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Erişime Açık

Administrative organization of African states and oil policy: Angola and Nigeria compared

Durmuş, Ayşegül Ezgi

Angola and Nigeria are front running countries in terms of natural wealth among other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Angola lived under Portuguese rule before gaining independence. Nigeria, on the other hand, was under British colonization. Both still carry part of cultures they had acquired during the colonial period. At present, oil resources are the key element for their economic persistence and they have a notable position in the global oil market. Due to their colonial background, post-colonial experience and challenges that they have faced along with administrative and economic structu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research on does management accounting in the construction industry need enterprise resource planning

Töre Doğruarar, Özlem

In the business world of the century we are living in, competition has become quite intense with the effect of globalization. For this purpose; the enterprises started to adopt the "Kaizen" methodology, which means continuous betterment or continuous improvement. Businesses that aspire to be successful and survive for a long time in this competitive environment have to use their resources most efficiently, specialize by gaining experience in their activities, and make strategic planning for the future. Information, being a strategic power, is the most important of these resources. If we consid ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Historical documents on the origin of the Gokturk Alphabet

Taş, Şaban

The Gokturk Khaganate serves as a role model state for contemporary Turkic states. This can be proven from various aspects such as language, culture, law, social life, and governance. Particularly, when focused on the subject of language and alphabet, it is possible to dilate on this foundation. The foundation of the Gokturk Alphabet emerges as a manifestation of the abstract and concrete accumulation of Turkish culture spanning thousands of years. When delving into the history of rock paintings, the earliest rock paintings belonging to the Turks appear in the Lena Rock Paintings area in Russi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Comparison of monstrous figures in the works of H.P Lovecraft and China Miéville through Lovecraft’s five definitive elements

Özcan, Mithat Arca

The present study compared selected works of H.P. Lovecraft and China Miéville in terms of the representations of monster figures by creating a theoretical framework using Lovecraft’s “Five Definitive Elements of Weird Literature”. A comparative foundation was first laid down by examining the etymology of the word monster throughout history, as well as touching upon Saussure's theories of language. Following this, an intrinsic analysis of Lovecraft’s three selected works was made. The analysis highlighted the importance of factors such as cosmicism, and fear of the unknown, as well as the impo ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The role of news media in reproduction of urban space: Ideological presentation of news reports on Galataport Istanbul Project in Hürriyet and Sabah newspapers

Kartalcı Güreken, Rümeysa

Media is shaping the consciousness, ideas, emotions and even daily lives of individuals by presenting a certain framework of meaning to the society. The individuals evaluate the social events and facts within the framework of meaning that is provided by the media. This study is defending the opinion that the content and discourse that is produced in the urban transformation news reports by the journalist, as the organic intellectual, is legitimizing the capital-oriented transformation of the city and the relations of production are reproduced. Starting from the presupposition that reality that ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

‘Tronie’ in dutch painting of the XVII Century

Köklüce, Zeynep

The purpose of this study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis by identifying the formal similarities and functional differences between “Tronie” painting and portrait painting that emerged in Dutch Golden Age painting of the XVII century. The aspects of Tronie painting that deviate from the standard understanding of portraiture are not easy to determine, as it has broad significance in its own genre. It has been misinterpreted by scholars due to the stylistic similarities it exhibits in research, and the form-content structure has been analyzed and clarified with recent studies. Our study h ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The case of Marginalised Victorian women: An analysis of Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist and hard times through Kate millett’s feminism

Kırmızıgül, Tuba

The present dissertation aims to analyse Victorian society and its reflection in the 19th-century novels such as Hard Times and Oliver Twist within the feminist framework. Discriminative attitudes in a patriarchal society and how females meet abuse from childhood are among the main concerns; therefore, these are also examined with a great emphasis and added to the research. Their miserable condition inspires the author of this study to shed light upon the women and children within their fictionalisation both in the Victorian novels and in different periods. Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics is co ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

20. Yüzyıl Batı sanatında Dadaizm ve anti sanat yaklaşımlar

Akdeniz, Derya

“İmha da yaratmadır!” mottolu Dada hareketinin topluma, geleneklere, kapitalist yönetimlere ve alanları olan sanata karşı anarşist yıkıcılığı, sanatın yüceliği olgusunun yerini biçimsel ve kavramsal yeni açılımlara bırakmasına, “Anti Sanat” kavramının doğmasına neden olmuştur. Endüstrileşmeyle oluşan kapitalizm sonucu sömürgeciliğe paralelinde oluşan militarizme karşı Dada; halk ve proletarya haklarını gözeten sosyalizmden komünist bir çizgiye evrilen felsefeyi benimser. İçinde bulunduğu 1.Dünya savaşının sosyal, siyasal etkileriyle doğan Dada; gösterilerinde politik felsefeye yer vermesi, biç ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Post-Truth çağda figüratif resim ve heykel

Ataş, Eyüp

Hakikatin önemsizleştiği post-truth dönemde insanlık bir simülasyon çağı yaşamaktadır. Zaman ve mekân algısı değişmiş, görüntülerden oluşan sanal bir imgelem dünyası söz konusu olmuştur. Artık her şey sayılardan oluşan bir veridir. Her türlü hakikat her an değişebilir durumdadır. Bu dönemde sanal medya kullanıcıları herhangi bir alandaki yeterliliklerine bakılmaksızın ‘her şey’ olabilmektedir. Hakikatin önemsizleşmesinin temel özelliklerinden bir diğeri de yalanın hakikatin yerini almasıdır. Öznel duygu ve düşüncelerin rasyonel görüşlere tercih edildiği bu çağda sanatta payına düşeni almaktadı ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research on local government's view on integrated reporting in Turkey and a model proposal

Akbaş, Müzeyyen Çiğdem

Municipalities are expected to be more transparent, accountable, understandable and to have stronger communication channels with stakeholders. Corporate reports are the tools that establish strong dialogs with stakeholders. Integrated Reports, which provide the opportunity to deliver both financial and non-financial information in a single report, is one of the innovative corporate reporting model. The purpose of this article is to propose an "Integrated Reporting Model" applicable by local governments in Turkey and to make "Integrated Performance Measurements". In line with the purpose of the ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

II. Meşrutiyet döneminde gayrimüslim kadınların ihtidalarına örnekler

Sarçın, Simge

Osmanlı Devleti tarih boyunca İslam dininin “Dinde zorlama yoktur!” emrine uyarak gayrimüslimlerin dini hürriyetine saygı duymuştur. Padişahlar yayınladıkları fermanlarda zimmilerin ibadetlerini rahatça yapması ve dini mekanlarına dokunulmasının yasaklanması gibi çeşitli kararlar alarak haklarını korumuştur. Özellikle Osmanlı’nın son dönemlerinde Müslüman olan gayrimüslimlerle ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalara bakıldığında kendi dinini terk ederek ihtida eden kişi sayısının aslında çok da fazla olmadığı görülmektedir. Bu durum zimmilere Müslüman olmaları için herhangi bir baskı yapılmadığının bir ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

An investigation of the relationship between health care expenditures and economic growth

Binay, Murat

In the 1960s, endogenous growth theories revealed that human capital accumulation is at least as important as physical capital accumulation on economic growth. Then, it was focused on how to increase the accumulation of human capital, and it was determined that the two main components were primarily education and then health. There are many studies in the literature on the relationship between economic growth and health expenditures. In the studies on the relationship between health expenditures and economic growth, although it has been observed that health expenditures generally increase econ ...Daha fazlası

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