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Customer reception of digitalization of retail services by financial institutions during covid-19 pandemic: the case of Turkey and Emea Region

Küçükbacak, Özge

The usage of the Internet in our daily life, the unstoppable development of technology and competition have made it necessary for financial institutions to work more technology oriented. Because banks have turned to digital banking applications. By using digital tools, people can to most of the things automated and faster that they have done manually in the past and ubiquitous mobile technologies introduced more opportunities for digital life style. In the context of COVID-19 consumers’ spending and banking preferences are rapidly evolving and retail banks face an urgent imperative to reshape ...Daha fazlası

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A review on currency shocks and inflation volatility: Evidence from a DCC-GARCH model

Akça, Melike

In the present research, the relationship among the exchange rate and inflation in Turkey was investigated by considering the monthly dataset among 1990:1-2022:4 years. The consumer price index, producer price index, industrial production index, nominal exchange rate, and money supply are used as variables to represent inflation. Impulse-Response analyzes were used to find the short-term effects of the variables, decomposition of variance analysis for the causes of the changes in the variances of the variables, and the medium and long-term relationships of the variables in pairs were determine ...Daha fazlası

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The reproduction of the self-made man myth through Netflix : a comparative analysis on Netflix's original series

Benli, İpek Beril

Netflix is currently the subject of various academic discussions in addition to its widespread commercial success over the last two decades. This study seeks to make a contribution to the academic literature by examining whether Netflix, an American media and entertainment company, truly "thinks local and acts global" in accordance with its motto or instead promotes the myth of the self-made man, one of America's founding myths, and, thus, reproduces capitalist hegemony. By examining Netflix’s three original teen series created in three distinct nations, Sex Education, Elite, and Aşk 101, this ...Daha fazlası

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Impact of IT teams on digital transformation and innovation

Çulha, Samet

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, digitization has become an essential aspect for companies across various industries. The integration of digitization has resulted in improved efficiency, productivity, and profitability for businesses. The transition towards digitization has allowed companies to streamline operations, reach new customers and markets, minimize costs, and increase their revenues. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, companies that fail to embrace digital transformation may risk becoming irrelevant and missing out on opportunities for growth. Therefore, ...Daha fazlası

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The influence of visual movement priming on novel and conventional metaphor comprehension: an eye-tracking study

Çora, Çağatay

Understanding metaphors is key to language processing. This research examined the influence of visual priming on action metaphor comprehension, addressing a critical gap in understanding cognitive mechanisms behind language comprehension. Based on the principles of embodied cognition, the research investigated how visual priming impacts comprehension of action metaphors, both novel and conventional, and literal action verbs. An experimental design was adopted, with eye-tracking technology used to capture eye movements as participants read metaphor-rich sentences. We executed a repeated measure ...Daha fazlası

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Emotion and cognition integration – The effect of anger on working memory

Gözütok, Emre

Emotions have always captured attention of philosophy, psychology and recently neuroscience. Through the history, emotions were considered as separate entity from thinking and cognition. It was mostly related with irrationality. Descartes claimed emotions were part of soul, based on his dualism theory. However, the period started with James-Lange changed this perspective. Together with cognitivist views, it has been understood that emotions have significant influence on cognitive functions. This focus towards relation between emotions and cognition led researchers to pay attention interaction ...Daha fazlası

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Relationship between personality and effective decision making in online shopping - introducing a holistic personality system: Enneagram

Karakaya, Mehmet Fatih

Online shopping offers a different experience than traditional store shopping, and consumer behavior on this platform may change depending on different factors. Enneagram personality types help better define consumers' online shopping preferences and Purchase Intentions. This can help businesses better target customers and offer products and services that suit their needs. This study measures the effect of Enneagram personality types on online shopping decisions in Turkey. In the study, analyzes were made based on the answers of 392 participants who shopped online. According to the regression ...Daha fazlası

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Framing of the Annan Plan in print media: A comparative analysis

Kurbanzade, Volga

This dissertation presents a comparative analysis of headline articles, op-eds, and cartoons on the Annan Plan that appeared in Turkish Cypriot, Greek Cypriot, Turkish and Greek newspapers in the month preceding the twin referenda held on 24 April 2002. The dissertation provides a content analysis of 12 newspapers central to the issue: Afrika, Kıbrıs, Vatan, Charavgi, Fileleftheros, Cumhuriyet, Milliyet, Yeni Şafak, Rizospastis, Ta Nea and Kathimerini. The research primarily investigates the patterns of similarity and difference in the use of “win-win”, “win-lose”, “lose-lose”, “there is no al ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Evaluation of kitsch art in a consumer society by the art educators

Marangoz, Selvin

Kitsch, like many art concepts, went beyond the boundaries of art and began to affect individuals and society. In consumer society, many imitations, cheap, serial, fake products and repetitions of their have been proliferated. With its lack of artistic concern, creativity and originality, kitsch products have caused art to lose its autonomy and enter into a commercial configuration. In this study, a survey study was conducted to reach art educators' opinions about Kitsch products. Educators working in various departments of Fine Arts Faculties were emailed and asked if they agreed with the stu ...Daha fazlası

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Value segmentation of remotely acquired customers in banking: a model-based approach

Mumcu, Recep

Innovations in information technologies lead to significant changes in the banking sector. While consumers' adaptation to digital services is accelerating, there are developments in the areas of customer experience and expectations. The integration of banks with high technology to meet customer expectations ensures that new products and services are emerging in the digital banking. Remote customer acquisition has become one of the most important developments in digital banking, enabling banks to acquire new customers by overcoming geographical restrictions and without any physical interaction. ...Daha fazlası

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Administrative organization of African states and oil policy: Angola and Nigeria compared

Durmuş, Ayşegül Ezgi

Angola and Nigeria are front running countries in terms of natural wealth among other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Angola lived under Portuguese rule before gaining independence. Nigeria, on the other hand, was under British colonization. Both still carry part of cultures they had acquired during the colonial period. At present, oil resources are the key element for their economic persistence and they have a notable position in the global oil market. Due to their colonial background, post-colonial experience and challenges that they have faced along with administrative and economic structu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The philosophical position of Kant between neo-kantians and Heidegger kantian critique as protemetaphysica

Çılgın, Ozan

This study is based on a comparison of two interpretations which have been developed on Kant's philosophy. The first of these interpretations belongs to Heidegger and claims that Kant's philosophy is fundamentally an ontology, moreover a fundamental ontology based on the analysis of finite human whatness. He grounds this claim by arguing that Kantian criticism constitutes the subjectivity of the subject in a temporal context. Thus, the Kantian representation of the subjectivity of the subject emerges almost as an analytic of Dasein. The second interpretation belongs to the Marburg school of th ...Daha fazlası

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