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This study aims to discover the challenges for secular middle-class youth in Turkey with materialist-postmaterialist value differences with their parents climbing the social ladder. The fact that the focused group is comparatively more advantageous than the lower-income groups in terms of socioeconomics can make their problems invisible. In this respect, the subject of this study has not been adequately covered in the literature, and it is crucial to study. The study used the in-depth interview method, and eight young people between the ages of 20 and 30 were reached with snowball sampling. Si ...Daha fazlası
The research is designed to examine the essence and roots of Ukrainian nationalism of Western Ukraine, categories of identity regarding Ukrainians, and to present how modern Ukrainian national identity is constructed. The aim of the study is to understand within the broad context of nationalism the complexity of Ukrainian nationalism that does not fit the commonly used definition of a nation; common language, common religion, and common historical memory. The anthropological fieldwork is based on participant observation and in total 35 in-depth interviews which were conducted mainly in Lviv be ...Daha fazlası
The present study experimentally investigates the order of NP-internal modifiers in gesture modality as practiced by Turkish speaking participants in an attempt to understand the natural order within NPs cross linguistically, whether the participants’ preferences reflect a homomorphism bias, and whether their preferences are influenced by their native language. For these purposes, Turkish-speaking participants (N=44) randomly assigned to two conditions where access to their native language was suppressed in the first block (suppression-first condition) or where access to their native language ...Daha fazlası
The definition of ideological cleavage in Turkish political life through the concepts of right and left began with the orientation of the Republican People's Party to the Left of Center in the 1960s. This separation evolved into a deep polarization and social crisis that would turn into a low-intensity civil war during the 1970s. The 1977 General Elections were held in this crisis atmosphere. In this framework, the political characteristics of the period within the scope of our study have been tried to be scrutinized through the right-left divergence. This thesis aims to analyze the points of ...Daha fazlası
Netflix is currently the subject of various academic discussions in addition to its widespread commercial success over the last two decades. This study seeks to make a contribution to the academic literature by examining whether Netflix, an American media and entertainment company, truly "thinks local and acts global" in accordance with its motto or instead promotes the myth of the self-made man, one of America's founding myths, and, thus, reproduces capitalist hegemony. By examining Netflix’s three original teen series created in three distinct nations, Sex Education, Elite, and Aşk 101, this ...Daha fazlası
The main purpose of this study is to examine the orientalist and nostalgic conditions as well as images reflected in British travel writers, specifically in Patrick Leigh Fermor’s travel trilogy consisting of A Time of Gifts (1977), Between the Woods and Water (1986) and A Broken Road: From the Iron Gates to Mount Athos (2013), and Georgina Harding’s In Another Europe: A Journey into Romania (1990). This work mainly utilizes theories regarding orientalism such as those of Edward Said, Andre Gingrich and Maria Todorova, in addition to Joep Leerssen’s theory of imagology and Svetlana Boym’s theo ...Daha fazlası
Understanding metaphors is key to language processing. This research examined the influence of visual priming on action metaphor comprehension, addressing a critical gap in understanding cognitive mechanisms behind language comprehension. Based on the principles of embodied cognition, the research investigated how visual priming impacts comprehension of action metaphors, both novel and conventional, and literal action verbs. An experimental design was adopted, with eye-tracking technology used to capture eye movements as participants read metaphor-rich sentences. We executed a repeated measure ...Daha fazlası
The aim of the present study is to explore the emancipatory potential of revisionist mythmaking strategies employed in two contemporary novels, Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad (2005) and Latife Tekin’s Muinar (2006), through dialogic, intertextual, and deconstructive relations. Offering a comparative account by means of a three-fold theoretical basis between the two novels, this dissertation explores women’s paths to seek justice. Both novels portray rebellious women and give voice to their alternative stories. The analysis demonstrates that the retelling of mythic tales connects the past to ...Daha fazlası
The global value chain has increased its importance with the spread of foreign trade between countries. As a result of this situation, it has provided serious economic returns to the countries. Countries that use the global value chain effectively have become rich in this process. In this study, the comparison of foreign trade between BRIC countries and Turkey has been examined through Grubel Lloyd index. Through this Grubel Lloyd index, the economic effects of the global value chain on the Turkish economy and BRIC countries are detailed. The increasing importance of global value chain, which ...Daha fazlası
İklimin ortalama durumunda ve/veya değişkenliğinde belirli bir süre boyunca görülen değişiklikler olarak tanımlanan iklim değişikliği, gezegenimizi ve barındırdığı tüm canlıları etkileyen, 21. yüzyılın belki de en önemli sorunlarından biridir. İnsan faaliyetleri nedeniyle gezegenimizin uğruyor olduğu zarar, artık sadece belirli bir bölgeyi ya da insanlığı değil, tüm dünyayı ve içerisinde yaşayan tüm canlıları doğrudan etkilemektedir. İklim değişikliğinin sebep olduğu küresel sorunların çözümünde ise birçok farklı disiplin bir araya gelmeli ve ortak menfaat doğrultusunda iş birliği içinde harek ...Daha fazlası
Düyun-ı Umumiye İdaresi 1881 yılında kurulduktan sonra her geçen yıl Osmanlı mali sistemindeki etkisini arttırmış bir yapı olarak Cumhuriyet sonrası döneme kadar varlığını sürdürmüştür. Bu idare varlığını Milli Mücadele döneminde de sürdürmüş olmasına rağmen fiili durumu önceki dönemlerden çok farklı olmuştur. Heyet-i Temsiliye adına Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın 18 Mart 1920 tarihindeki emriyle bu idarenin İtilaf Devletlerine borç ödemesi yapması yasaklanmış ve topladığı vergi gelirlerine el konmuştur. Bu fiili duruma rağmen Düyun-ı Umumiye İdaresi’nin varlığına pratik gerekçelerden ötürü dokunulmam ...Daha fazlası
Tıp biliminin gelişmesi, hekime olan güvenin artmasına ve buna bağlı olarak hastaların da hekime başvurma oranının artmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu durum, 'hekimin uyguladığı tıbbi müdahaleden kaynaklanan sorumluluğu' konusunu da gündeme getirmiştir. Çalışmamızın konusu özel hukuk çerçevesinde hekimin tıbbi müdahaleden kaynaklanan tazminat sorumluluğunun incelenmesidir. Çalışmamızda üç ana bölüm yer almaktadır. İlk bölümde hukuka uygun tıbbi müdahalenin şartlarına yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, hekimin hukuki sorumluluğunun kaynakları, sözleşmesel sorumluluk ve sözleşme dışı sorumluluk kapsamınd ...Daha fazlası
6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu kapsamında yükümlülüklerimiz ve çerez politikamız hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak için alttaki bağlantıyı kullanabilirsiniz.