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Financial performance measurement with cash flow ratios: a research and comparison on borsa istanbul (BIST) main metal industry and accomodation sector

Gürdal, Banu İpek

As soon as people start to earn the money that their labor deserves, they begin to control their cash inflows and outflows. This control is more important for businesses established for profit making. Businesses that want to control their cash flows in a more detailed and neat report form refer to the cash flow statement. Knowing cash flow is vital for businesses. It provides both the control of the cash flow within themselves and the opportunity to compare itself with other businesses that use different accounting methods. The success and sustainability of a business is evaluated by the measu ...Daha fazlası

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Critical realism and socialist realism in cinema: the example of “Yol Ayrımı” movie

Katun, Sıdıka Seda

Realism in art, when associated with political economy and philosophy, is not a field that has received much academic study. A work of art necessarily reflects a particular ideology or a particular worldview and is therefore political. The motion picture also reflects a particular worldview and mainstream motion pictures are often shaped by the dominant ideology, which is the reality of an idealistic worldview. When the production phase of a movie, the director and the director's worldview, the script, the budget, the advertising relations, in other words the production relations, are evaluate ...Daha fazlası

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A study of the best practices and procedures of risk mitigation techniques in elastic supply chain management in government sector in Jordan. “a case study on Arab Potash Company”

Abdulhameed, Zainab

Recently, managing risks in the supply chain has taken on great importance due to the vulnerability of the supply chain and the importance of mitigating any disruptions that can affect the business. In a world of highly changeable events, the number of upcoming risks is increasing, and managers' strategies to mitigate these risks should be studied and noted to help mitigate similar issues in the future. Risks in the supply chain tend to occur infrequently but can have significant consequences for a company. Supply chain management has been crippled by the coronavirus epidemic, affecting variou ...Daha fazlası

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The impact of instagram on risks of developing eating disorders: Young female adults and appearance-focused accounts

Gad, Toka

The prevalence and extensive usage of Instagram as a social media platform have drawn my attention to the issue of appearance-oriented accounts on Instagram that endorse unrealistic standards of beauty. These accounts may contribute to the development of eating disorders, especially among young adult women. Various studies consistently indicate a connection between exposure to idealized depictions of female beauty in the media and negative effects on mood, self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, and a desire to be thin. Recent research has specifically focused on appearance-oriented accounts on Ins ...Daha fazlası

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Effects of using artificial intelligence on the certified public accountant profession: evidence from Istanbul certified public accountants

Alfares, Saja

Financial institutions' operations are being drastically altered by artificial intelligence (AI), which, as a result ofoperational efficiencies and savings of cost, is predicted to take over mundane jobs more and more. The field of AI has made great strides recently, especially in relation to the accounting industry, which has moved its focus from manual data entry using paper and pencil to automated data entry using computers and software. This research aims to study the level of awareness of the certified public accountants and their perceptions on the application of AI in the field of accou ...Daha fazlası

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Ahmet Ertegün’s art management perspective: Atlantic records

Aksüt, Çiğdem

This study aims to examine the art management perspective of Ahmet Ertegün through Atlantic Records. This study is significant in terms of revealing the effects of a music company director’s life and personal characteristics on the music company he has established and the place of the said company in the music industry. The research was planned and conducted as a case study in a qualitative design. Case studies are based on “how” and “why” questions and allow the researcher to deeply examine a phenomenon or event that he cannot control. This study sought an answer to the question of “what is g ...Daha fazlası

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The effect of supply chain agility and supply chain resilience on firm performance: A Study of the Marmara organized industrial zones

Gökhan, Esra Nur

Today, supply chain agility and supply chain resilience are two important concepts that companies try to invest in with their existing resources. In the rapidly changing and complex global world, the survival of companies and the ability to cope with their competitors resiliently depend on using their resources most efficiently. In addition, if these companies integrate digital technologies into their operations so they can quickly respond to customer expectations and increase the satisfaction of their customers who play a key role today. The first aim of this study is to investigate the effec ...Daha fazlası

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Fact-checking in the postmodern era

Balcı, Habib

In this thesis, we have tried to evaluate the concept of fact-checking, which constructs a new discourse in the media industry in parallel with the concept of post-truth, and within this framework, we have tried to evaluate how fact-checking channels evaluate the concepts of truth and lies within the framework of Postmodern thought, as well as focusing on the question of whether fact-checking tools, which claim to be a fact-truth, are the new gate-keepers of the new media and which truths or lies these platforms open their eyes to and which ones they close to (such as peak a boo). Indeed, Post ...Daha fazlası

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Examining the effects of interoceptive awareness and self-focus on emotion perception from point-light dance movements: an eye tracking study

Arı, İlkay

Emotional expressions are vital in human social interactions and effective communication. This study explored the influence of interoceptive awareness and self-focused attention on emotion perception from dynamic point-light dance movements along with the underlying eye behaviour. Eighty adult participants underwent random assignment into either the selffocus or control group, while considering age, gender, and interoceptive awareness. To assess interoceptive awareness, data were collected through both a heartbeat counting task and the implementation of the MAIA-2 Questionnaire. Self-focus gr ...Daha fazlası

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The impacts of poststructuralism, psychoanalysis and postmodernism on the development of autofiction

Önder, Ayda

This study aims to investigate the ways in which poststructuralism, psychoanalysis and postmodernism have contributed to the development of autofiction. It is contended that the genre has a dialectical relationship with the twentieth century critical theories. Autofiction both affirms and questions the poststructuralist dismantling of the traditional perspectives on the concepts of authority, authenticity and truth by bringing the authorial presence back to the text but fictionalising it to some extent, committing to narrate the truth but creating an ambivalence around it. Autofiction engages ...Daha fazlası

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İngiliz kaynaklarında Midhat Paşa’nın Avrupa sürgünü

Işıklar, Kemal İnanç

Bu çalışmada ünlü Osmanlı Devlet adamı Ahmet Şefik Midhat Paşa’nın II. Sadareti sırasında ve ilk Osmanlı Anayasası olan Kanun-i Esasi’nin ilan edilip, ilk Osmanlı Parlamentosu’nun kurulmasından hemen sonra Sultan Abdülhamid tarafından Avrupa’ya sürgün edilmesi süreci ele alınmaktadır. Sultan Abdülhamid’e yazdığı sitem dolu bir tezkireden altı gün sonra azledilerek İzzeddin Vapuru ile kendi isteği doğrultusunda İtalya’nın Brindisi limanına götürülmüş, yaklaşık yirmi ay Avrupa’da sürgünde bulunduktan sonra Sultan Abdülhamid’in iradesi ile Girit’te ikamet etmek üzere geri çağrılmıştır. Midhat Paş ...Daha fazlası

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A sociological study on young people’s value differences from their parents along the materialist/postmaterialist axis

Öksüz, Nuran

This study aims to discover the challenges for secular middle-class youth in Turkey with materialist-postmaterialist value differences with their parents climbing the social ladder. The fact that the focused group is comparatively more advantageous than the lower-income groups in terms of socioeconomics can make their problems invisible. In this respect, the subject of this study has not been adequately covered in the literature, and it is crucial to study. The study used the in-depth interview method, and eight young people between the ages of 20 and 30 were reached with snowball sampling. Si ...Daha fazlası

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