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The other space: Heterotopia, memory and individuality in dystopian novels the memory police and the giver

Sarılale, Ecem

The aim of this paper is to explore the heterotopic nature of the concept of memory in dystopian fictions The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa and The Giver by Lois Lowry comparatively and thereby to discuss that memory is possible to be applied as a means of oppression primarily through the destruction of this heterotopic space and individuality. The protagonists in both novels suffer from memory loss that is schemed by the totalitarian authority in their communities. In order to resist that authority, they are required to hold on to their memory which acts as a counter-site that is analysed throu ...Daha fazlası

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A research about determining the importance of word of mouth marketing for choosing pre-school education institution in Trakya

Taşkın Akkoyun, İlayda

In today’s technology, consumers can easily obtain all kinds of information. In addition; the consumer who is directly exposed to many desired or undesired messages has difficulty in making a decision in the purchasing process. While consumers try to choose the best one for themselves among many alternatives, marketers who try to respond to variable needs and desires of consumers are also trying to develop new strategies. One of them is to use word-ofmouth marketing method in a positive way. Since the choice of pre-school education institution has an important place in the service sector, wor ...Daha fazlası

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A study on the effects of business incubators on entrepreneurs under the light of positive psychology

Tüzemen, Burçin

Business incubators support the development of start-up companies by offering a protective environment and various support services. Since the appearance of incubators, academic studies focused mostly on hard issues like their contribution to the financial success of start-up companies. Nevertheless, when it comes to soft issues, more needs to be studied, The purpose of this research is to help close some of the gaps in the literature by focusing on the contribution of business incubators to the well-being of entrepreneurs. For that purpose, the effects of incubator services on the psychologic ...Daha fazlası

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Absurdism in communication based on Albert Camus

Durak, Gülberk

Albert Camus, one of the pioneers of existentialism and absurdism, identified the search for meaning in a meaningless universe as "absurd" by defining the limits of absurdism in his work The Myth of Sisyphus. According to him, a person knows that he will die while trying to add value to his life. This contradiction brings out the "absurd". Because death is a tragic end for Man. Another absurd work of Albert Camus, The Stranger is dominated by an incongruous sensibility. This novel of Camus, who argues that the world is absurd and meaningless, is considered one of the most important works o ...Daha fazlası

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Once and always: friendship, hauntology and madness in the secret history and if we were villains

Derman Alkanat, Eda

The present thesis aims to explore and compare the concepts of friendship, hauntology and madness in two significant novels of the Dark Academia genre: The Secret History by Donna Tartt and If We Were Villains by M.L Rio. In the examination of the selected novels, this thesis displays the disintegration of friendship in the face of a tragic event like murder. Murder, as the collective doing of the friends, starts to haunt every aspect of their lives and becomes the trigger for frenzy of behaviour with lethal consequences.Considering the significance of friendship in college years, analyzing th ...Daha fazlası

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Image to Music: Cross-Modal Melody Generation Through Image Captioning

Kaplan, Alper

Advances in machine learning in recent years have also been seen in computationally creative systems. Interest in machine-generated artifacts paved a way for creative models to evolve as such. But the earlier methods mostly explored a one domain approach and cross-modal learning has stayed relatively unexplored. Thus, the direct mapping between modalities for cross-modal creative models is not fully explored. This work proposes a novel methodology for generating symbolic music through images by directly mapping their features. A CNN encoder and deep stacked LSTM decoder are the base models as ...Daha fazlası

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Racism among Iranian intellectuals (1925-1979)

Bioukvand Ghojehbiglou, Elshan

The works of contemporary Iranian intellectuals have been researched from many perspectives, but many of their thoughts have not been explored deeply, widely, and academically regarding the issue of racism. In this research, I used the qualitative content analysis method to examine the works of some prominent and contemporary Iranian intellectuals regarding having or not having racist elements in their writings published between 1925-1979. After methodically and analytically examining the works of contemporary Iranian intellectuals such as Ahmad Kasravi, Hasan Taqizadeh, Mohammad Ali Foroughi, ...Daha fazlası

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Power and beauty relations in the picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and Lady Audley’s secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Özkan, Elif Sarah

This thesis endeavours to explore the enchanting power of beauty and its history. This thesis aims at examining the enchanting power of beauty on selected characters in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray and Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret. It further aims at examining the effects of possessing the power of beauty on the characters that possess it, namely Dorian Gray and Lady Audley. This thesis particularly focuses on the descriptions of the portraits of the protagonists in the two novels, on their effects on whoever looks at them and on the complex relationship between pi ...Daha fazlası

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An analysis of the impact of social media on rational voting behavior of generation Z

Haser, Serkan

Developing Information and Communication Technologies have significantly changed lifestyle and many areas of life. As the new media has increased effect in intelligence, content producing etc., and network systems have become an integral part of life, we are witnessing accelerated flow of information. Individuals have started to quickly access all kinds of information their countries and across the world. All these developments are inevitably reflected in political life. As a matter of fact, political actors inevitably need to update and innovate their methods of reaching Generation Z. In part ...Daha fazlası

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The effect of online Turkish shoppers’ perceptions on purchase intention in fashion industry

Akkor Koktekin, Müge

Even though retail stayed almost the same in the last 20 years, the effect of digital tools and applications substantially altered how businesses operate and how consumers shop. When the pandemic increased the pace consumers adapted to changes, retail industry was already battling with the challenge to digitalize. This study is based on the adoption theories including the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Technology Acceptance Model to investigate the interrelationships between perceived website design, perceived privacy, perceived reliability, perceived customer service by the Turkish online ...Daha fazlası

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The philosophical position of Kant between neo-kantians and Heidegger kantian critique as protemetaphysica

Çılgın, Ozan

This study is based on a comparison of two interpretations which have been developed on Kant's philosophy. The first of these interpretations belongs to Heidegger and claims that Kant's philosophy is fundamentally an ontology, moreover a fundamental ontology based on the analysis of finite human whatness. He grounds this claim by arguing that Kantian criticism constitutes the subjectivity of the subject in a temporal context. Thus, the Kantian representation of the subjectivity of the subject emerges almost as an analytic of Dasein. The second interpretation belongs to the Marburg school of th ...Daha fazlası

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Gender representation in television advertising and stereotypes on women in advertisements

Üçkaleler, Beyza

In addition to many other features, people appear in television advertisements with their gender characteristics. The way in which biological and social gender is used in visual designs varies according to the existing cultural and social characteristics. The characteristics of being the focus of domestic life, motherhood, companionship, housework, beauty and sexuality, which society imposes on women and femininity, have been changing in recent years, and this change also makes itself felt in the field of visual design. The new forms of existence of women in the society are also reflected in t ...Daha fazlası

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