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Erişime Açık

Reflections of the black ghettoization process in the selected African - American plays in ethnically specific perspectives

İpek, Esra

Art makers have taken significant responsibilities and undoubtedly, all the African-American playwrights, like other artists, have struggled to convey their various purposes to their community for social mobility such as raising coloured people’s awareness, educating them about their circumstances, and making them take an active role in their liberation process rather than being passive. Thanks to this regeneration, the misconception about Afro-American history may be corrected from the beginning with the acceptance of the duality in their identities without ceasing one of them; Africanness an ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research about determining the importance of word of mouth marketing for choosing pre-school education institution in Trakya

Taşkın Akkoyun, İlayda

In today’s technology, consumers can easily obtain all kinds of information. In addition; the consumer who is directly exposed to many desired or undesired messages has difficulty in making a decision in the purchasing process. While consumers try to choose the best one for themselves among many alternatives, marketers who try to respond to variable needs and desires of consumers are also trying to develop new strategies. One of them is to use word-ofmouth marketing method in a positive way. Since the choice of pre-school education institution has an important place in the service sector, wor ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Feeling at home: Qualified Turkish immigrants work in the subcontractor company in Athens

Yeni, Merve

The migration of young and qualified individuals abroad is a subject being discussed in the literature. Migration in Türkiye has also increased significantly due to social, economic, and political factors. For this reason, individuals have started to migrate to Europe, the USA, and Canada through student, work, and refugee ways. Since the target of most individuals regarding external migration is developed countries, migration to developed countries has also been focused on in the literature. However, the migration of skilled individuals is a topic that has received little focus within the fra ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The revolt of Sheikh Ubeydullah (1880-1881): An instrumentalist study of a nationalist movement

Sadiq Bayraq , Ali

At the end of the 19th century, between 1880-1881, Sheikh Ubeydullah, the leader of the Naqshbandi sect, attacked the cities and villages of the border regions of Iran and the Ottoman Empire and caused many killings and loots in the Qajar Empire's Azerbaijan state. The reason for the beginning of this rebellion was the jeopardy of the Sheikh's personal interests. The sheikh lost the right to own several villages, which were actually a gift from Shah Qajar to his father. In the following, the signing of the Berlin Treaty and the Sheikh's fear of creating an Armenian state in his claimed territo ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A study of the best practices and procedures of risk mitigation techniques in elastic supply chain management in government sector in Jordan. “a case study on Arab Potash Company”

Abdulhameed, Zainab

Recently, managing risks in the supply chain has taken on great importance due to the vulnerability of the supply chain and the importance of mitigating any disruptions that can affect the business. In a world of highly changeable events, the number of upcoming risks is increasing, and managers' strategies to mitigate these risks should be studied and noted to help mitigate similar issues in the future. Risks in the supply chain tend to occur infrequently but can have significant consequences for a company. Supply chain management has been crippled by the coronavirus epidemic, affecting variou ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Artırılmış gerçeklik destekli etkileşimli infografik tasarımı: İstanbul Rahmi M. Koç müzesi örnek uygulaması

Şilit, Renç

İnsanoğlu tarih boyunca merak içgüdüsü ile yaşamını sürdürmüş, bilgiye ulaşmak ile meşgul olmuştur. Bilgi kavramı üzerinde yoğunlaşan insan, topluluğun devamını ve varlığını sürdürmek için güç unsuru olarak bilgiyi kullanmıştır. Bilgi, en küçük toplumsal oluşumdan evrenin işleyişini anlamaya, gerçekleşen veya gerçekleşebilecek olayların anlaşılmasını ve kontrol altına alınmasını sağlayan bir deneyimler bütünüdür. İnsanlık devinime uğrarken bilgiye ulaşmanın ve kullanımının da çeşitlendiği bilinmektedir. Analog dönemlerden farklı olarak; dijital çağda bilgi, toplumun tamamına ulaşabilmektedir. ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analyzing baksı museum through the search for the center in today’s art

