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Erişime Açık

Dışavurumcu otoportre resimde dışavurumcu otoportrenin tarihsel süreç ve yapıtlarla değerlendirilmesi

Küçük, Berrak

Yaradılıştan itibaren insan yaşamında dış dünyayla kurulan iletişimin girizgâhı yüzdür. İnsan ruhuna dair ilk izlenimler, hatıralar, sırlar ve elbette ruh yüzün görünüşleri arasında bir yere gizlenmiştir. Sanatçıların ilk evvela anatomik olarak kurcalayıp, çözmeye çalıştığı beden ve yüz sonraları artık ifadenin temsil biçiminin bir enstrümanı haline gelmiştir. Bu tezin konusu, ekspresyonist dönem tezahürü üzerinden Otoportreyi ele almaktadır. Dönemsel gelişim tarihsel aşamalar bazı başat örneklerle incelenmiştir. Ekspresyonist tavır üzerinden yüzün serüvenine genel bir değerlendirme amaçlanmış ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research on parental resilience: Mindful parenting and parental stress authors

Nalcı, Elif Ecem

The resilience of the family to difficult life events is a topic that has been recently researched in the literature. The factors of parenting that are related to parental resilience are an important issue that needs to be focused more. This research aimed to investigate the role of mindful parenting and parental stress on parental resilience. In the study, parents of 0-6 year old children (N = 183) filled out the Family Resilience Scale, Mindful Parenting Scale and Parental Stress Scale via the online platform. According to the research results, parental resilience was positively correlated t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Art and methodology of sculptor Füsun Onur in contemporary Turkish art

Burcu Efsun, Topaloğlu Marlalı

This paper aims to explore the artistic career of Füsun Onur, a pioneer of Contemporary Turkish Art. Despite her recognition especially within the Turkish art scene, there has been no comprehensive academic study about Füsun Onur. This study seeks to fill this gap by analyzing the development and significance of Onur’s art within the contexts of her life, historical conditions and artistic movements, exploring her contributions to Turkish contemporary art through her innovative use of materials and techniques. Onur’s artistic journey is examined chronologically. Various experimental stages she ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Auditory inattentional deafness investigated with eye tracking

Kaspar, Gizem Tanseli

This thesis will examine auditory selective attention and inattentional deafness with an eyetracking approach. Some studies show that if a change happens between two modalities, like a visual task with an audio change or an audio task with a visual change, the inattentional blindness and inattentional deafness could be decreased with the help of the changes in multimodal conditions. The current experiment aims to take the first step and expand the understanding of the effects of multimodal changes on inattentional deafness. The main aim of this thesis is whether the type of environmental soun ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The impact of economic sanctions as a foreign policy instrument: the example of U.S. Sanctions on Russian energy industry

Gürtuna, Ali Murat

Economic sanctions, especially during the twentieth century, emerged as a foreign policy tool. Economic sanctions were a perfect tool of the Cold War as a deterrent for employing military power. The main objective of employing economic sanctions is to make the other party to reexamine and potentially revise its policies causing the unrest, and ultimately comply with the requirements of the coercer. However today the level of effectiveness of employing economic sanctions as foreign policy instrument is subject to wide debate. This study is prepared with the objective of contributing to the deba ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Sermaye piyasası hukukunda kitle fonlama platformları

Kahveci, Defne

Kitle fonlaması, özellikle teknolojik gelişmeler sayesinde son yıllarda projeleri için finansmana ihtiyaç duyan girişim şirketleri ile küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin geniş yatırımcı kitlelerine ulaşarak fon elde etmesini sağlayan ve günümüzde giderek daha çok tercih edilen bir finansman yöntemidir. Kitle fonlaması ile girişimciler, çevrimiçi ortamda faaliyet gösteren kitle fonlama platformları aracılığıyla yatırımcılara ulaşarak projelerini tanıtabilmekte ve fon elde edebilmektedir. Girişimciler tarafından toplanan fon karşılığında yatırımcılara pay ve borçlanma araçları gibi sermaye piyas ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Türk ceza kanunu’nda sigorta dolandırıcılığının suç olarak kabulünün gerekip gerekmediği sorunu

