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Erişime Açık

Security analysis of advanced encryption standard (AES) for image encryption

Küçükbacak, Rıdvan

Abstract In recent years, there have been major advancements in multimedia technologies and accordingly, file transfer over the internet has become extremely frequent. However, some security issues can occur in the internet, since it is a very insecure channel. To preserve the privacy and security of multimedia data transmitted over the internet, a number of encryption algorithms have been developed. This research presents a methodology for examining practically used image processing encryption algorithms. To measure the quality of encoded images, a number of factors such as correlation coeffi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The impact of economic sanctions as a foreign policy instrument: the example of U.S. Sanctions on Russian energy industry

Gürtuna, Ali Murat

Economic sanctions, especially during the twentieth century, emerged as a foreign policy tool. Economic sanctions were a perfect tool of the Cold War as a deterrent for employing military power. The main objective of employing economic sanctions is to make the other party to reexamine and potentially revise its policies causing the unrest, and ultimately comply with the requirements of the coercer. However today the level of effectiveness of employing economic sanctions as foreign policy instrument is subject to wide debate. This study is prepared with the objective of contributing to the deba ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Hekimin tıbbi müdahaleden kaynaklanan tazminat sorumluluğu

Yenidünya, Aysu

Tıp biliminin gelişmesi, hekime olan güvenin artmasına ve buna bağlı olarak hastaların da hekime başvurma oranının artmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu durum, 'hekimin uyguladığı tıbbi müdahaleden kaynaklanan sorumluluğu' konusunu da gündeme getirmiştir. Çalışmamızın konusu özel hukuk çerçevesinde hekimin tıbbi müdahaleden kaynaklanan tazminat sorumluluğunun incelenmesidir. Çalışmamızda üç ana bölüm yer almaktadır. İlk bölümde hukuka uygun tıbbi müdahalenin şartlarına yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, hekimin hukuki sorumluluğunun kaynakları, sözleşmesel sorumluluk ve sözleşme dışı sorumluluk kapsamınd ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A study on the effects of business incubators on entrepreneurs under the light of positive psychology

Tüzemen, Burçin

Business incubators support the development of start-up companies by offering a protective environment and various support services. Since the appearance of incubators, academic studies focused mostly on hard issues like their contribution to the financial success of start-up companies. Nevertheless, when it comes to soft issues, more needs to be studied, The purpose of this research is to help close some of the gaps in the literature by focusing on the contribution of business incubators to the well-being of entrepreneurs. For that purpose, the effects of incubator services on the psychologic ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Quest of Women and revisionist mythmaking in muinar and the penelopiad: just voices or “just” voices?

Öner, Ayşe Ceren

The aim of the present study is to explore the emancipatory potential of revisionist mythmaking strategies employed in two contemporary novels, Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad (2005) and Latife Tekin’s Muinar (2006), through dialogic, intertextual, and deconstructive relations. Offering a comparative account by means of a three-fold theoretical basis between the two novels, this dissertation explores women’s paths to seek justice. Both novels portray rebellious women and give voice to their alternative stories. The analysis demonstrates that the retelling of mythic tales connects the past to ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Forecasting realized volatility of BIST indices with har-type models

Köksal, Emre Ahmet

In this paper, realized volatility of a selection of BIST Indices are forecasted with Heterogeneous Autoregressive Model (HAR) and its variations. For this purpose, ticks between 2001 and 2021 are used to generate 5-minute returns, which formed the basis for calculations of realized volatility and other realized measures. In the study, rolling windows are utilized for forecasting the volatility of one day ahead. These predictions are then compared to the actual realized volatilities. The study provides a thorough comparison of HAR-type models, and emphasizes the importance of underlying time s ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Securitization of climate change induced migration: analysis of the European Union discourses and policies

Saygı, Dilek

Migration has always been a way for people to reach a better life and a strategy to adapt to changing conditions. Since the early 1000s, climate-related environmental changes have begun to directly impact communities whose way of life is dependent on nature and local resources. Owing to climate change, which is mostly a result of human activity, and the devastating environmental changes it has created, people have begun to relocate voluntarily or forcefully, to abandon their homelands, and these migrations within the country or across borders are now evident. The International Organization for ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Okofeminist Edebiyat eleştirisi (dünyaya orman denir ve doğa tarihi üzerinde bir uygulama)

Kabak, Özge

Feminizm, çevreci teoriler ve ekofeminizmin edebiyatta yerini alması ile meydana gelen ekofeminist edebiyat eleştirisi özellikle kadın ve çevre özelinde tahakküm altına alınan tüm grupların edebiyattaki tezahürleri ile oluşmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra ekofeminist edebiyat, silahlanma ve savaş karşıtlığı; kimyasal silah kullanımı gibi hem ortaya çıktığı 70’li yılların hem de hala günümüzde önemli bir yere sahip olan toplumsal meselelerin edebiyat penceresinden görünür hale getirilmesini sağlamıştır. Ekofeminizm, ataerkil toplumsal yapılanmada aşağı görülen kadın, doğa, hayvan; farklı cinsel yöneliml ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Personalized evaluation of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in Covid-19 patients with regard to energy homeostasis

Yılmaz, Bayram

The COVID-19 does not proceed the same way in every patient. It may interfere with both oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange in the alveoli; therefore, prevent ATP generation; subsequently, restrict energy supply for the life processes of the patient. Data sets representing the course of the COVID-19 in four patients, where the disease followed dissimilar paths were reassessed after the end of the treatment, by focusing on the respiratory and metabolic energy related parameters (FiO2, PaO2, SaO2, PaCO2) and the other parameters such as HCO3, lactate, body temperature, C-reactive prote ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analyzing baksı museum through the search for the center in today’s art

Özgüz Çelik, Ebru

This thesis is based on the understanding of center in art; examines the displacement of the dominant forces of art along with economic, political or social changes and the reasons for this change. By examining this change from the Renaissance period to the present day, by tracing the similarities and contrasts in the past and present, through the conditions that led to the formation of these centers, their artistic production and consumption between these periods and today, the circulation of artistic productions in the world, museology, and collections, we answer the question of whether we c ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analysis of the notions of identity and selfness in Istanbul Biennial and Manifesta Biennial

Subaşı, Ege

Art, throughout history, has been a way of expression, in which people prefer to explain themselves, understand the world, and explain societies to each other. This way of expression, took shape on different notions, concepts, and phenomena, depending on the period. Notions of identity and selfness are the concepts that artists are working on. These notions, socially generate individuals and society, and frame them, also have been tried to interpret by approaching the hands of different disciplines of social sciences. In this work; identity and selfless which are some of the important notions ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Artırılmış gerçeklik destekli etkileşimli infografik tasarımı: İstanbul Rahmi M. Koç müzesi örnek uygulaması

Şilit, Renç

İnsanoğlu tarih boyunca merak içgüdüsü ile yaşamını sürdürmüş, bilgiye ulaşmak ile meşgul olmuştur. Bilgi kavramı üzerinde yoğunlaşan insan, topluluğun devamını ve varlığını sürdürmek için güç unsuru olarak bilgiyi kullanmıştır. Bilgi, en küçük toplumsal oluşumdan evrenin işleyişini anlamaya, gerçekleşen veya gerçekleşebilecek olayların anlaşılmasını ve kontrol altına alınmasını sağlayan bir deneyimler bütünüdür. İnsanlık devinime uğrarken bilgiye ulaşmanın ve kullanımının da çeşitlendiği bilinmektedir. Analog dönemlerden farklı olarak; dijital çağda bilgi, toplumun tamamına ulaşabilmektedir. ...Daha fazlası

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