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Ön Baskı YayınlarYeditepe Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

An investigation of depression and addiction between online and offline players: And the moderation effect of perceived social support

Can, Selçuk

Albeit having its positive aspects, gaming can result in addiction if it is extreme and interferes with daily functioning. In the field of game addiction, low social support and comorbid depression are common in game-addicted players. However, very little research has been conducted regarding gaming mode, and none of them investigated the potential moderation role of perceived social support. Therefore, the current thesis aims to compare online and offline players in terms of their gender, depression, perceived social support, and game addiction scores as well as examine the moderation influen ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Kapitalizmin ve tüketim kültürünün bütünlüğünden doğan etkinin 1960’dan günümüze sanata yansımaları

Alpay , Ozan Oğuzhan

Sanat, tarihten günümüze toplumlar içerisinde sosyal, kültürel ve politik açılardan işlevlendirilmektedir. Çalışmada tüketim kültürünün, kapitalizmin tüketime bağımlı dinamikleriyle kurduğu iletişim sayesinde ivme kazandığına değinilmektedir. Bu yolla kapitalizmin ve tüketim kültürünün sanat üzerinde yönlendirici bir etki oluşturduğu ortaya konmaktadır. Çalışmada kapitalizm ve tüketim kültürü içerisindeki sanatın, 1960 yılına kadar ki etkileşimi; sanat ve siyaset rejiminin geliştirdiği modellerin süreçlerindeki tespitlerle sunulmaktadır. 1950 yılında ortaya çıkan Pop Sanat’ın kurduğu iletişime ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

From the quest for authenticity to advocacy: How do authentic brands create brand advocate consumers?

Tosun, Aslı

In a quest to investigate whether brands that position themselves as authentic create brand advocate consumers, the current study analyzes and collates the extant literature on brand authenticity through unfolding the relationship between brand authenticity and brand advocacy on the grounds of brand experience, actual self-image congruence, consumer involvement as well as the product category with an aim to explore whether brand authenticity positively influences brand advocacy behavior among consumers. The relationships are investigated through a comprehensive research model using two differe ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

II. Meşrutiyet döneminde gayrimüslim kadınların ihtidalarına örnekler

Sarçın, Simge

Osmanlı Devleti tarih boyunca İslam dininin “Dinde zorlama yoktur!” emrine uyarak gayrimüslimlerin dini hürriyetine saygı duymuştur. Padişahlar yayınladıkları fermanlarda zimmilerin ibadetlerini rahatça yapması ve dini mekanlarına dokunulmasının yasaklanması gibi çeşitli kararlar alarak haklarını korumuştur. Özellikle Osmanlı’nın son dönemlerinde Müslüman olan gayrimüslimlerle ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalara bakıldığında kendi dinini terk ederek ihtida eden kişi sayısının aslında çok da fazla olmadığı görülmektedir. Bu durum zimmilere Müslüman olmaları için herhangi bir baskı yapılmadığının bir ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Grafik tasarımın yeni medya teknolojilerindeki geleceği: İnternet üzerinden yayın yapan talebe bağlı video platformlarında afiş ve thumbnail kullanımının dinamik izleme alışkanlıklarına bağlı değişimi

Kızıltaş, Emek

Dinamik bir iletişim bilimi olan grafik tasarım, günün şartları ve ihtiyaçlarına göre şekillenebilen, esneyebilen ve farklı yaklaşımlarla çözüm üretebilen bir disiplin olmayı sürdürmektedir. Gelecekte de varlığını sürdüreceği ön görülmekte olan grafik tasarımın, gelişen teknolojiler ve yeni medya alanındaki ihtiyaçlara büyük oranda cevap vermesi gerekliliği tüm dünyada kabul görmektedir. Dijital yayın platformlarının izleme alışkanlıklarına doğrudan etkisi, izleme etkinliğinin giderek bireyselleşmesine ve farklı pazarlama stratejilerinin gelişmesine neden olmaktadır. Tezde SVOD hizmeti sunan y ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The relationship between separation individuation process and Orthorexia Nervosa: The mediator role of vulnerable Narcissism

