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Ön Baskı YayınlarYeditepe Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Ship investment strategies in fluctant shipping market condition: Turkey’s perspective

Başak, Ayşe Aslı

Abstract Maritime transport has become the way of carrying the greatest amount of world trade, which has been the case in recent years. In maritime trade, ports are the most important points that logistics opens up to international routes. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development has developed the "Link to Regular Maritime Route Routes" in order to enhance the contribution of international ports to the development of the country's ports and to measure their links to major global maritime logistics networks in maritime trade. Regression analysis, which is one of the quantitative r ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Personalized evaluation of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in Covid-19 patients with regard to energy homeostasis

Yılmaz, Bayram

The COVID-19 does not proceed the same way in every patient. It may interfere with both oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange in the alveoli; therefore, prevent ATP generation; subsequently, restrict energy supply for the life processes of the patient. Data sets representing the course of the COVID-19 in four patients, where the disease followed dissimilar paths were reassessed after the end of the treatment, by focusing on the respiratory and metabolic energy related parameters (FiO2, PaO2, SaO2, PaCO2) and the other parameters such as HCO3, lactate, body temperature, C-reactive prote ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Time symbol and concept of time in painting from the XX century to the present

Müsevitoğlu, Tetiana

This dissertation examines the symbol and concept of time in art from the 20th century to the present. In addition, it investigates and evaluates the relationship between art and symbol in the context of ideational and plastic arts. Furthermore, this dissertation investigates the relationship of the array of artworks between new aspects of artistic creativity and symbolism and perception, a modern way of creating new time symbols and their transfer to the audience. Finally, this study investigates the external effects of the diversity of trends in Western art on artists and artist groups such ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Sociological factors affecting the judicial decision making of judges in contentious cases in Turkey

Bayır Oğuz, Arca Begüm

The judicial decision-making process refers to the judge’s process of concluding a case. According to legal formalism, the judge decides based on legal rules in their decision- making processes. As opposed to legal formalism, legal realism argues that judges are affected by multiple factors in their judicial decision-making processes, such as their life, education, professional experiences, personal beliefs, etc. The research question is, what are the sociological factors that affect the judges’ judicial decision-making processes in controversial cases in Turkey? The significance of this resea ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Critical realism and socialist realism in cinema: the example of “Yol Ayrımı” movie

Katun, Sıdıka Seda

Realism in art, when associated with political economy and philosophy, is not a field that has received much academic study. A work of art necessarily reflects a particular ideology or a particular worldview and is therefore political. The motion picture also reflects a particular worldview and mainstream motion pictures are often shaped by the dominant ideology, which is the reality of an idealistic worldview. When the production phase of a movie, the director and the director's worldview, the script, the budget, the advertising relations, in other words the production relations, are evaluate ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Women’s confinement and struggle against the patriarchal family structure: a feminist analysis of selected women’s writing in the light of Kate Millett’s concept of sexual politics

Aslan, Pınar

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the main female characters in two short stories and a novel written in three different periods, using the conceptual analysis framework that Kate Millett puts forward in her 1970 work Sexual Politics. In her book Sexual Politics, Millett formulated two important concepts as “sexual politics” and “sexual revolution” and focused on how the family institution and genders were handled in literary works. The most important contribution of her work and the reason why it is one of the founding texts of the second wave feminist movement is that she sees the aboliti ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Impact of the energy issue on Turkey’s Easten Mediterranean policy

Öztürk, Gökçe

Energy and its security is one of the most important issues in making of a foreign policy. Seeking of alternative energy resources and having their own share, stirred the Eastern Mediterranean with the discoveries of hydrocarbon reserves. The fact that Turkey is highly dependent on energy resources, that its consumption rates are increasing year by year, and that it aims to be the energy hub that transfers energy to Europe, has also led Turkey to want to be part of the energy equation that is emerging in the Eastern Mediterranean. Although the parties to this equation excluded Turkey. Turkey t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Usability and user experience in the design of bike rental systems case of İsbike bike renting system

Sonay, Ozan

One of the most important indicators emphasizing the quality of these products or services is the concept of usability. The concept of user experience deals with what the user feels from this service or product. In this study, in order to examine the effects of usability and user experience concepts on product development, it is aimed to examine the roles of usability and user experience in product design through the Isbike bicycle rental system. For this purpose, determinations have been made through the product developers who have worked in Isbike bicycle rental systems and the participants ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Looming cognitive style as a predictor of social anxiety

Akbay, Ayşenaz

Looming Cognitive Style (LCS) has been proposed as a cognitive vulnerability factor specific to anxiety. This study aims to investigate the predictive role of LCS on trait and state social anxiety. With this purpose, for social anxiety manipulation, 30 participants were asked to make a short presentation about themselves. This relationship of concern was aimed to be investigated by assessing LCS and social anxiety assessments taken prior to the presentation. In this regard, the Demographic Information Form, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Questionnaire, Looming Maladaptive Style Questionnaire-Revised ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Attribution bias in the context of intergroug relations: The case of natives and immigrants

Akdoğdu, Deniz Beste

Ultimate attribution error (UAE) is the tendency to attribute negative outgroup behavior to disposition factor and negative ingroup behavior to external circumstances. This study investigates the UAE committed by Turkish individuals in the context of intergroup relations between Syrian immigrants and Turkish citizens in. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the other's out-group status and perceptual salience on the UAE. We intended to investigate these effects using a Virtual Reality configuration with virtual agents of a Turkish national and a Syrian immigrant. We hypoth ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Birinci Türk Coğrafya Kongresi’nde müfredat ve terim çalışmaları

Özkaya, Ahmet

Birinci Coğrafya Kongresi, 6-21 Haziran tarihleri arasında Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi’nde, Hasan Âli Yücel’in büyük gayretleriyle toplanarak coğrafyanın ana sorunlarını ele almıştır. Kurulan üç komisyon sayesinde belirlenen meseleler önce saptanmış ve ardından müzakere edilerek bir sonuca bağlanmıştır. Kongre, yapıldığı tarihten itibaren çeşitli tenkitlere konu olsa da yoğun tartışmalar, özellikle 7 coğrafi bölge hakkında eleştiriler 2000 yılı sonrası yaşanmıştır. 7 coğrafi bölge ile ilgili Türkiye Coğrafyası Komisyonu dışında Program ve Ders Komisyonu ve Terim Komisyo ...Daha fazlası

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