Özgüz Çelik, Ebru

This thesis is based on the understanding of center in art; examines the displacement of the dominant forces of art along with economic, political or social changes and the reasons for this change. By examining this change from the Renaissance period to the present day, by tracing the similarities and contrasts in the past and present, through the conditions that led to the formation of these centers, their artistic production and consumption between these periods and today, the circulation of artistic productions in the world, museology, and collections, we answer the question of whether we c ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Middle school students’ preferences about animated series

Yardımcı, Aysel

Animated series are among the productions that children prefer to watch the most on television. Today, many children's channels broadcast uninterruptedly. Animated series, which have both entertaining and educational functions, can also be watched through devices such as tablets and televisions thanks to the developing technology. Children prefer different animation series in terms of quality, content and perception according to their age groups. It is important to determine the preferences of children, especially older children, about animated series. Within the scope of this research, 132 mi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Kapitalizmin ve tüketim kültürünün bütünlüğünden doğan etkinin 1960’dan günümüze sanata yansımaları

Alpay , Ozan Oğuzhan

Sanat, tarihten günümüze toplumlar içerisinde sosyal, kültürel ve politik açılardan işlevlendirilmektedir. Çalışmada tüketim kültürünün, kapitalizmin tüketime bağımlı dinamikleriyle kurduğu iletişim sayesinde ivme kazandığına değinilmektedir. Bu yolla kapitalizmin ve tüketim kültürünün sanat üzerinde yönlendirici bir etki oluşturduğu ortaya konmaktadır. Çalışmada kapitalizm ve tüketim kültürü içerisindeki sanatın, 1960 yılına kadar ki etkileşimi; sanat ve siyaset rejiminin geliştirdiği modellerin süreçlerindeki tespitlerle sunulmaktadır. 1950 yılında ortaya çıkan Pop Sanat’ın kurduğu iletişime ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Relationship between personality and effective decision making in online shopping - introducing a holistic personality system: Enneagram

Karakaya, Mehmet Fatih

Online shopping offers a different experience than traditional store shopping, and consumer behavior on this platform may change depending on different factors. Enneagram personality types help better define consumers' online shopping preferences and Purchase Intentions. This can help businesses better target customers and offer products and services that suit their needs. This study measures the effect of Enneagram personality types on online shopping decisions in Turkey. In the study, analyzes were made based on the answers of 392 participants who shopped online. According to the regression ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Yeni Osmanlılarda medeniyet tasavvuru

Koç, Elif Merve

Bu çalışmada Osmanlı Devleti’nin 19. yüzyılı içerisinde siyasi, kültürel ve düşünsel alanda yapılan değişikliklerinde Yeni Osmanlıların medeniyet tasavvurları ele alınmıştır. Medeniyet kavramının muhtevasının Avrupa’dan Osmanlı yazın dünyasına dahli, sözlükler ve birincil kaynaklar aracılığıyla okura sunulmuştur. Osmanlı’nın toplumsal ve siyasi değişimine hizmet eden kavramlar, kimlik ve aidiyet inşasına hizmet etmiştir. Yeni Osmanlıların kendi zihinsel ve ahlaki çerçevelerince ele almış bulunduğumuz medeniyet tasavvuru çalışmamızdaki amaç, medeniyet kelimesinin Osmanlı topraklarına gelişinin ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Global art market and art economy after 2000 and Turkey: The evolution, resilience, and global prominence of the Turkish art market

Üler Kaprol, Tuğçe

The term "market" has deep historical roots, evolving from a physical space for trade to an abstract concept symbolizing the exchange of goods and services. In the sociology of art, Pierre Bourdieu has shaped a distinctive path of research, emphasizing taste judgments, cultural power, and cultural capital as tools for social dominance. This foundation aids in understanding the intricacies of the art market. Over time, art has transformed into an alternative investment for corporate entities, wealth managers, banks, and individuals, driven by economic shifts since the 1980s. The 1980s saw the p ...Daha fazlası

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