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Ön Baskı YayınlarYeditepe Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Internal and external dimensions of the foreign ıntervention: The case of Libya following the Arab Spring

Ali, Binnasr

Unlike Tunisia and Egypt, the Libyan uprising was more violent, which made it the target state for the first application of the principle of responsibility to protect (military intervention against the will of the targeted state under the pretext of protecting civilians). Although it was called a humanitarian intervention, it was participation in humanitarian disaster consisted eight months of civil war that ended with the killing of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the regime. This was the starting point of a complex and continuing state of instability which Libya is suffering from. The aim of th ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Why have France, the USA and Russia failed to fight against terrorism in Africa ?

Daşıkan, Melek

In the 21st century, Islamic terrorism emerges as a very important security and stability threat for many countries all over the world. Jihadist terrorism which is a global terrorism targeting everyone who does not adopt the tendency of Islamic fundamentalism poses a very significant security threat not only for underdeveloped countries but also developed ones. Today, Africa is a continent where Islamic terrorism has been extending and causing many casualties. According to Global Terrorism Index, Burkina Faso has the GTI score of 8.564 and second on the list of Overall Terrorism Index Score. S ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Online psychotherapy setting and its reflections on Therapeutic relationship during Covid-19 pandemic

Özkan Ordulu, Nazlıcan

The purpose of this study was to explore how psychotherapy setting is affected by the mandatory conversion from face-to-face psychotherapy setting to online platforms due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, mainly with respect to the relationship between subjective perceptions and/or experiences regarding COVID-19 and therapeutic alliance for both psychotherapists and patients. A sample of 94 Turkish participants which consisted of 62 psychotherapy patients and 32 mental health professionals filled out the questionnaire whilst semi-structured interviews were done with nine psychotherapists and ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

On the universality of cognitive biases in natural language: The case of noun phrase internal ordersing

Akyürek, Sunay

The present study experimentally investigates the order of NP-internal modifiers in gesture modality as practiced by Turkish speaking participants in an attempt to understand the natural order within NPs cross linguistically, whether the participants’ preferences reflect a homomorphism bias, and whether their preferences are influenced by their native language. For these purposes, Turkish-speaking participants (N=44) randomly assigned to two conditions where access to their native language was suppressed in the first block (suppression-first condition) or where access to their native language ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Modifying the visual-texture complexity of foods to direct consumers' attention toward more sustainable options: Turkish rice pudding 'sütlaç' as a case

Baylan, Yeliz

The importance of visual elements and textures has been emphasized in sensory analysis studies examining consumer preferences, and these data have been used in the field of neomarketing to examine consumers' conscious or unconscious choices. This study focused on the possibility of directing consumers' attention to sustainable options by using the visual textural properties of products. This approach aimed to find solutions to problems such as carbon emissions and water pollution resulting from food production. Rice pudding, a traditional dessert, was chosen as the reference sample in this res ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effect of artificial intelligence in social media content creation

Zapen, Sufian Bassam Mohammad

The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a deeper understanding and to gain deeper knowledge about the role of artificial intelligence in social media content creation. In order to make it precise, we have formulated two underlying questions: How much creativity does artificial intelligence really possess? And what is the role of artificial intelligence in content creation? For these questions we have chosen online questionnaire for data collection. Data were gathered from respondents from different countries between November 9, 2022, and October 3, 2023. We have used descriptive and infe ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A study on the effects of business incubators on entrepreneurs under the light of positive psychology

Tüzemen, Burçin

Business incubators support the development of start-up companies by offering a protective environment and various support services. Since the appearance of incubators, academic studies focused mostly on hard issues like their contribution to the financial success of start-up companies. Nevertheless, when it comes to soft issues, more needs to be studied, The purpose of this research is to help close some of the gaps in the literature by focusing on the contribution of business incubators to the well-being of entrepreneurs. For that purpose, the effects of incubator services on the psychologic ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The impact of instagram on risks of developing eating disorders: Young female adults and appearance-focused accounts

Gad, Toka

The prevalence and extensive usage of Instagram as a social media platform have drawn my attention to the issue of appearance-oriented accounts on Instagram that endorse unrealistic standards of beauty. These accounts may contribute to the development of eating disorders, especially among young adult women. Various studies consistently indicate a connection between exposure to idealized depictions of female beauty in the media and negative effects on mood, self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, and a desire to be thin. Recent research has specifically focused on appearance-oriented accounts on Ins ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effects of using artificial intelligence on the certified public accountant profession: evidence from Istanbul certified public accountants

Alfares, Saja

Financial institutions' operations are being drastically altered by artificial intelligence (AI), which, as a result ofoperational efficiencies and savings of cost, is predicted to take over mundane jobs more and more. The field of AI has made great strides recently, especially in relation to the accounting industry, which has moved its focus from manual data entry using paper and pencil to automated data entry using computers and software. This research aims to study the level of awareness of the certified public accountants and their perceptions on the application of AI in the field of accou ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Ahmet Ertegün’s art management perspective: Atlantic records

Aksüt, Çiğdem

This study aims to examine the art management perspective of Ahmet Ertegün through Atlantic Records. This study is significant in terms of revealing the effects of a music company director’s life and personal characteristics on the music company he has established and the place of the said company in the music industry. The research was planned and conducted as a case study in a qualitative design. Case studies are based on “how” and “why” questions and allow the researcher to deeply examine a phenomenon or event that he cannot control. This study sought an answer to the question of “what is g ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effect of supply chain agility and supply chain resilience on firm performance: A Study of the Marmara organized industrial zones

Gökhan, Esra Nur

Today, supply chain agility and supply chain resilience are two important concepts that companies try to invest in with their existing resources. In the rapidly changing and complex global world, the survival of companies and the ability to cope with their competitors resiliently depend on using their resources most efficiently. In addition, if these companies integrate digital technologies into their operations so they can quickly respond to customer expectations and increase the satisfaction of their customers who play a key role today. The first aim of this study is to investigate the effec ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Examining the effects of interoceptive awareness and self-focus on emotion perception from point-light dance movements: an eye tracking study

Arı, İlkay

Emotional expressions are vital in human social interactions and effective communication. This study explored the influence of interoceptive awareness and self-focused attention on emotion perception from dynamic point-light dance movements along with the underlying eye behaviour. Eighty adult participants underwent random assignment into either the selffocus or control group, while considering age, gender, and interoceptive awareness. To assess interoceptive awareness, data were collected through both a heartbeat counting task and the implementation of the MAIA-2 Questionnaire. Self-focus gr ...Daha fazlası

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