürk, Elmas Sahra

This study highlights how the concept of “social responsibility” has been transformed into “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) which is detached from its both etymology and epistemology, and investigates how and in what ways the concept of “corporate social responsibility” in which the concept of “social responsibility” has been transformed as an invention of instrumental reason, is implemented by organizations for their own purposes to ensure their sustainability within the capitalist system. The objectives found out and identified in this study are examined under four headings; CSR for b ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Sermaye piyasası hukukunda kitle fonlama platformları

Kahveci, Defne

Kitle fonlaması, özellikle teknolojik gelişmeler sayesinde son yıllarda projeleri için finansmana ihtiyaç duyan girişim şirketleri ile küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin geniş yatırımcı kitlelerine ulaşarak fon elde etmesini sağlayan ve günümüzde giderek daha çok tercih edilen bir finansman yöntemidir. Kitle fonlaması ile girişimciler, çevrimiçi ortamda faaliyet gösteren kitle fonlama platformları aracılığıyla yatırımcılara ulaşarak projelerini tanıtabilmekte ve fon elde edebilmektedir. Girişimciler tarafından toplanan fon karşılığında yatırımcılara pay ve borçlanma araçları gibi sermaye piyas ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research on the effects of basel criteria on sme’s and awareness of this effect by Turkish financial professionals in the Turkish banking system

Sapankaya, Aysel

The aim of this study is to find out the effects of Basel Criteria on the banking system and SMEs, and how much they are known by the bankers and accounting experts who are the actors of the financial system. In this research, firstly, the role of Basel Criteria of SMEs in Turkey in the crediting process, the collateral structure and the credit pricing processes in the lending stage were examined. In the second part, a survey was conducted with 69 experts (bankers and accountants) who are experts in their fields about the extent to which they create awareness about the benefits of these effect ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Türk ceza muhakemesi hukukunda hâkimin yasaklılığı, reddi ve çekinmesi

Aygün Karakoyunlu, Ülkem Cansu

Ceza muhakemesi hukukunda hâkimin yasaklılığı, reddi ve çekinmesi kurumu adil yargılama yapmak suretiyle maddi gerçeğe ulaşılabilmesinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Nitekim adil yargılama yükümlülüğü olan hâkimin tarafsız olması gerekir. Tarafsızlık hâkimin önüne gelen davada taraflara eşit mesafede durabilmesi ve bunu görüntü olarak sergileyebilmesidir. Hâkimin tarafsızlığının güvence altına alınması gerekmekte olup, bu doğrultuda Ceza Muhakemesi Kanunu’nun (CMK) 22-31. maddelerinde hâkimin yasaklılığı, reddi ve çekinmesi kurumu düzenlenmektedir. Yasaklılık, CMK’da tahdidi olarak sayılan hal ...Daha fazlası

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