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Ön Baskı YayınlarYeditepe Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Ship investment strategies in fluctant shipping market condition: Turkey’s perspective

Başak, Ayşe Aslı

Abstract Maritime transport has become the way of carrying the greatest amount of world trade, which has been the case in recent years. In maritime trade, ports are the most important points that logistics opens up to international routes. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development has developed the "Link to Regular Maritime Route Routes" in order to enhance the contribution of international ports to the development of the country's ports and to measure their links to major global maritime logistics networks in maritime trade. Regression analysis, which is one of the quantitative r ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Once and always: friendship, hauntology and madness in the secret history and if we were villains

Derman Alkanat, Eda

The present thesis aims to explore and compare the concepts of friendship, hauntology and madness in two significant novels of the Dark Academia genre: The Secret History by Donna Tartt and If We Were Villains by M.L Rio. In the examination of the selected novels, this thesis displays the disintegration of friendship in the face of a tragic event like murder. Murder, as the collective doing of the friends, starts to haunt every aspect of their lives and becomes the trigger for frenzy of behaviour with lethal consequences.Considering the significance of friendship in college years, analyzing th ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Auditory inattentional deafness investigated with eye tracking

Kaspar, Gizem Tanseli

This thesis will examine auditory selective attention and inattentional deafness with an eyetracking approach. Some studies show that if a change happens between two modalities, like a visual task with an audio change or an audio task with a visual change, the inattentional blindness and inattentional deafness could be decreased with the help of the changes in multimodal conditions. The current experiment aims to take the first step and expand the understanding of the effects of multimodal changes on inattentional deafness. The main aim of this thesis is whether the type of environmental soun ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Hekimin tıbbi müdahaleden kaynaklanan tazminat sorumluluğu

Yenidünya, Aysu

Tıp biliminin gelişmesi, hekime olan güvenin artmasına ve buna bağlı olarak hastaların da hekime başvurma oranının artmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu durum, 'hekimin uyguladığı tıbbi müdahaleden kaynaklanan sorumluluğu' konusunu da gündeme getirmiştir. Çalışmamızın konusu özel hukuk çerçevesinde hekimin tıbbi müdahaleden kaynaklanan tazminat sorumluluğunun incelenmesidir. Çalışmamızda üç ana bölüm yer almaktadır. İlk bölümde hukuka uygun tıbbi müdahalenin şartlarına yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, hekimin hukuki sorumluluğunun kaynakları, sözleşmesel sorumluluk ve sözleşme dışı sorumluluk kapsamınd ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effects of stereotypes which are imposed through media on the creativity of children during the early puberty: the concept of goodness and badness

Cenk, Saime Özge

The aim of this thesis is to understand how much children in early puberty get affected by the stereotypes that are presented through media. Also, it aims to elaborate how much these children manage to get out of these stereotypical patterns in situations that require them to use their own creativity. To understand how much they can cross the stereotypical borders as they think during a creative process, students are asked to illustrate goodness and badness in human forms in focus group sessions held in different types of schools located in Istanbul and Mardin. The illustrations are then stati ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The stigma of the fallen woman in the novels of jude the obscure and Yeryüzünde Bir Melek

Emiroğlu, Ecem Başak

Regardless of the cultural differences, the 19th century Victorian England and Tanzimat Period in Ottoman Empire had similar expectations from women. The two novelists from these two countries, Thomas Hardy and Ahmet Mithat Efendi, had critical attitude towards such expectations. Thus they created socially unacceptable but acceptable for them heroines. Afterall, for some Sue Bridehead is Hardy’s main focus and similarly for Ahmet Mithat Raziye is still an angel. The reason why these two heroines are unacceptable for the society’s of their days is intriguing. Considering all these, the aim of t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Urban collective memory inside and outside social media: The case of Izmit historical Tekel building

Kuk, Şebnem

This research examines the relationship between the demolition of the Izmit Historical Tekel Building Wall, located in the center of Izmit and demolished on April 3, 2021, and its relationship with collective memory. The aim of the research is to understand how the Izmit Historical Tekel Building Wall has a place in online and offline collective memory, how the recent demolition of the wall is perceived by the residents of that neighborhood, and how it makes them feel. Within the scope of this purpose, the research will analyze how this demolition is received in the reader’s comments on the ne ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Status of Ilkhan in the socio-political organization of the Qashqai Tribe

Sohrabi, Hossein

This anthropological research is related to the Qashqai tribe, which lives in southwestern Iran, and apart from the urban and rural population, it has nearly 96,500 nomadic people. This research answers the question, could the Qashqais have the same solidarity, authority, and integrity without an Ilkhan from the Shahilu family? My claim is based on the fact that the main factor of Qashqai solidarity and empowerment in southern Iran, where the majority of the population is Tajik and non-Turkish, was the Ilkhans from the Shahilu family. And with the leadership of the Shahilu family, the Qashqais ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Collective memory and journalism in the context of femicide

Öztürk, İrem

This study examines the news production processes about femicide, a universal problem, in the Turkish press within the context of collective memory. The relationship between memory and the news media is explained by associating it with Alison Landsberg's (2004) concept of prosthetic memory. In addition, to better analyze how collective memory is (re)produced through news about femicide, which is the main subject of the study, feminist movements and women's ideas and activities about the issue from the past to the present in the world and Turkey are discussed. The in-depth interview method, whi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analysing the user experience of smart city mobility through applications in Istanbul

Anlıatamer, Feriha Öykü

In recent years, different ways have been sought to compete in the growing and changing production and consumption environment with technological developments. For this reason, the importance of experience and usage areas in design is increasing. One of the most widely used models in the world and in our country recently is the smart city, which aims to protect the environment and sustainable development. Smart city aims to use resources efficiently by saving time, energy and labour for limited world resources. Smart cities aim to provide the necessary high quality urban services by utilising ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The other space: Heterotopia, memory and individuality in dystopian novels the memory police and the giver

Sarılale, Ecem

The aim of this paper is to explore the heterotopic nature of the concept of memory in dystopian fictions The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa and The Giver by Lois Lowry comparatively and thereby to discuss that memory is possible to be applied as a means of oppression primarily through the destruction of this heterotopic space and individuality. The protagonists in both novels suffer from memory loss that is schemed by the totalitarian authority in their communities. In order to resist that authority, they are required to hold on to their memory which acts as a counter-site that is analysed throu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Ahmet Ertegün’s art management perspective: Atlantic records

Aksüt, Çiğdem

This study aims to examine the art management perspective of Ahmet Ertegün through Atlantic Records. This study is significant in terms of revealing the effects of a music company director’s life and personal characteristics on the music company he has established and the place of the said company in the music industry. The research was planned and conducted as a case study in a qualitative design. Case studies are based on “how” and “why” questions and allow the researcher to deeply examine a phenomenon or event that he cannot control. This study sought an answer to the question of “what is g ...Daha fazlası

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