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Ön Baskı YayınlarYeditepe Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
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Contributions of organizations in Istanbul Unkapani to popular music between 1960-2000

Or, Bora

This study is important in terms of contextualizing the scattered dissident voices that have developed in the Turkish geography, regardless of genre, within a broad perspective. It offers an uncommon combination of texts on music, art, social sciences, etc. Most of the studies on music to date have not touched upon the Unkapanı record stores bazaar. In this study, Unkapanı İMÇ (Istanbul ManifaturacılarÇarşısı)'s organizations from its first establishment until the time it lost its popularity, communication tools such as radio, cinema, TV used in the spread of popular music, the formation of Un ...Daha fazlası

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Consumer behavior in automotive industry in Turkey: research on shopping practices and buying behaviors of b and c segment automotive consumers

Gülsen, Deniz Gökçe

This dissertation hereby is aimed to analyze the buying behavior of automotive consumers in Turkey. There are 8 hypotheses but the main idea is to see whether B anc C segment consumers see buying a vehicle as an investment or not. The thesis contains three main parts; conceptual framework, research, and results. What these parts include is explained below. The conceptual framework contains three parts. The Concept of Consumer and Consumer Behavior part explains consumer behavior, types of buying behavior, consumer buying (decision process), and the factors affecting buying behavior. The Automo ...Daha fazlası

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Women’s confinement and struggle against the patriarchal family structure: a feminist analysis of selected women’s writing in the light of Kate Millett’s concept of sexual politics

Aslan, Pınar

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the main female characters in two short stories and a novel written in three different periods, using the conceptual analysis framework that Kate Millett puts forward in her 1970 work Sexual Politics. In her book Sexual Politics, Millett formulated two important concepts as “sexual politics” and “sexual revolution” and focused on how the family institution and genders were handled in literary works. The most important contribution of her work and the reason why it is one of the founding texts of the second wave feminist movement is that she sees the aboliti ...Daha fazlası

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International gold prices, gold reserves of central banks and debt stocks relationship: Analysis among G8 countries

Canözkan, Ergün

Gold is a commodity that has been used to protect the wealth of not only people but also organizations and states from past to present. For this reason, countries prefer to keep some of their reserves as gold through their central banks. At the financial macroeconomic level, the primary goal of countries is to sustain a healthy economic growth. However, when the economies of developed countries are examined, especially when the economic growth rate of the G8 countries, which are called the strongest countries class, is examined, it is seen that the public debt ratio is very high, which inc ...Daha fazlası

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The case of Marginalised Victorian women: An analysis of Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist and hard times through Kate millett’s feminism

Kırmızıgül, Tuba

The present dissertation aims to analyse Victorian society and its reflection in the 19th-century novels such as Hard Times and Oliver Twist within the feminist framework. Discriminative attitudes in a patriarchal society and how females meet abuse from childhood are among the main concerns; therefore, these are also examined with a great emphasis and added to the research. Their miserable condition inspires the author of this study to shed light upon the women and children within their fictionalisation both in the Victorian novels and in different periods. Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics is co ...Daha fazlası

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Transformation of cyberpunk films in hollywood remakes: a comparative historical analysis

Aktaş İlcik, Ece

The last decade has seen an increase in Hollywood productions of cyberpunk films. These films, designed as remakes or sequels, appeal to both old fans of the cult original films and new audiences. The subject of this research is how the remakes, which aim to guarantee the box office undergo changes and how they fit into the system compared to the originals. In the research, it has been attempted to reveal how these change narratives have been integrated into current policies and the system compared to the originals, and to determine and show in which contexts this transformation of the remakes ...Daha fazlası

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Image to Music: Cross-Modal Melody Generation Through Image Captioning

Kaplan, Alper

Advances in machine learning in recent years have also been seen in computationally creative systems. Interest in machine-generated artifacts paved a way for creative models to evolve as such. But the earlier methods mostly explored a one domain approach and cross-modal learning has stayed relatively unexplored. Thus, the direct mapping between modalities for cross-modal creative models is not fully explored. This work proposes a novel methodology for generating symbolic music through images by directly mapping their features. A CNN encoder and deep stacked LSTM decoder are the base models as ...Daha fazlası

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Estimation of international trade

Karadağ, Gamze Yıldız

The study analyzed foreign trade volume among Turkey and 37 OECD countries, especially the sway of the logistics performance index on Turkey's foreign trade volume. In light of this, the effects of the logistic performance index in determining Turkey's foreign trade volume were analyzed by using the data of Turkey and OECD countries in the 2007-2020 period. In the study, three different models were established in which the total foreign trade volume, Turkey's exports to OECD countries, and Turkey's imports with OECD countries are dependent variables. The variables used in the models are the GD ...Daha fazlası

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The relationship between machiavelism, grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, and loneliness among white collar workers

Çataklı, Ayşenur

Considering the several negative effects of loneliness as an undesirable and hurtful emotion, it is important to discover how it occurs. Although Machiavellianism and narcissism are associated with loneliness, the number of studies that have investigated their relationship is relatively limited. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the relationship between Machiavelism, narcissism, and loneliness among white-collar workers. In addition, it is also aimed to examine whether the level of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and loneliness are related to sociodemographic characteristics of the part ...Daha fazlası

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Orientalism and nostalgia in british travel writing on the balkans

Talay, Haluk İhsan

The main purpose of this study is to examine the orientalist and nostalgic conditions as well as images reflected in British travel writers, specifically in Patrick Leigh Fermor’s travel trilogy consisting of A Time of Gifts (1977), Between the Woods and Water (1986) and A Broken Road: From the Iron Gates to Mount Athos (2013), and Georgina Harding’s In Another Europe: A Journey into Romania (1990). This work mainly utilizes theories regarding orientalism such as those of Edward Said, Andre Gingrich and Maria Todorova, in addition to Joep Leerssen’s theory of imagology and Svetlana Boym’s theo ...Daha fazlası

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‘The Other’ at the border: literary sieges and identity construction

Bakkalsalihoğlu, Fatma Gözde

In the 20th century, the issue of creating a national identity and fashioning the self gained significant importance as a consequence of the increasing nationalist movements and establishment of the unitary states with the collapse of empires. To create a collective identity consciousness in society, literature was utilized as one of the mediums, as it can be used in the service of different ideologies. First published in 1899, Eclipse of the Crescent Moon (Egri Csillagok) by Géza Gárdonyi focuses on creating the Hungarian national identity through the Turks, whereas The Siege (Kështjella) by ...Daha fazlası

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Turkey and brain migration: Policies formed from push and pull perspectives and effects on brain drain

Sönmez, Nurdan

Brain drain, which is defined as the departure of well-educated human capital to another geography, was noticed by England, which lost its qualified power to other countries in 1945 and increased rapidly after the 1960s with the effect of globalization. Countries such as the USA, UK and Germany have developed important brain drain policies from a push and pull perspective. Turkey has also developed important policies such as university reforms. In the following periods, within the scope of Five-Year Development Planning, although TÜBİTAK 2232 developed policies to pull reverse brain drain and ...Daha fazlası

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