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Ön Baskı YayınlarYeditepe Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Exploring the shadow and trickster archetypes: an analysis of Alex in a clockwork orange and Amy in gone girl

Tekelioğlu , Şeyda Ebrar

The purpose of this study is to analyze the main characters, Alex in Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange and Amy in Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl, through a Jungian perspective. Both characters exhibit complex and multilayered personalities, embodying the darker aspects of human behavior while employing cunning and manipulative tactics to achieve their goals. Through a comparative analysis, this study examines how Alex and Amy navigate the boundaries of societal norms, challenging conventional morality and evoking a sense of ambiguity and unpredictability. Drawing on textual evidence and psycholo ...Daha fazlası

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“My birthplace hate I, and my love’s upon / This enemy town”: The Politics of Enmity in Coriolanus

Tatar, Yağmur

This study focuses on the politics of enmity in relation to the concepts of carnival and politics of friendship in Shakespeare’s late Roman play, Coriolanus. It further investigates the politics of enmity that reconstructs Coriolanus as a play through the play’s interpretation of the carnival politics, sacred Roman ideals, and the dichotomy between the figures of the friend and the enemy.

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The influence of website quality on customer purchase intentıon through the mediating role of E-satisfaction and flow experience

Turgut, Merve

To attract customers and ensure a competitive advantage in the e-commerce environment, it is crucial to identify which website attributes encourage customers to purchase by making them more satisfied and offering an online customer experience. Although various website attributes have been widely analysed in the literature based on traditional marketing theories, there are limited studies that have applied the holistic view to categorise these website attributes and online consumer experience regarding flow state. Inspired by the DeLone and Mclean IS model and flow theory, this study is the fir ...Daha fazlası

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Astrology marketing: Examining diverse factors affecting astrology related consumption

Serbes, Ecesu

This thesis explores the factors influencing expenditure on astrology-related products and services by examining the psychological, social, and demographic determinants of consumer behavior in this domain. The literature review defines astrology, traces its historical roots, and assesses its current popularity. The methodology outlines robust data collection, sampling strategies, and ethical considerations. The analysis reveals a positive correlation between individuals' extraversion and openness to new experiences and their financial commitment to astrology-related goods and services. Additio ...Daha fazlası

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An analysis of the press laws in the democrat party era

Yasan, Emrecan

In the aftermath of the Second World War, Türkiye underwent significant social and political transformations as it transitioned to a multi-party system. In 1946, Celal Bayar, Adnan Menderes, Fuad Köprülü, and Refik Koraltan, having broken away from the Republican People’s Party, founded the Democrat Party. It is observed that the Democrat Party, which came to power in 1950, received significant support by emphasizing press freedom and granting legal rights to media workers. Although initially a broad freedom was granted to the press, efforts to control the media were observed over time. Notabl ...Daha fazlası

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Functions of autobiographical remembering and Its relation to affective Neuroscience personality traits in healthy and pathological aging

Mutafoğlu Sarıbay, Merve

Autobiographical memory (ABM) refers to our personal past experiences. How we remember these experiences has been widely studied for decades, whereas why we remember those memories (i.e., functions of ABM) has gained attention only recently. However, functions of autobiographical remembering in people with dementia has been completely unexplored. This study aims to investigate ABM functions in patients with episodic memory deficits (i.e., patients with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and early-stage Alzheimer’s Dementia) as well as cognitively healthy individuals, besides the relationship b ...Daha fazlası

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Open banking as a new approach: A model proposal for Turkey

Çakmakcı, Gamze

Open banking involves banks sharing customer information with third-party service providers with the customer's permission, allowing these companies to offer new products and services. Banks provide the necessary infrastructure using Application Programming Interface (API) for approved transactions and transmit the permitted information to service providers. This comprehensive approach allows customer financial data to be processed and processed in one place. Financial technology organizations, also known as service providers, also participate in the service process between banks and consumers ...Daha fazlası

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Feeling at home: Qualified Turkish immigrants work in the subcontractor company in Athens

Yeni, Merve

The migration of young and qualified individuals abroad is a subject being discussed in the literature. Migration in Türkiye has also increased significantly due to social, economic, and political factors. For this reason, individuals have started to migrate to Europe, the USA, and Canada through student, work, and refugee ways. Since the target of most individuals regarding external migration is developed countries, migration to developed countries has also been focused on in the literature. However, the migration of skilled individuals is a topic that has received little focus within the fra ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

An investigation of depression and addiction between online and offline players: And the moderation effect of perceived social support

Can, Selçuk

Albeit having its positive aspects, gaming can result in addiction if it is extreme and interferes with daily functioning. In the field of game addiction, low social support and comorbid depression are common in game-addicted players. However, very little research has been conducted regarding gaming mode, and none of them investigated the potential moderation role of perceived social support. Therefore, the current thesis aims to compare online and offline players in terms of their gender, depression, perceived social support, and game addiction scores as well as examine the moderation influen ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The role of workplace fear of missing out and perceived supervisor support on the relationship between work-related basic need satisfaction and Job burnout

Karamık, Cihan

Job burnout profoundly impacts both employee well-being and organizational effectiveness. This study explores the dynamic interplay among job-related basic need satisfaction, job burnout, Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), and Perceived Supervisor Support. Drawing from self-determination theory and social support literature, it posits that job related basic need fulfillment inversely correlates with job burnout, with FoMO and Perceived Supervisor Support mediating this relationship. 391 employees across diverse industries participated in this cross-sectional study, completing assessments on job-relat ...Daha fazlası

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Musical metaphors: Innate and objective

Yüksel, Hatice

As in the recent approach cognition is embodied and metaphor theory of meaning metaphoricity of music is a topic that is mostly studied in cognitive musicology and cognitive linguistics and should be studied from the perspective of cognitive scientists. Musicologists use metaphors to describe the musical system itself in the music theory, music psychologists also use metaphors to describe perceptual facts like a tone is higher as in it resonates somewhere higher in the body or conceptual as in the tone’s place in the musical spectrum. This conceptual part tells us that this kind of metaphor de ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Instrumental use of corporate social responsibility and capitalist activism

Öztürk, Elmas Sahra

This study highlights how the concept of “social responsibility” has been transformed into “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) which is detached from its both etymology and epistemology, and investigates how and in what ways the concept of “corporate social responsibility” in which the concept of “social responsibility” has been transformed as an invention of instrumental reason, is implemented by organizations for their own purposes to ensure their sustainability within the capitalist system. The objectives found out and identified in this study are examined under four headings; CSR for b ...Daha fazlası

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