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Ön Baskı YayınlarYeditepe Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
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Comparison of monstrous figures in the works of H.P Lovecraft and China Miéville through Lovecraft’s five definitive elements

Özcan, Mithat Arca

The present study compared selected works of H.P. Lovecraft and China Miéville in terms of the representations of monster figures by creating a theoretical framework using Lovecraft’s “Five Definitive Elements of Weird Literature”. A comparative foundation was first laid down by examining the etymology of the word monster throughout history, as well as touching upon Saussure's theories of language. Following this, an intrinsic analysis of Lovecraft’s three selected works was made. The analysis highlighted the importance of factors such as cosmicism, and fear of the unknown, as well as the impo ...Daha fazlası

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The concept of emptiness in art and it's reflections on landscape painting

Çöplü, Fatma Selin

In this research, the definition and the meaning of concept of emptiness will be explored, and the relationship between the concept of nature and the concept of nature by the effect of sky, mountain, road and sea images in landscape paintings will be researched. In this process, not only landscape painting but also the changing ways of looking at the landscape are included. The aim of the research is to examine landscape painting in the context of the concept of emptiness by looking at major artists, groups and exhibitions from a conceptual framework. An artist working in the field of landscap ...Daha fazlası

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Ahmet Ertegün’s art management perspective: Atlantic records

Aksüt, Çiğdem

This study aims to examine the art management perspective of Ahmet Ertegün through Atlantic Records. This study is significant in terms of revealing the effects of a music company director’s life and personal characteristics on the music company he has established and the place of the said company in the music industry. The research was planned and conducted as a case study in a qualitative design. Case studies are based on “how” and “why” questions and allow the researcher to deeply examine a phenomenon or event that he cannot control. This study sought an answer to the question of “what is g ...Daha fazlası

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A sociological study on young people’s value differences from their parents along the materialist/postmaterialist axis

Öksüz, Nuran

This study aims to discover the challenges for secular middle-class youth in Turkey with materialist-postmaterialist value differences with their parents climbing the social ladder. The fact that the focused group is comparatively more advantageous than the lower-income groups in terms of socioeconomics can make their problems invisible. In this respect, the subject of this study has not been adequately covered in the literature, and it is crucial to study. The study used the in-depth interview method, and eight young people between the ages of 20 and 30 were reached with snowball sampling. Si ...Daha fazlası

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Evaluation of kitsch art in a consumer society by the art educators

Marangoz, Selvin

Kitsch, like many art concepts, went beyond the boundaries of art and began to affect individuals and society. In consumer society, many imitations, cheap, serial, fake products and repetitions of their have been proliferated. With its lack of artistic concern, creativity and originality, kitsch products have caused art to lose its autonomy and enter into a commercial configuration. In this study, a survey study was conducted to reach art educators' opinions about Kitsch products. Educators working in various departments of Fine Arts Faculties were emailed and asked if they agreed with the stu ...Daha fazlası

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Examining the effects of interoceptive awareness and self-focus on emotion perception from point-light dance movements: an eye tracking study

Arı, İlkay

Emotional expressions are vital in human social interactions and effective communication. This study explored the influence of interoceptive awareness and self-focused attention on emotion perception from dynamic point-light dance movements along with the underlying eye behaviour. Eighty adult participants underwent random assignment into either the selffocus or control group, while considering age, gender, and interoceptive awareness. To assess interoceptive awareness, data were collected through both a heartbeat counting task and the implementation of the MAIA-2 Questionnaire. Self-focus gr ...Daha fazlası

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Dialogic discourse in John Fowles’s fiction

Cansız, Hümeyra

Mikhail Bakhtin is one of the prominent literary theorists of speech genres and stylistics. He was mainly focused on the philosophy of language and the multi-voiced, multi-languaged systems as a result of the oppressive regime he was under. His literary concepts reflect the autonomy of the characters, dialogue, and multi-voiced language systems. He advocated for unfinalizability, the idea of freedom of the characters, and the diversity of the languages within a novel. According to Bakhtin, language was not only a tool for communication and should be examined with its social context. His concer ...Daha fazlası

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The influence of visual movement priming on novel and conventional metaphor comprehension: an eye-tracking study

Çora, Çağatay

Understanding metaphors is key to language processing. This research examined the influence of visual priming on action metaphor comprehension, addressing a critical gap in understanding cognitive mechanisms behind language comprehension. Based on the principles of embodied cognition, the research investigated how visual priming impacts comprehension of action metaphors, both novel and conventional, and literal action verbs. An experimental design was adopted, with eye-tracking technology used to capture eye movements as participants read metaphor-rich sentences. We executed a repeated measure ...Daha fazlası

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Exhibition strategies of video works at Istanbul Biennials

Demirci, Öykü

The introduction of electronic image recording tools in the 1950s provided a unique structure that could affect the production processes of artists. At the beginning, video art was used by artists to criticize television and later on, artists developed new strategies using the possibilities of video from different disciplines and perspectives. Since 1960, artists have started to use video as a means of expression and video has spread rapidly. In Turkey, the spread of video art coincided with the 1990s, and the interest of artists in video art increased in the 2000s. The elements to be consider ...Daha fazlası

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Collective memory and journalism in the context of femicide

Öztürk, İrem

This study examines the news production processes about femicide, a universal problem, in the Turkish press within the context of collective memory. The relationship between memory and the news media is explained by associating it with Alison Landsberg's (2004) concept of prosthetic memory. In addition, to better analyze how collective memory is (re)produced through news about femicide, which is the main subject of the study, feminist movements and women's ideas and activities about the issue from the past to the present in the world and Turkey are discussed. The in-depth interview method, whi ...Daha fazlası

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Securitization of climate change induced migration: analysis of the European Union discourses and policies

Saygı, Dilek

Migration has always been a way for people to reach a better life and a strategy to adapt to changing conditions. Since the early 1000s, climate-related environmental changes have begun to directly impact communities whose way of life is dependent on nature and local resources. Owing to climate change, which is mostly a result of human activity, and the devastating environmental changes it has created, people have begun to relocate voluntarily or forcefully, to abandon their homelands, and these migrations within the country or across borders are now evident. The International Organization for ...Daha fazlası

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Women’s confinement and struggle against the patriarchal family structure: a feminist analysis of selected women’s writing in the light of Kate Millett’s concept of sexual politics

Aslan, Pınar

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the main female characters in two short stories and a novel written in three different periods, using the conceptual analysis framework that Kate Millett puts forward in her 1970 work Sexual Politics. In her book Sexual Politics, Millett formulated two important concepts as “sexual politics” and “sexual revolution” and focused on how the family institution and genders were handled in literary works. The most important contribution of her work and the reason why it is one of the founding texts of the second wave feminist movement is that she sees the aboliti ...Daha fazlası

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