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Ön Baskı YayınlarYeditepe Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
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Alexithymia and personality aspects in patients with panic disorder and/or major depressive disorder and the relationship between these aspects and the childhood traumas of the patients

Gazioğlu, Melisa Burcu

The present study aims to understand the relationship between alexithymia and personality in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and/or panic disorder (PD) in the context of childhood traumas. The total sample of the study consists of 161 people. The patient group consists of 103 people, 50 with MDD, and 53 with PD. The control group consists of 58 healthy people. The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), The Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated Form (EPQR-A), and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were given to a ...Daha fazlası

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Attribution bias in the context of intergroug relations: The case of natives and immigrants

Akdoğdu, Deniz Beste

Ultimate attribution error (UAE) is the tendency to attribute negative outgroup behavior to disposition factor and negative ingroup behavior to external circumstances. This study investigates the UAE committed by Turkish individuals in the context of intergroup relations between Syrian immigrants and Turkish citizens in. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the other's out-group status and perceptual salience on the UAE. We intended to investigate these effects using a Virtual Reality configuration with virtual agents of a Turkish national and a Syrian immigrant. We hypoth ...Daha fazlası

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The effects of stereotypes which are imposed through media on the creativity of children during the early puberty: the concept of goodness and badness

Cenk, Saime Özge

The aim of this thesis is to understand how much children in early puberty get affected by the stereotypes that are presented through media. Also, it aims to elaborate how much these children manage to get out of these stereotypical patterns in situations that require them to use their own creativity. To understand how much they can cross the stereotypical borders as they think during a creative process, students are asked to illustrate goodness and badness in human forms in focus group sessions held in different types of schools located in Istanbul and Mardin. The illustrations are then stati ...Daha fazlası

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The influence of website quality on customer purchase intentıon through the mediating role of E-satisfaction and flow experience

Turgut, Merve

To attract customers and ensure a competitive advantage in the e-commerce environment, it is crucial to identify which website attributes encourage customers to purchase by making them more satisfied and offering an online customer experience. Although various website attributes have been widely analysed in the literature based on traditional marketing theories, there are limited studies that have applied the holistic view to categorise these website attributes and online consumer experience regarding flow state. Inspired by the DeLone and Mclean IS model and flow theory, this study is the fir ...Daha fazlası

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Effect of 12 September 1980 coup on Turkish foreign policy

Aykan, Güven

This study aimed toexamine the 12 September 1980 coup d'état in detail and to evaluate its impacton the Turkish foreign policy. Therefore, literature reviewmethod was utilized in this study. Firstly, the reasons leading to the 12 September 1980 coup d'état were mentioned and then, Turkey's relations with other countries after the 12 September 1980 coup d’état were analyzed. The impact of the 12 September 1980 coup d’état on the political relations between Turkey and other countries was evaluated andthe effects and evaluations on Turkey's foreign policy were interpreted and expressed. In this c ...Daha fazlası

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Musical metaphors: Innate and objective

Yüksel, Hatice

As in the recent approach cognition is embodied and metaphor theory of meaning metaphoricity of music is a topic that is mostly studied in cognitive musicology and cognitive linguistics and should be studied from the perspective of cognitive scientists. Musicologists use metaphors to describe the musical system itself in the music theory, music psychologists also use metaphors to describe perceptual facts like a tone is higher as in it resonates somewhere higher in the body or conceptual as in the tone’s place in the musical spectrum. This conceptual part tells us that this kind of metaphor de ...Daha fazlası

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Political cycles and transitional justice: Evidence from Uruguay and Chile

Genç, Tuçe

This study concentrates on how countries deal with the mass human rights violations, large-scale massacres, and social abuses experienced during authoritarian rule. A comparative research is conducted, focusing on the differences and similarities between societies governed by bureaucratic authoritarian systems. Uruguay and Chile are studied as similar cases that have ended up with different outcomes in transitional justice processes. The main question of the study is whether and how political cycles affect transitional justice policies. It is assumed that successive leftist governments in powe ...Daha fazlası

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Online psychotherapy setting and Its reflections on Therapeutic relationshipduring Covid-19 pandemic

Özkan Ordulu, Nazlıcan

The purpose of this study was to explore how psychotherapy setting is affected by the mandatory conversion from face-to-face psychotherapy setting to online platforms due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, mainly with respect to the relationship between subjective perceptions and/or experiences regarding COVID-19 and therapeutic alliance for both psychotherapists and patients. A sample of 94 Turkish participants which consisted of 62 psychotherapy patients and 32 mental health professionals filled out the questionnaire whilst semi-structured interviews were done with nine psychotherapists and ...Daha fazlası

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The notion and use of space in the Küratöryel works of Başak Şenova

Saka, Gözde

In this study, the concept of spatial perception in curating and the stages of spatial usage from the preservation to the presentation of artworks throughout history are examined. In contemporary exhibitions, curators shape the viewers’ spatial perception to give meaning to the exhibitions. Since the beginning of the 2000s, curators have been more influential. The transformation of public exhibition spaces from “Natural Curiosity Cabinets” to salons, from salons to the white cube, and subsequently to open spaces has taken place from the 18th century to the present. Throughout the study, this t ...Daha fazlası

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Beyond a footrace: Ultramarathon as a liminoid performance

Özdem, İpek

This study aims to explore the experience of becoming an ultramarathoner and the codes of ultramarathon culture in Turkey through the lenses of symbolic and interpretive anthropology and performance studies. It identifies the meaning, value, and significance of ultramarathons for runners, and presents an ethnographic description of ultramarathon racing. The anthropological fieldwork was conducted from April 2018 to March 2022, employing in-person and online interviews, and participant observations at İznik Ultra Marathon, Salomon Cappadocia Ultra-Trail and Uludağ Premium Ultra Trail organizati ...Daha fazlası

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The relationship between separation individuation process and Orthorexia Nervosa: The mediator role of vulnerable Narcissism

Küçük, Ceren

In this study, it was aimed to examine the mediating role of vulnerable narcissism in the relationship between separation-individuation process and orthorexia nervosa. 238 participants ages between 18 and 49 participated in the study. “Sociodemographic Information Form”, “Separation-Individuation Form”, “Orto-11” and “Pathological Narcissism Inventory were used on participants. In the analysis, the first Pearson Correlation was applied to examine the relationship between separation-individuation, orthorexia nervosa and vulnerable narcissism. After the correlation analysis, the mediation was co ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Impact of the energy issue on Turkey’s Easten Mediterranean policy

Öztürk, Gökçe

Energy and its security is one of the most important issues in making of a foreign policy. Seeking of alternative energy resources and having their own share, stirred the Eastern Mediterranean with the discoveries of hydrocarbon reserves. The fact that Turkey is highly dependent on energy resources, that its consumption rates are increasing year by year, and that it aims to be the energy hub that transfers energy to Europe, has also led Turkey to want to be part of the energy equation that is emerging in the Eastern Mediterranean. Although the parties to this equation excluded Turkey. Turkey t ...Daha fazlası

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