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Ön Baskı YayınlarYeditepe Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
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Tezer Özlü’nün yaşamın ucuna yolculuk ile Virginia Woolf’un Orlando eserlerinde yolculuk ve kadın

Çolak, Şeyma Ece

Bu tezde, Türk ve İngiliz Edebiyatlarında, 20. yüzyılda yaşamış iki kadın yazar olan Tezer Özlü ve Virginia Woolf’un modernizmin etkisinde ortaya çıkardıkları eserleri, akımın ve yaşadıkları dönemlerin onlarda bıraktıkları buhranları ve kendi içsel yolculukları ele alınmış ve feminist kuram çerçevesinde mukayese edilmiştir. Birbirine yapısal ve fikirsel olarak benzeyen Yaşamın Ucuna Yolculuk ve Orlando1 eserleri, yolculuk ve kadın temaları üzerinden, ortak ve farklı yönleriyle incelenecektir. Yazarların kendi hayatlarından, benliklerinden ilham alarak, kendi yolculuklarını dâhil ettikleri eser ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Attitudes towards emotional abuse in romantic relationships from a gender perspective

Sunay, Uhde Serenay

Emotional abuse is one of the most challenging forms of violence to define, and many individuals often unknowingly experience emotional abuse. Existing literature has found that individuals who have experienced psychological abuse tend to suffer from depression, low self-esteem, a decreased sense of autonomy, fear, and an increased risk of suicide. Studies on emotional abuse between partners in romantic relationships are limited. In this study, the attitudes of Turkish university students and individuals with university degrees or above towards emotional abuse were investigated. Gender differe ...Daha fazlası

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The role of parental bonding and social support in mentalization processes during emerging adulthood

Yıldırım, Ebrar

Mentalization is a competence of understanding ourselves and others that develops first in the family and later social environment. In the literature, it is stated that the relationship with parents and its association with attachment styles wield substantial influence in the development of mentalization. The importance of mentalization capacity in people's social lives, both in receiving and giving social support, has been emphasized. Furthermore, it has been noted that mentalization becomes more prominent with emerging adulthood which includes the process of individuation, and that parental ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Open banking as a new approach: A model proposal for Turkey

Çakmakcı, Gamze

Open banking involves banks sharing customer information with third-party service providers with the customer's permission, allowing these companies to offer new products and services. Banks provide the necessary infrastructure using Application Programming Interface (API) for approved transactions and transmit the permitted information to service providers. This comprehensive approach allows customer financial data to be processed and processed in one place. Financial technology organizations, also known as service providers, also participate in the service process between banks and consumers ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

On the universality of cognitive biases in natural language: The case of noun phrase internal ordersing

Akyürek, Sunay

The present study experimentally investigates the order of NP-internal modifiers in gesture modality as practiced by Turkish speaking participants in an attempt to understand the natural order within NPs cross linguistically, whether the participants’ preferences reflect a homomorphism bias, and whether their preferences are influenced by their native language. For these purposes, Turkish-speaking participants (N=44) randomly assigned to two conditions where access to their native language was suppressed in the first block (suppression-first condition) or where access to their native language ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Comparative analysis of virtual games with video games: preferences of players worldwide

Ahtaq, Salah Eddine

The emergence of virtual reality in recent years has primarily focused on user interfaces, visual simulation, and 3D graphics. However, the community's interest in virtual reality has shifted towards the gaming industry in order to reach a larger audience. This thesis aims to study the differences and similarities between virtual games and traditional video games in order to determine user preferences and opinions. Over 60 days (April 1st - May 31st, 2023), an online survey gathered 300 comprehensive responses, revealing substantial insights, and 4 interviews have been conducted with 4 volunte ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

İşveren açısından iş güvenliğine aykırılığın ceza hukukundaki yansımaları

Öğütcü Delgezenli, Özlem

İşveren, iş sağlığı ve güvenliğinin sağlanması ve gelişmesi amacıyla mevzuatın, bilimin ve aklın ışığında önleyici ve koruyucu gerekli her türlü tedbiri almak, işin tekniği gereği bulunması gereken araç ve gereçleri eksiksiz bulundurmak, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği önlemlerine uyulup uyulmadığını periyodik olarak denetlemek, işçilerini karşılaşabilecekleri mesleki riskler ile buna karşı alınması gerekli önlemler konusunda bilgilendirerek farkındalık oluşturmak ile her seviyede gerekli iş sağlığı ve güvenliği eğitimini vermek suretiyle iş bilinci ve kültürünü geliştirmekle yükümlüdür. İş güvenliğin ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Trade liberalization and some macroeconomic indicators in Turkey (1980-2018)

Alzabadi, Nader

This study aims to examine the impact of trade liberalization on some macroeconomic indicators (foreign direct investment, exports, imports, trade balance, and government size) in Turkey. Our study employed the autoregressive distributed lag bound test (ARDL) approach, unit root test, bound test for long-run estimation, and error correction term (EC). Findings show that trade liberalization does not have a positive impact on foreign direct investment inflow into the Turkish market, as well as that currency depreciation accompanied by an open economy decreases foreign capital inflow. Trade libe ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Security analysis of advanced encryption standard (AES) for image encryption

Küçükbacak, Rıdvan

Abstract In recent years, there have been major advancements in multimedia technologies and accordingly, file transfer over the internet has become extremely frequent. However, some security issues can occur in the internet, since it is a very insecure channel. To preserve the privacy and security of multimedia data transmitted over the internet, a number of encryption algorithms have been developed. This research presents a methodology for examining practically used image processing encryption algorithms. To measure the quality of encoded images, a number of factors such as correlation coeffi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The drama triangle in Tess of the D’urbervilles by Thomas Hardy and the Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

Nazlı, Pınar

The drama triangle, a modern concept of psychology that involves three roles, the victim, the rescuer and the persecutor, occurs in many dysfunctional relations. This study aims to analyze how the drama triangle reveals itself in the selected novels and its main reason, which is a system of power dynamics that labels one as “the superior” and the other one as “the inferior.” The power dynamics and the drama triangle in Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison will be explained and evaluated through Feminist, Marxist and postcolonial theories. In fact, these ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The case of Marginalised Victorian women: An analysis of Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist and hard times through Kate millett’s feminism

Kırmızıgül, Tuba

The present dissertation aims to analyse Victorian society and its reflection in the 19th-century novels such as Hard Times and Oliver Twist within the feminist framework. Discriminative attitudes in a patriarchal society and how females meet abuse from childhood are among the main concerns; therefore, these are also examined with a great emphasis and added to the research. Their miserable condition inspires the author of this study to shed light upon the women and children within their fictionalisation both in the Victorian novels and in different periods. Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics is co ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Internal and external dimensions of the foreign ıntervention: The case of Libya following the Arab Spring

Ali, Binnasr

Unlike Tunisia and Egypt, the Libyan uprising was more violent, which made it the target state for the first application of the principle of responsibility to protect (military intervention against the will of the targeted state under the pretext of protecting civilians). Although it was called a humanitarian intervention, it was participation in humanitarian disaster consisted eight months of civil war that ended with the killing of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the regime. This was the starting point of a complex and continuing state of instability which Libya is suffering from. The aim of th ...Daha fazlası

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