Küçük, Ceren

In this study, it was aimed to examine the mediating role of vulnerable narcissism in the relationship between separation-individuation process and orthorexia nervosa. 238 participants ages between 18 and 49 participated in the study. “Sociodemographic Information Form”, “Separation-Individuation Form”, “Orto-11” and “Pathological Narcissism Inventory were used on participants. In the analysis, the first Pearson Correlation was applied to examine the relationship between separation-individuation, orthorexia nervosa and vulnerable narcissism. After the correlation analysis, the mediation was co ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effect of working capital management and solvency on profitability: Case of bist basic metal sector companies

Demir, Arda Eren

In this research, effect of WCM (known for optimization of liquidity and efficiency) and solvency on profitability has been analyzed for basic metal sector companies listed in BİST in 2018-2022. This research also includes comparison of financial ratios of companies that had initial public offering in 2022 and companies that had initial public offering before 2022. Research findings show that working capital management has positive effect on profitability, as liquidity has effect on all of the studied profitability ratios. Solvency also has positive effect on profitability, as solvency has pos ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Musical metaphors: Innate and objective

Yüksel, Hatice

As in the recent approach cognition is embodied and metaphor theory of meaning metaphoricity of music is a topic that is mostly studied in cognitive musicology and cognitive linguistics and should be studied from the perspective of cognitive scientists. Musicologists use metaphors to describe the musical system itself in the music theory, music psychologists also use metaphors to describe perceptual facts like a tone is higher as in it resonates somewhere higher in the body or conceptual as in the tone’s place in the musical spectrum. This conceptual part tells us that this kind of metaphor de ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The influence of website quality on customer purchase intentıon through the mediating role of E-satisfaction and flow experience

Turgut, Merve

To attract customers and ensure a competitive advantage in the e-commerce environment, it is crucial to identify which website attributes encourage customers to purchase by making them more satisfied and offering an online customer experience. Although various website attributes have been widely analysed in the literature based on traditional marketing theories, there are limited studies that have applied the holistic view to categorise these website attributes and online consumer experience regarding flow state. Inspired by the DeLone and Mclean IS model and flow theory, this study is the fir ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The mediating role of shame and guilt in the relationship between parentification and separation-ındividuation

İlbak, Ayşe Nur

In this study, the main purpose was to explore the mediating roles of shame and guilt in the relationship between parentification and separation-individuation. In order to measure the relationships between variables, data was collected through an online survey with the participation of 384 individuals between ages 18 and 58. Parentified Child Scale-Adult Version, Separation-Individuation Inventory, The Trait Shame and Guilt Scale and Demographic Information Form were used to assess these variables respectively. Quantitative research methods were used through the SPSS : 1) correlational analysi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Exploring the shadow and trickster archetypes: an analysis of Alex in a clockwork orange and Amy in gone girl

Tekelioğlu , Şeyda Ebrar

The purpose of this study is to analyze the main characters, Alex in Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange and Amy in Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl, through a Jungian perspective. Both characters exhibit complex and multilayered personalities, embodying the darker aspects of human behavior while employing cunning and manipulative tactics to achieve their goals. Through a comparative analysis, this study examines how Alex and Amy navigate the boundaries of societal norms, challenging conventional morality and evoking a sense of ambiguity and unpredictability. Drawing on textual evidence and psycholo ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Global art market and art economy after 2000 and Turkey: The evolution, resilience, and global prominence of the Turkish art market

Üler Kaprol, Tuğçe

The term "market" has deep historical roots, evolving from a physical space for trade to an abstract concept symbolizing the exchange of goods and services. In the sociology of art, Pierre Bourdieu has shaped a distinctive path of research, emphasizing taste judgments, cultural power, and cultural capital as tools for social dominance. This foundation aids in understanding the intricacies of the art market. Over time, art has transformed into an alternative investment for corporate entities, wealth managers, banks, and individuals, driven by economic shifts since the 1980s. The 1980s saw the p ...Daha fazlası

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