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Erişime Açık

The effect of online Turkish shoppers’ perceptions on purchase intention in fashion industry

Akkor Koktekin, Müge

Even though retail stayed almost the same in the last 20 years, the effect of digital tools and applications substantially altered how businesses operate and how consumers shop. When the pandemic increased the pace consumers adapted to changes, retail industry was already battling with the challenge to digitalize. This study is based on the adoption theories including the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Technology Acceptance Model to investigate the interrelationships between perceived website design, perceived privacy, perceived reliability, perceived customer service by the Turkish online ...Daha fazlası

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On the universality of cognitive biases in natural language: The case of noun phrase internal ordersing

Akyürek, Sunay

The present study experimentally investigates the order of NP-internal modifiers in gesture modality as practiced by Turkish speaking participants in an attempt to understand the natural order within NPs cross linguistically, whether the participants’ preferences reflect a homomorphism bias, and whether their preferences are influenced by their native language. For these purposes, Turkish-speaking participants (N=44) randomly assigned to two conditions where access to their native language was suppressed in the first block (suppression-first condition) or where access to their native language ...Daha fazlası

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Strategic advice seeking behavior of different leadership styles and its impact on strategic decision outcomes: an overview of Turkish companies

Gül, Ahmet Furkan

Decision making, and strategic decision making have been a focal and popular area of management literature, and numerous scholars have conducted thorough research to explain the relationships between each antecedent, characteristic, or variable and the outcomes of the strategic decision process. In addition, recent studies have looked at decision making from an upper echelons" perspective and tried to investigate how the top management teams, boards of directors, and CEOs in organizations take such strategic decisions. Scholars have also looked at how these executives seek and utilize essentia ...Daha fazlası

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The Turkish right and the Republican People's Party - the case of 1977 general elections

Arslan, Fahri Kaan

The definition of ideological cleavage in Turkish political life through the concepts of right and left began with the orientation of the Republican People's Party to the Left of Center in the 1960s. This separation evolved into a deep polarization and social crisis that would turn into a low-intensity civil war during the 1970s. The 1977 General Elections were held in this crisis atmosphere. In this framework, the political characteristics of the period within the scope of our study have been tried to be scrutinized through the right-left divergence. This thesis aims to analyze the points of ...Daha fazlası

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Caucasus in Crisis (1870-1923)

Durdağı, Soykan

Elviye-i Selâse (“Triple Cities”) is the region consisting of Batumi, Ardahan and Kars sanjaks during the Ottoman Period. The fact that the region was taken from the Ottoman Empire after the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) was a major disadvantage for the Turkish people living in this region. After the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877-1878, this region remained in Russian domination for about 40 years and attempted to withstand every kind of persecution. This region was given to the Ottoman Empire pursuant to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which was signed as a result of the collapse of Tsarist Russia du ...Daha fazlası

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Comparative analysis of virtual games with video games: Preferences of players worldwide

Ahtaq, Salah Eddine

The emergence of virtual reality in recent years has primarily focused on user interfaces, visual simulation, and 3D graphics. However, the community's interest in virtual reality has shifted towards the gaming industry in order to reach a larger audience. This thesis aims to study the differences and similarities between virtual games and traditional video games in order to determine user preferences and opinions. Over 60 days (April 1st - May 31st, 2023), an online survey gathered 300 comprehensive responses, revealing substantial insights, and 4 interviews have been conducted with 4 volunte ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The stigma of the fallen woman in the novels of jude the obscure and Yeryüzünde Bir Melek

Emiroğlu, Ecem Başak

Regardless of the cultural differences, the 19th century Victorian England and Tanzimat Period in Ottoman Empire had similar expectations from women. The two novelists from these two countries, Thomas Hardy and Ahmet Mithat Efendi, had critical attitude towards such expectations. Thus they created socially unacceptable but acceptable for them heroines. Afterall, for some Sue Bridehead is Hardy’s main focus and similarly for Ahmet Mithat Raziye is still an angel. The reason why these two heroines are unacceptable for the society’s of their days is intriguing. Considering all these, the aim of t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Transformation of cyberpunk films in hollywood remakes: a comparative historical analysis

Aktaş İlcik, Ece

The last decade has seen an increase in Hollywood productions of cyberpunk films. These films, designed as remakes or sequels, appeal to both old fans of the cult original films and new audiences. The subject of this research is how the remakes, which aim to guarantee the box office undergo changes and how they fit into the system compared to the originals. In the research, it has been attempted to reveal how these change narratives have been integrated into current policies and the system compared to the originals, and to determine and show in which contexts this transformation of the remakes ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research on the effects of basel criteria on sme’s and awareness of this effect by Turkish financial professionals in the Turkish banking system

Sapankaya, Aysel

The aim of this study is to find out the effects of Basel Criteria on the banking system and SMEs, and how much they are known by the bankers and accounting experts who are the actors of the financial system. In this research, firstly, the role of Basel Criteria of SMEs in Turkey in the crediting process, the collateral structure and the credit pricing processes in the lending stage were examined. In the second part, a survey was conducted with 69 experts (bankers and accountants) who are experts in their fields about the extent to which they create awareness about the benefits of these effect ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The drama triangle in Tess of the D’urbervilles by Thomas Hardy and the Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

Nazlı, Pınar

The drama triangle, a modern concept of psychology that involves three roles, the victim, the rescuer and the persecutor, occurs in many dysfunctional relations. This study aims to analyze how the drama triangle reveals itself in the selected novels and its main reason, which is a system of power dynamics that labels one as “the superior” and the other one as “the inferior.” The power dynamics and the drama triangle in Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison will be explained and evaluated through Feminist, Marxist and postcolonial theories. In fact, these ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Transgenerational Trauma and Fetishism in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” and Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

Elibal, Sena Gökçe

This thesis sets out to analyze transgenerational trauma in the African American context and fetishistic attachments developed as a coping mechanism to control and overcome transgenerational traumas. It is a fact that the history of people of African origin in the United States is marked by a centuries-long suffering from slavery, violent oppression, discrimination, and racism, which meant that generations after generations were born into this inhumane system in which they have been heavily traumatized. The gravity and the longitude of the situation created a cycle of trauma where current gene ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The reproduction of the self-made man myth through Netflix : a comparative analysis on Netflix's original series

Benli, İpek Beril

Netflix is currently the subject of various academic discussions in addition to its widespread commercial success over the last two decades. This study seeks to make a contribution to the academic literature by examining whether Netflix, an American media and entertainment company, truly "thinks local and acts global" in accordance with its motto or instead promotes the myth of the self-made man, one of America's founding myths, and, thus, reproduces capitalist hegemony. By examining Netflix’s three original teen series created in three distinct nations, Sex Education, Elite, and Aşk 101, this ...Daha fazlası

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