Ömer Bayraktar, Ahmet

Sigorta kavramı; toplumsal ve iktisadi hayatta, hak ve özgürlüklerle yakından bağlı olan bir kavramdır; çünkü kişisel ve toplumsal hayatta bireysel ve genel güvenliği sağlayıcı en önemli unsurlardan biridir. Kişilerin ve toplumların hak ve özgürlüklerle, güvenceler içerisinde yaşamalarını sağlayan unsurlardan biri olan güvenlik, kişisel yaşayış kadar toplumsal yaşayışı da etkileyen, onun ilerlemesini sağlayan unsurlardan biridir. Kişisel güvenlik ve sosyal güvenlik şeklinde ikiye ayrılabilen güvenlikte, kişisel güvenliği gerçekleştiren kurumlara biz sigorta kurumu diyoruz. Sigorta kurumu; hast ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Precious metals as a safe haven asset in the Islamic stock market

Mohamud , Ahmed Jibril

With the recent economic downturns exhibited as a result of the Covid pandemic, this research is developed through the motivation of investment tools that are resistant to negative effects brought about by changes in the economy. This brings out the current research being performed on whether precious metals can act as safe-haven assets in the Islamic stock market through the investigations using Granger causality, Impulse response analysis, stationarity testing as well as exploration of the Vector Autoregressive models to observe and outline the relationship between the precious metals and th ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Estimation of international trade

Karadağ, Gamze Yıldız

The study analyzed foreign trade volume among Turkey and 37 OECD countries, especially the sway of the logistics performance index on Turkey's foreign trade volume. In light of this, the effects of the logistic performance index in determining Turkey's foreign trade volume were analyzed by using the data of Turkey and OECD countries in the 2007-2020 period. In the study, three different models were established in which the total foreign trade volume, Turkey's exports to OECD countries, and Turkey's imports with OECD countries are dependent variables. The variables used in the models are the GD ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Comparison of monstrous figures in the works of H.P Lovecraft and China Miéville through Lovecraft’s five definitive elements

Özcan, Mithat Arca

The present study compared selected works of H.P. Lovecraft and China Miéville in terms of the representations of monster figures by creating a theoretical framework using Lovecraft’s “Five Definitive Elements of Weird Literature”. A comparative foundation was first laid down by examining the etymology of the word monster throughout history, as well as touching upon Saussure's theories of language. Following this, an intrinsic analysis of Lovecraft’s three selected works was made. The analysis highlighted the importance of factors such as cosmicism, and fear of the unknown, as well as the impo ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Evaluation of kitsch art in a consumer society by the art educators

Marangoz, Selvin

Kitsch, like many art concepts, went beyond the boundaries of art and began to affect individuals and society. In consumer society, many imitations, cheap, serial, fake products and repetitions of their have been proliferated. With its lack of artistic concern, creativity and originality, kitsch products have caused art to lose its autonomy and enter into a commercial configuration. In this study, a survey study was conducted to reach art educators' opinions about Kitsch products. Educators working in various departments of Fine Arts Faculties were emailed and asked if they agreed with the stu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The relationship between separation individuation process and Orthorexia Nervosa: The mediator role of vulnerable Narcissism

Küçük, Ceren

In this study, it was aimed to examine the mediating role of vulnerable narcissism in the relationship between separation-individuation process and orthorexia nervosa. 238 participants ages between 18 and 49 participated in the study. “Sociodemographic Information Form”, “Separation-Individuation Form”, “Orto-11” and “Pathological Narcissism Inventory were used on participants. In the analysis, the first Pearson Correlation was applied to examine the relationship between separation-individuation, orthorexia nervosa and vulnerable narcissism. After the correlation analysis, the mediation was co ...Daha fazlası

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