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Erişime Açık

Astrology marketing: Examining diverse factors affecting astrology related consumption

Serbes, Ecesu

This thesis explores the factors influencing expenditure on astrology-related products and services by examining the psychological, social, and demographic determinants of consumer behavior in this domain. The literature review defines astrology, traces its historical roots, and assesses its current popularity. The methodology outlines robust data collection, sampling strategies, and ethical considerations. The analysis reveals a positive correlation between individuals' extraversion and openness to new experiences and their financial commitment to astrology-related goods and services. Additio ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A review on currency shocks and inflation volatility: Evidence from a DCC-GARCH model

Akça, Melike

In the present research, the relationship among the exchange rate and inflation in Turkey was investigated by considering the monthly dataset among 1990:1-2022:4 years. The consumer price index, producer price index, industrial production index, nominal exchange rate, and money supply are used as variables to represent inflation. Impulse-Response analyzes were used to find the short-term effects of the variables, decomposition of variance analysis for the causes of the changes in the variances of the variables, and the medium and long-term relationships of the variables in pairs were determine ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

An exploratory study of a Turkish sample of persons with hoarding behavior

Ekiz, Saliha Ceren

Hoarding research in Turkey is still in an early stage, where both quantitative and qualitative research is needed to understand hoarding in the Turkish context. This is an exploratory qualitative study of a Turkish sample of individuals who exhibit compulsive hoarding behavior. The study consists of two phases. Firstly, an online hoarding screening survey (N=357) was conducted using three diagnostic tools (i.e., Saving Inventory-Revised, Hoarding Rating Scale, and Clutter Image Rating). Secondly, the participants (n=13) who met the criteria for hoarding disorder were invited to an online inte ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Artırılmış gerçeklik destekli etkileşimli infografik tasarımı: İstanbul Rahmi M. Koç müzesi örnek uygulaması

Şilit, Renç

İnsanoğlu tarih boyunca merak içgüdüsü ile yaşamını sürdürmüş, bilgiye ulaşmak ile meşgul olmuştur. Bilgi kavramı üzerinde yoğunlaşan insan, topluluğun devamını ve varlığını sürdürmek için güç unsuru olarak bilgiyi kullanmıştır. Bilgi, en küçük toplumsal oluşumdan evrenin işleyişini anlamaya, gerçekleşen veya gerçekleşebilecek olayların anlaşılmasını ve kontrol altına alınmasını sağlayan bir deneyimler bütünüdür. İnsanlık devinime uğrarken bilgiye ulaşmanın ve kullanımının da çeşitlendiği bilinmektedir. Analog dönemlerden farklı olarak; dijital çağda bilgi, toplumun tamamına ulaşabilmektedir. ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Attribution bias in the context of intergroug relations: The case of natives and immigrants

Akdoğdu, Deniz Beste

Ultimate attribution error (UAE) is the tendency to attribute negative outgroup behavior to disposition factor and negative ingroup behavior to external circumstances. This study investigates the UAE committed by Turkish individuals in the context of intergroup relations between Syrian immigrants and Turkish citizens in. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the other's out-group status and perceptual salience on the UAE. We intended to investigate these effects using a Virtual Reality configuration with virtual agents of a Turkish national and a Syrian immigrant. We hypoth ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

An analysis of the impact of social media on rational voting behavior of generation Z

Haser, Serkan

Developing Information and Communication Technologies have significantly changed lifestyle and many areas of life. As the new media has increased effect in intelligence, content producing etc., and network systems have become an integral part of life, we are witnessing accelerated flow of information. Individuals have started to quickly access all kinds of information their countries and across the world. All these developments are inevitably reflected in political life. As a matter of fact, political actors inevitably need to update and innovate their methods of reaching Generation Z. In part ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The role of self disgust in the relationship between childhood trauma and dissociation

Aydoğan, Ece Gül

In this study, it was aimed to examine the mediating role of self-disgust in the relationship between childhood traumas and dissociation in adults. 376 participants between the ages of 21-50 participated in the study. “Sociodemographic Information Form”, Childhood Mental Trauma Scale 33-item Form, Dissociation Scale and Self-Disgust Scale were used on the participants. In the study, Pearson Correlation was applied to examine the relationship between childhood traumas, dissociation, and self-disgust. Mediator role analysis was conducted to examine the mediating role of self-disgust in the effec ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effect of working capital management and solvency on profitability: Case of bist basic metal sector companies

Demir, Arda Eren

In this research, effect of WCM (known for optimization of liquidity and efficiency) and solvency on profitability has been analyzed for basic metal sector companies listed in BİST in 2018-2022. This research also includes comparison of financial ratios of companies that had initial public offering in 2022 and companies that had initial public offering before 2022. Research findings show that working capital management has positive effect on profitability, as liquidity has effect on all of the studied profitability ratios. Solvency also has positive effect on profitability, as solvency has pos ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The relationship between separation individuation process and Orthorexia Nervosa: The mediator role of vulnerable Narcissism

Küçük, Ceren

In this study, it was aimed to examine the mediating role of vulnerable narcissism in the relationship between separation-individuation process and orthorexia nervosa. 238 participants ages between 18 and 49 participated in the study. “Sociodemographic Information Form”, “Separation-Individuation Form”, “Orto-11” and “Pathological Narcissism Inventory were used on participants. In the analysis, the first Pearson Correlation was applied to examine the relationship between separation-individuation, orthorexia nervosa and vulnerable narcissism. After the correlation analysis, the mediation was co ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Internal and external dimensions of the foreign ıntervention: The case of Libya following the Arab Spring

Ali, Binnasr

Unlike Tunisia and Egypt, the Libyan uprising was more violent, which made it the target state for the first application of the principle of responsibility to protect (military intervention against the will of the targeted state under the pretext of protecting civilians). Although it was called a humanitarian intervention, it was participation in humanitarian disaster consisted eight months of civil war that ended with the killing of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the regime. This was the starting point of a complex and continuing state of instability which Libya is suffering from. The aim of th ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

İşveren açısından iş güvenliğine aykırılığın ceza hukukundaki yansımaları

Öğütcü Delgezenli, Özlem

İşveren, iş sağlığı ve güvenliğinin sağlanması ve gelişmesi amacıyla mevzuatın, bilimin ve aklın ışığında önleyici ve koruyucu gerekli her türlü tedbiri almak, işin tekniği gereği bulunması gereken araç ve gereçleri eksiksiz bulundurmak, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği önlemlerine uyulup uyulmadığını periyodik olarak denetlemek, işçilerini karşılaşabilecekleri mesleki riskler ile buna karşı alınması gerekli önlemler konusunda bilgilendirerek farkındalık oluşturmak ile her seviyede gerekli iş sağlığı ve güvenliği eğitimini vermek suretiyle iş bilinci ve kültürünü geliştirmekle yükümlüdür. İş güvenliğin ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

From the quest for authenticity to advocacy: How do authentic brands create brand advocate consumers?

Tosun, Aslı

In a quest to investigate whether brands that position themselves as authentic create brand advocate consumers, the current study analyzes and collates the extant literature on brand authenticity through unfolding the relationship between brand authenticity and brand advocacy on the grounds of brand experience, actual self-image congruence, consumer involvement as well as the product category with an aim to explore whether brand authenticity positively influences brand advocacy behavior among consumers. The relationships are investigated through a comprehensive research model using two differe ...Daha fazlası

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