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Ön Baskı YayınlarYeditepe Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Impact of the energy issue on Turkey’s Easten Mediterranean policy

Öztürk, Gökçe

Energy and its security is one of the most important issues in making of a foreign policy. Seeking of alternative energy resources and having their own share, stirred the Eastern Mediterranean with the discoveries of hydrocarbon reserves. The fact that Turkey is highly dependent on energy resources, that its consumption rates are increasing year by year, and that it aims to be the energy hub that transfers energy to Europe, has also led Turkey to want to be part of the energy equation that is emerging in the Eastern Mediterranean. Although the parties to this equation excluded Turkey. Turkey t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Open banking as a new approach: A model proposal for Turkey

Çakmakcı, Gamze

Open banking involves banks sharing customer information with third-party service providers with the customer's permission, allowing these companies to offer new products and services. Banks provide the necessary infrastructure using Application Programming Interface (API) for approved transactions and transmit the permitted information to service providers. This comprehensive approach allows customer financial data to be processed and processed in one place. Financial technology organizations, also known as service providers, also participate in the service process between banks and consumers ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effect of working capital management and solvency on profitability: Case of bist basic metal sector companies

Demir, Arda Eren

In this research, effect of WCM (known for optimization of liquidity and efficiency) and solvency on profitability has been analyzed for basic metal sector companies listed in BİST in 2018-2022. This research also includes comparison of financial ratios of companies that had initial public offering in 2022 and companies that had initial public offering before 2022. Research findings show that working capital management has positive effect on profitability, as liquidity has effect on all of the studied profitability ratios. Solvency also has positive effect on profitability, as solvency has pos ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Beyond borders and temporal boundaries: Unravelling the uncanny chronotopes in Louis De Bernières’ Birds Without Wings And Yaşar Kemal’s The Euphrates Is Flowing Blood

Gürsoy, Ayşe Nur

In the twentieth century, Turkey and Greece signed the Exchange Agreement and the effects of this decision was the same on the lives of both parties regardless of their seemingly fundamental cultural, religious, and national differences. Yaşar Kemal and Louis De Bernières highlights the multiculturism by focusing on the lives of the people who used to live in a “melting pot” during that time and thus their feeling of homesickness after the forced migration not just for those who were sent away but also those who stayed in. Considering all these, through the lenses of the uncanny and Bakhtin’s ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Implanting false autobiographical memories and the effect of mood on false autobiographical memory creation

Köksal Yasak, Kevser

Although human memory appears to be highly reliable, memory distortions are inevitable, influenced by external factors or the passage of time. Researchers have extensively studied these memory distortions, commonly known as false memory. The present study has two main objectives. Firstly, it aims to replicate a new method for implanting false autobiographical memories. Secondly, it seeks to explore the impact of mood on the false autobiographical belief and memory implantation. For the replication phase, the participants were divided into Single and Repeated groups. Participants were presented ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Understanding brands’ sustainability communications in social media: How the source of communication influences consumers’ responses

Oran, Helin Ezgi

With increasing environmental concerns and a shift towards sustainable consumption, brands are employing social media as a powerful platform to communicate their sustainability initiatives. This study investigates the effect of sustainability communication on Instagram on consumer perceptions with a specific focus on nonluxury hygiene products. Drawing from an extensive literature review, this research explores how consumer perceptions of brand efforts for environmental sustainability affect brand attitude, word-of-mouth (WOM), brand engagement, and purchase intentions. Additionally, it exami ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Astrology marketing: Examining diverse factors affecting astrology related consumption

Serbes, Ecesu

This thesis explores the factors influencing expenditure on astrology-related products and services by examining the psychological, social, and demographic determinants of consumer behavior in this domain. The literature review defines astrology, traces its historical roots, and assesses its current popularity. The methodology outlines robust data collection, sampling strategies, and ethical considerations. The analysis reveals a positive correlation between individuals' extraversion and openness to new experiences and their financial commitment to astrology-related goods and services. Additio ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

İşveren açısından iş güvenliğine aykırılığın ceza hukukundaki yansımaları

Öğütcü Delgezenli, Özlem

İşveren, iş sağlığı ve güvenliğinin sağlanması ve gelişmesi amacıyla mevzuatın, bilimin ve aklın ışığında önleyici ve koruyucu gerekli her türlü tedbiri almak, işin tekniği gereği bulunması gereken araç ve gereçleri eksiksiz bulundurmak, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği önlemlerine uyulup uyulmadığını periyodik olarak denetlemek, işçilerini karşılaşabilecekleri mesleki riskler ile buna karşı alınması gerekli önlemler konusunda bilgilendirerek farkındalık oluşturmak ile her seviyede gerekli iş sağlığı ve güvenliği eğitimini vermek suretiyle iş bilinci ve kültürünü geliştirmekle yükümlüdür. İş güvenliğin ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Attitudes towards emotional abuse in romantic relationships from a gender perspective

Sunay, Uhde Serenay

Emotional abuse is one of the most challenging forms of violence to define, and many individuals often unknowingly experience emotional abuse. Existing literature has found that individuals who have experienced psychological abuse tend to suffer from depression, low self-esteem, a decreased sense of autonomy, fear, and an increased risk of suicide. Studies on emotional abuse between partners in romantic relationships are limited. In this study, the attitudes of Turkish university students and individuals with university degrees or above towards emotional abuse were investigated. Gender differe ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

20. Yüzyıl sanatında kullanılan hayvan figürünün psikolojik nedenleri ve etkileri

Can, Serap

In the case of the use of various styles, descriptions of human and animal relationships from the past to the present and works related to this situation are widely available. The impact of animals on human life and their place in people's lives have been discussed in many areas in terms of their values. In addition to being a nutritional element in human life, animals have been used as a source of inspiration, symbol and image in both thoughts, works of art and formations. When we look from the past to the present, it has been the case that the relationship between animals and humans has been ...Daha fazlası

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