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Absurdism in communication based on Albert Camus

Durak, Gülberk

Albert Camus, one of the pioneers of existentialism and absurdism, identified the search for meaning in a meaningless universe as "absurd" by defining the limits of absurdism in his work The Myth of Sisyphus. According to him, a person knows that he will die while trying to add value to his life. This contradiction brings out the "absurd". Because death is a tragic end for Man. Another absurd work of Albert Camus, The Stranger is dominated by an incongruous sensibility. This novel of Camus, who argues that the world is absurd and meaningless, is considered one of the most important works o ...Daha fazlası

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Securitization of climate change induced migration: analysis of the European Union discourses and policies

Saygı, Dilek

Migration has always been a way for people to reach a better life and a strategy to adapt to changing conditions. Since the early 1000s, climate-related environmental changes have begun to directly impact communities whose way of life is dependent on nature and local resources. Owing to climate change, which is mostly a result of human activity, and the devastating environmental changes it has created, people have begun to relocate voluntarily or forcefully, to abandon their homelands, and these migrations within the country or across borders are now evident. The International Organization for ...Daha fazlası

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Estimation of international trade

Karadağ, Gamze Yıldız

The study analyzed foreign trade volume among Turkey and 37 OECD countries, especially the sway of the logistics performance index on Turkey's foreign trade volume. In light of this, the effects of the logistic performance index in determining Turkey's foreign trade volume were analyzed by using the data of Turkey and OECD countries in the 2007-2020 period. In the study, three different models were established in which the total foreign trade volume, Turkey's exports to OECD countries, and Turkey's imports with OECD countries are dependent variables. The variables used in the models are the GD ...Daha fazlası

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Image to Music: Cross-Modal Melody Generation Through Image Captioning

Kaplan, Alper

Advances in machine learning in recent years have also been seen in computationally creative systems. Interest in machine-generated artifacts paved a way for creative models to evolve as such. But the earlier methods mostly explored a one domain approach and cross-modal learning has stayed relatively unexplored. Thus, the direct mapping between modalities for cross-modal creative models is not fully explored. This work proposes a novel methodology for generating symbolic music through images by directly mapping their features. A CNN encoder and deep stacked LSTM decoder are the base models as ...Daha fazlası

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Semiotic analysis of lovecraftian cosmic horror movies and an evaluation of horror genre in Turkish cinema

Önder, Melih

Cosmic Horror, developed by H. P. Lovecraft, is a subgenre of science fiction, fantasy and horror. Cosmic horror is about the fear of the unknowable. It is usually about threatening beings from outer space or ancient malevolent mysteries. It has also played a key role in the development of horror cinema. Unlike stereotypical horror themes, deep stories about the pains of human existence are included in the cosmic horror subgenre. This thesis presents a research on feature films that are directly or indirectly related to thecosmic horror genre. With this aim, some sample films were selected and ...Daha fazlası

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