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The effects of stereotypes which are imposed through media on the creativity of children during the early puberty: the concept of goodness and badness

Cenk, Saime Özge

The aim of this thesis is to understand how much children in early puberty get affected by the stereotypes that are presented through media. Also, it aims to elaborate how much these children manage to get out of these stereotypical patterns in situations that require them to use their own creativity. To understand how much they can cross the stereotypical borders as they think during a creative process, students are asked to illustrate goodness and badness in human forms in focus group sessions held in different types of schools located in Istanbul and Mardin. The illustrations are then stati ...Daha fazlası

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Effect of 12 September 1980 coup on Turkish foreign policy

Aykan, Güven

This study aimed toexamine the 12 September 1980 coup d'état in detail and to evaluate its impacton the Turkish foreign policy. Therefore, literature reviewmethod was utilized in this study. Firstly, the reasons leading to the 12 September 1980 coup d'état were mentioned and then, Turkey's relations with other countries after the 12 September 1980 coup d’état were analyzed. The impact of the 12 September 1980 coup d’état on the political relations between Turkey and other countries was evaluated andthe effects and evaluations on Turkey's foreign policy were interpreted and expressed. In this c ...Daha fazlası

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Online psychotherapy setting and Its reflections on Therapeutic relationshipduring Covid-19 pandemic

Özkan Ordulu, Nazlıcan

The purpose of this study was to explore how psychotherapy setting is affected by the mandatory conversion from face-to-face psychotherapy setting to online platforms due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, mainly with respect to the relationship between subjective perceptions and/or experiences regarding COVID-19 and therapeutic alliance for both psychotherapists and patients. A sample of 94 Turkish participants which consisted of 62 psychotherapy patients and 32 mental health professionals filled out the questionnaire whilst semi-structured interviews were done with nine psychotherapists and ...Daha fazlası

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Beyond a footrace: Ultramarathon as a liminoid performance

Özdem, İpek

This study aims to explore the experience of becoming an ultramarathoner and the codes of ultramarathon culture in Turkey through the lenses of symbolic and interpretive anthropology and performance studies. It identifies the meaning, value, and significance of ultramarathons for runners, and presents an ethnographic description of ultramarathon racing. The anthropological fieldwork was conducted from April 2018 to March 2022, employing in-person and online interviews, and participant observations at İznik Ultra Marathon, Salomon Cappadocia Ultra-Trail and Uludağ Premium Ultra Trail organizati ...Daha fazlası

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The stigma of the fallen woman in the novels of jude the obscure and Yeryüzünde Bir Melek

Emiroğlu, Ecem Başak

Regardless of the cultural differences, the 19th century Victorian England and Tanzimat Period in Ottoman Empire had similar expectations from women. The two novelists from these two countries, Thomas Hardy and Ahmet Mithat Efendi, had critical attitude towards such expectations. Thus they created socially unacceptable but acceptable for them heroines. Afterall, for some Sue Bridehead is Hardy’s main focus and similarly for Ahmet Mithat Raziye is still an angel. The reason why these two heroines are unacceptable for the society’s of their days is intriguing. Considering all these, the aim of t ...Daha fazlası

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Gender representation in television advertising and stereotypes on women in advertisements

Üçkaleler, Beyza

In addition to many other features, people appear in television advertisements with their gender characteristics. The way in which biological and social gender is used in visual designs varies according to the existing cultural and social characteristics. The characteristics of being the focus of domestic life, motherhood, companionship, housework, beauty and sexuality, which society imposes on women and femininity, have been changing in recent years, and this change also makes itself felt in the field of visual design. The new forms of existence of women in the society are also reflected in t ...Daha fazlası

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The concept of emptiness in art and it's reflections on landscape painting

Çöplü, Fatma Selin

In this research, the definition and the meaning of concept of emptiness will be explored, and the relationship between the concept of nature and the concept of nature by the effect of sky, mountain, road and sea images in landscape paintings will be researched. In this process, not only landscape painting but also the changing ways of looking at the landscape are included. The aim of the research is to examine landscape painting in the context of the concept of emptiness by looking at major artists, groups and exhibitions from a conceptual framework. An artist working in the field of landscap ...Daha fazlası

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Shamanism or shamanism, a comparative approach toward siberian Shamanism

Kızılhan, Cemil Ömer

Shamanism has been considered as a singular phenomenon in most of the studies carried out about Shamanism so far, and it has not been taken into consideration that there are different types of Shamanism. Shamanist beliefs, which were developed in a very large region such as Siberia, were divided into different branches as a result of different social, cultural and political effects in Siberia, and led to the emergence of Shamanist practices called Paleo-Siberian Shamanism and Neo-Siberian Shamanism.

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Dialogic discourse in John Fowles’s fiction

Cansız, Hümeyra

Mikhail Bakhtin is one of the prominent literary theorists of speech genres and stylistics. He was mainly focused on the philosophy of language and the multi-voiced, multi-languaged systems as a result of the oppressive regime he was under. His literary concepts reflect the autonomy of the characters, dialogue, and multi-voiced language systems. He advocated for unfinalizability, the idea of freedom of the characters, and the diversity of the languages within a novel. According to Bakhtin, language was not only a tool for communication and should be examined with its social context. His concer ...Daha fazlası

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The other space: Heterotopia, memory and individuality in dystopian novels the memory police and the giver

Sarılale, Ecem

The aim of this paper is to explore the heterotopic nature of the concept of memory in dystopian fictions The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa and The Giver by Lois Lowry comparatively and thereby to discuss that memory is possible to be applied as a means of oppression primarily through the destruction of this heterotopic space and individuality. The protagonists in both novels suffer from memory loss that is schemed by the totalitarian authority in their communities. In order to resist that authority, they are required to hold on to their memory which acts as a counter-site that is analysed throu ...Daha fazlası

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Bloody, bold and resolute: Dimensions of power in Hamlet, King Lear and Macbeth

Tönel, Utku

This thesis argues that there is a symbiotic relationship between the actions of characters making use of different aspects of power, and the plot progression in three tragedies by William Shakespeare; Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth, whose plots were built upon a problem of succession. For this purpose, the Aristotelian definition of tragedy was used in conjunction with the notion of power as defined by Steven Lukes throughout the study. To identify how this interaction helps build the dramatic structure, Thomas Pavel’s concept of move was utilised to pinpoint the plot progressionin the three ...Daha fazlası

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Analysing the user experience of smart city mobility through applications in Istanbul

Anlıatamer, Feriha Öykü

In recent years, different ways have been sought to compete in the growing and changing production and consumption environment with technological developments. For this reason, the importance of experience and usage areas in design is increasing. One of the most widely used models in the world and in our country recently is the smart city, which aims to protect the environment and sustainable development. Smart city aims to use resources efficiently by saving time, energy and labour for limited world resources. Smart cities aim to provide the necessary high quality urban services by utilising ...Daha fazlası

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