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Erişime Açık

A study of the strategies used by companies creating a distinctive brand image through the use of strategic terminology in product and service naming for differentiation and image building

Seçilmiş, Nuri Tolga

The use of strategic terminology in product and service naming is crucial for creating a distinctive brand image that sets companies apart from competitors. While brand naming is often prioritized, the importance of consistent terminology for product features and names is often overlooked. This study examines the strategies used by successful companies to develop a comprehensive approach to branding that includes a unique and consistent terminology for the brand, product, and product features. The thesis includes semi structured in-depth interviews with executives from Microsoft, Facebook, Son ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The art of deception: An analysis of social engineering tactics in financial fraud

Engin, Nida

Social engineering is a deceptive tactic used by fraudsters to manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that are against their best interests. It involves exploiting human psychology and emotions to gain trust and access to confidential information, systems or assets. This paper discusses the different types of social engineering techniques used in fraud, including phishing, pretexting, baiting, and so on. It also examines the impact of social engineering on individuals and the measures that can be taken to prevent or mitigate its effects. By understand ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The relationship between rejection sensitivity and somatization: The mediator role of interpersonal difficulties

Mercan, Zühra

The aim of the current study was to examine the predictive role of somatization and investigate the role of interpersonal difficulties in the relationship between rejection sensitivity and somatization on a group of university students. Participants (298) over the age of 18 were included in the study. Participants completed instruments including Social Demographic form, Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire, Interpersonal Problems Inventory- Circumplex, Bradford Somatic Inventory (BSI). Results indicated that interpersonal difficulties were positively correlated with rejection sensitivity and so ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Ahmet Ertegün’s art management perspective: Atlantic records

Aksüt, Çiğdem

This study aims to examine the art management perspective of Ahmet Ertegün through Atlantic Records. This study is significant in terms of revealing the effects of a music company director’s life and personal characteristics on the music company he has established and the place of the said company in the music industry. The research was planned and conducted as a case study in a qualitative design. Case studies are based on “how” and “why” questions and allow the researcher to deeply examine a phenomenon or event that he cannot control. This study sought an answer to the question of “what is g ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Sermaye piyasası hukukunda kitle fonlama platformları

Kahveci, Defne

Kitle fonlaması, özellikle teknolojik gelişmeler sayesinde son yıllarda projeleri için finansmana ihtiyaç duyan girişim şirketleri ile küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin geniş yatırımcı kitlelerine ulaşarak fon elde etmesini sağlayan ve günümüzde giderek daha çok tercih edilen bir finansman yöntemidir. Kitle fonlaması ile girişimciler, çevrimiçi ortamda faaliyet gösteren kitle fonlama platformları aracılığıyla yatırımcılara ulaşarak projelerini tanıtabilmekte ve fon elde edebilmektedir. Girişimciler tarafından toplanan fon karşılığında yatırımcılara pay ve borçlanma araçları gibi sermaye piyas ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Yaratma içtepisi ve estetik deneyim yargılarının evrimsel temelleri

Oğurtanı, Zeynep Seda

“Yaratma İçtepisi ve Estetik Deneyim Yargılarının Evrimsel Temelleri” başlıklı tez çalışması “yaratma içtepisi ve estetik deneyim yargıları evrimsel temellere dayanır” hipotezi üzerine kurulmuştur. Çalışmanın amacı; sanatsal yaratma içtepisi ve estetik deneyim yargılarının sağ kalımsal, varoluşsal nedenselliklerini evrimsel eksende açıklamak ve aralarındaki evrimsel neden-sonuç ilişkilerini ortaya koymaktır.Beğenme içgüdüsü ve yaratma içtepisini motive eden evrimsel temeller nelerdir? İnsan doğasına her alanda açıklık getiren bir teori olan evrim teorisi sanatsal yaratıma götüren mekanizmaları ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Social mobility from city to province in new Turkish cinema

Çağlar, Çağla

This thesis deals with the reflection of the concept of social mobility from the city to the province in the movies produced between the years 1990 and 2000, when the New Turkish Cinema came to the fore in Turkey. Before 1990, the mobility from the countryside to the city was on the contrary, towards the countryside again. For this reason, the homeland of the New Turkish Cinema is the countryside. Especially after 1990, the increasing importance of the countryside in cinema means a mood for the characters rather than being a place. In a perspective stretching from the end of the 90s to the 200 ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

An investigation of the relationship between health care expenditures and economic growth

Binay, Murat

In the 1960s, endogenous growth theories revealed that human capital accumulation is at least as important as physical capital accumulation on economic growth. Then, it was focused on how to increase the accumulation of human capital, and it was determined that the two main components were primarily education and then health. There are many studies in the literature on the relationship between economic growth and health expenditures. In the studies on the relationship between health expenditures and economic growth, although it has been observed that health expenditures generally increase econ ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The reproduction of the self-made man myth through Netflix : a comparative analysis on Netflix's original series

Benli, İpek Beril

Netflix is currently the subject of various academic discussions in addition to its widespread commercial success over the last two decades. This study seeks to make a contribution to the academic literature by examining whether Netflix, an American media and entertainment company, truly "thinks local and acts global" in accordance with its motto or instead promotes the myth of the self-made man, one of America's founding myths, and, thus, reproduces capitalist hegemony. By examining Netflix’s three original teen series created in three distinct nations, Sex Education, Elite, and Aşk 101, this ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analysis of the notions of identity and selfness in Istanbul Biennial and Manifesta Biennial

Subaşı, Ege

Art, throughout history, has been a way of expression, in which people prefer to explain themselves, understand the world, and explain societies to each other. This way of expression, took shape on different notions, concepts, and phenomena, depending on the period. Notions of identity and selfness are the concepts that artists are working on. These notions, socially generate individuals and society, and frame them, also have been tried to interpret by approaching the hands of different disciplines of social sciences. In this work; identity and selfless which are some of the important notions ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The relationship between perceived toxic leadership and work engagement

Tamer, Ertan

White-collar employees working in the textile industry work in a dynamic, intense and stressful environment that requires effort to present the most accurate and completed work outputs to their internal stakeholders, teams and company. The workload and pressure in this stressful environment require a positive and open-minded leadership style that can motivate and guide textile workers. Based on the stated assumption, the relationship between toxic leadership and work engagement was examined in this study. As a result of the research; it is expected that the toxic leadership behaviors of manage ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Collective memory and journalism in the context of femicide

Öztürk, İrem

This study examines the news production processes about femicide, a universal problem, in the Turkish press within the context of collective memory. The relationship between memory and the news media is explained by associating it with Alison Landsberg's (2004) concept of prosthetic memory. In addition, to better analyze how collective memory is (re)produced through news about femicide, which is the main subject of the study, feminist movements and women's ideas and activities about the issue from the past to the present in the world and Turkey are discussed. The in-depth interview method, whi ...Daha fazlası

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