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Erişime Açık

The mediating role of organizational cynicism perceived by employees on the effect of applied managerial power sources on the intention to quit

Alıcı, Özlem

In this study, it was tried to determine the mediating role of organizational cynicism perceptions of employees in the effect of managerial power sources applied by five-star hotel management managers on their intention to leave. The research universe of the study is the five-star hotel businesses in Istanbul. The sample of the research consists of 272 hotel employees determined by random sampling method among the employees in these enterprises, and the survey method was used in the research. Data were collected by face-to- face and online survey method. The data obtained as a result of the re ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Grafik tasarım eğitiminde bir model önerisi: Döngüsel tasarım

Özyol, Özgün Pelin

Döngüsel Ekonomi (DE) ve Tasarım kavramı, Avrupa ülkelerindeki birçok akademik eğitim kurumunda öne çıkan bir konu haline geldi. Grafik tasarımın da daha sürdürülebilir bir dünya için DE.’ye geçişin ürün ve üretim kalitesi boyutunu desteklemesi ve hizalanması gerekir. Bununla birlikte, literatürde DE kavramını lisans düzeyinde grafik tasarım müfredatına dahil etmeye yönelik bir girişime rastlanmamaktadır. Bu tez, bir güzel sanatlar fakültesinde, Döngüsel Ekonomi ve Tasarıma yönelik yapılandırılmış grafik tasarım öğretimi aktivitelerinin ilk sonuçlarını sunmaktadır. Araştırma ve tasarım eğitimi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The relationship between rejection sensitivity and somatization: The mediator role of interpersonal difficulties

Mercan, Zühra

The aim of the current study was to examine the predictive role of somatization and investigate the role of interpersonal difficulties in the relationship between rejection sensitivity and somatization on a group of university students. Participants (298) over the age of 18 were included in the study. Participants completed instruments including Social Demographic form, Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire, Interpersonal Problems Inventory- Circumplex, Bradford Somatic Inventory (BSI). Results indicated that interpersonal difficulties were positively correlated with rejection sensitivity and so ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Emotion and cognition integration – The effect of anger on working memory

Gözütok, Emre

Emotions have always captured attention of philosophy, psychology and recently neuroscience. Through the history, emotions were considered as separate entity from thinking and cognition. It was mostly related with irrationality. Descartes claimed emotions were part of soul, based on his dualism theory. However, the period started with James-Lange changed this perspective. Together with cognitivist views, it has been understood that emotions have significant influence on cognitive functions. This focus towards relation between emotions and cognition led researchers to pay attention interaction ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Examining Heuristic-System 1 and Analytic-System 2 processing during reasoning on the syllogisms and the modified version of the bat and ball problems: response time, response confidence, and dual-task assessments

Gültekin, Burak Berk

How are reasoning processes shaped by the heuristic system and analytic system? In the present study, we were focused on how heuristics and analytical thinking affect reasoning. According to dual-process theories, reasoning consists of two distinct modes of processing: System 1 and System 2. System 1 generates responses that are automatic, fast, and intuitive. This system does not need working memory resources. The other system is reflective. Characteristics of this system are deliberative, slow, and conscious. System 2 depends on working memory capacity. Therefore, system 2 needs working memo ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Birinci TBMM’de Düyun-ı Umumiye’nin varlığı ile ilgili tartışmalar

Gençal, Ahmet

Düyun-ı Umumiye İdaresi 1881 yılında kurulduktan sonra her geçen yıl Osmanlı mali sistemindeki etkisini arttırmış bir yapı olarak Cumhuriyet sonrası döneme kadar varlığını sürdürmüştür. Bu idare varlığını Milli Mücadele döneminde de sürdürmüş olmasına rağmen fiili durumu önceki dönemlerden çok farklı olmuştur. Heyet-i Temsiliye adına Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın 18 Mart 1920 tarihindeki emriyle bu idarenin İtilaf Devletlerine borç ödemesi yapması yasaklanmış ve topladığı vergi gelirlerine el konmuştur. Bu fiili duruma rağmen Düyun-ı Umumiye İdaresi’nin varlığına pratik gerekçelerden ötürü dokunulmam ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Evaluation of kitsch art in a consumer society by the art educators

Marangoz, Selvin

Kitsch, like many art concepts, went beyond the boundaries of art and began to affect individuals and society. In consumer society, many imitations, cheap, serial, fake products and repetitions of their have been proliferated. With its lack of artistic concern, creativity and originality, kitsch products have caused art to lose its autonomy and enter into a commercial configuration. In this study, a survey study was conducted to reach art educators' opinions about Kitsch products. Educators working in various departments of Fine Arts Faculties were emailed and asked if they agreed with the stu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

20. Yüzyıl Batı sanatında Dadaizm ve anti sanat yaklaşımlar

Akdeniz, Derya

“İmha da yaratmadır!” mottolu Dada hareketinin topluma, geleneklere, kapitalist yönetimlere ve alanları olan sanata karşı anarşist yıkıcılığı, sanatın yüceliği olgusunun yerini biçimsel ve kavramsal yeni açılımlara bırakmasına, “Anti Sanat” kavramının doğmasına neden olmuştur. Endüstrileşmeyle oluşan kapitalizm sonucu sömürgeciliğe paralelinde oluşan militarizme karşı Dada; halk ve proletarya haklarını gözeten sosyalizmden komünist bir çizgiye evrilen felsefeyi benimser. İçinde bulunduğu 1.Dünya savaşının sosyal, siyasal etkileriyle doğan Dada; gösterilerinde politik felsefeye yer vermesi, biç ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Limited şirketlerin haklı sebeple feshi

Koşan, Pınar

6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun m. 636/III hükmü ile limited şirketlerde haklı sebeplerin varlığı halinde, her bir ortağın mahkemeden ortaklığın feshine karar verilmesini isteyebileceği düzenlenmiştir. Düzenlemenin devamında ise, mahkemenin şirketin feshine karar vermek yerine, davacı ortağa payının gerçek değerinin ödenmesi ve davacının ortaklıktan çıkarılmasına veya duruma uygun düşen ve kabul edilebilir diğer bir çözüme hükmedilebileceği belirtilmiştir. Çalışmamızda limited şirketin sona erme hallerinden biri olan bu hüküm uyarınca haklı sebep kavramı açıklanmış ve hangi hallerin limite ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Discursive constructions and visual representations of Syrian refugees: a focus on the media in Turkey

Yıldırım Şensoy, İmge

This study explores the discursive construction and media representations of Syrian refugees in relation to wider politics of nationalism and contested narratives of national identity in Turkey. For this purpose, frontpage coverage of 5 national dailies that were selected based on circulation size, target readership and ideological orientation were analyzed using Discourse-Historical Approach. News items and accompanying visuals sampled from Cumhuriyet, Yeni Akit, Hürriyet, Sözcü and Sabah were subjected to analysis through a set of paradigms that this study develops. These paradigms are Human ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effect of supply chain agility and supply chain resilience on firm performance: A Study of the Marmara organized industrial zones

Gökhan, Esra Nur

Today, supply chain agility and supply chain resilience are two important concepts that companies try to invest in with their existing resources. In the rapidly changing and complex global world, the survival of companies and the ability to cope with their competitors resiliently depend on using their resources most efficiently. In addition, if these companies integrate digital technologies into their operations so they can quickly respond to customer expectations and increase the satisfaction of their customers who play a key role today. The first aim of this study is to investigate the effec ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Adrenergic modulation of melanocortin pathway by hunger signals

Yılmaz, Bayram | Yavuz, Yavuz

Norepinephrine (NE) is a well-known appetite regulator, and the nor/adrenergic system is targeted by several anti-obesity drugs. To better understand the circuitry underlying adrenergic appetite control, here we investigated the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN), a key brain region that integrates energy signals and receives dense nor/adrenergic input, using a mouse model. We found that PVN NE level increases with signals of energy deficit and decreases with food access. This pattern is recapitulated by the innervating catecholaminergic axon terminals originating from NTSTH-neurons. O ...Daha fazlası

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