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Erişime Açık

Portre resminde i̇mgenin varoluşu

Özkan, Hatice

Portre, insanın resmedilmesi anlamını taşısa da bir bakıma sanatçının da resmedilmesi manasını taşımaktadır. Karşılıklı etkileşime dayalı bir dinamik oluşturan portre resminde sanatçının üzerinde yoğunlaştığı imgeler onun şahsi tecrübelerine dayandığı gibi evriminin bir parçasını da oluşturmaktadır. Sadece malzemeye ve ölçüye dayalı bir yaratımın portre için açıklayıcı olmadığı gibi yapılan işin çok küçük bir kısmını tanımlaması sebebiyle eksik ya da zayıftır. Sanatçının duyguları, hisleri sanata dair tutumları diğer bir deyişle özne olma halleri portre için belirleyicidir. Sanatçı bakışı ile ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Ideology and U.S. Foreign policy in the post-wilsonian era: an analysis of American foreign policy as a derivative of political tradition based on the idealism-realism spectrum

Kerçek, Harun

Ideology, as a system of ideas characterizing that forms the basis of theories and policies, shapes the way in which citizens and politicians conceptualize foreign policy. In analyzing the determinants of American foreign policy in the post-Wilsonian era, this research considers realism and idealism to be the two opposing foundational ideologies upon which additional systems in political thought are founded. An analysis of ideologies, in this sense, from isolationism to neoliberalism and expansionism demonstrates that the core ideological roots found in American policy doctrines are formed as ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Türk ceza muhakemesi hukukunda hâkimin yasaklılığı, reddi ve çekinmesi

Aygün Karakoyunlu, Ülkem Cansu

Ceza muhakemesi hukukunda hâkimin yasaklılığı, reddi ve çekinmesi kurumu adil yargılama yapmak suretiyle maddi gerçeğe ulaşılabilmesinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Nitekim adil yargılama yükümlülüğü olan hâkimin tarafsız olması gerekir. Tarafsızlık hâkimin önüne gelen davada taraflara eşit mesafede durabilmesi ve bunu görüntü olarak sergileyebilmesidir. Hâkimin tarafsızlığının güvence altına alınması gerekmekte olup, bu doğrultuda Ceza Muhakemesi Kanunu’nun (CMK) 22-31. maddelerinde hâkimin yasaklılığı, reddi ve çekinmesi kurumu düzenlenmektedir. Yasaklılık, CMK’da tahdidi olarak sayılan hal ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The Quest of Women and revisionist mythmaking in muinar and the penelopiad: just voices or “just” voices?

Öner, Ayşe Ceren

The aim of the present study is to explore the emancipatory potential of revisionist mythmaking strategies employed in two contemporary novels, Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad (2005) and Latife Tekin’s Muinar (2006), through dialogic, intertextual, and deconstructive relations. Offering a comparative account by means of a three-fold theoretical basis between the two novels, this dissertation explores women’s paths to seek justice. Both novels portray rebellious women and give voice to their alternative stories. The analysis demonstrates that the retelling of mythic tales connects the past to ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Auditory inattentional deafness investigated with eye tracking

Kaspar, Gizem Tanseli

This thesis will examine auditory selective attention and inattentional deafness with an eyetracking approach. Some studies show that if a change happens between two modalities, like a visual task with an audio change or an audio task with a visual change, the inattentional blindness and inattentional deafness could be decreased with the help of the changes in multimodal conditions. The current experiment aims to take the first step and expand the understanding of the effects of multimodal changes on inattentional deafness. The main aim of this thesis is whether the type of environmental soun ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The impact of instagram on risks of developing eating disorders: Young female adults and appearance-focused accounts

Gad, Toka

The prevalence and extensive usage of Instagram as a social media platform have drawn my attention to the issue of appearance-oriented accounts on Instagram that endorse unrealistic standards of beauty. These accounts may contribute to the development of eating disorders, especially among young adult women. Various studies consistently indicate a connection between exposure to idealized depictions of female beauty in the media and negative effects on mood, self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, and a desire to be thin. Recent research has specifically focused on appearance-oriented accounts on Ins ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Feeling at home: Qualified Turkish immigrants work in the subcontractor company in Athens

Yeni, Merve

The migration of young and qualified individuals abroad is a subject being discussed in the literature. Migration in Türkiye has also increased significantly due to social, economic, and political factors. For this reason, individuals have started to migrate to Europe, the USA, and Canada through student, work, and refugee ways. Since the target of most individuals regarding external migration is developed countries, migration to developed countries has also been focused on in the literature. However, the migration of skilled individuals is a topic that has received little focus within the fra ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Open banking as a new approach: A model proposal for Turkey

Çakmakcı, Gamze

Open banking involves banks sharing customer information with third-party service providers with the customer's permission, allowing these companies to offer new products and services. Banks provide the necessary infrastructure using Application Programming Interface (API) for approved transactions and transmit the permitted information to service providers. This comprehensive approach allows customer financial data to be processed and processed in one place. Financial technology organizations, also known as service providers, also participate in the service process between banks and consumers ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Post-Truth çağda figüratif resim ve heykel

Ataş, Eyüp

Hakikatin önemsizleştiği post-truth dönemde insanlık bir simülasyon çağı yaşamaktadır. Zaman ve mekân algısı değişmiş, görüntülerden oluşan sanal bir imgelem dünyası söz konusu olmuştur. Artık her şey sayılardan oluşan bir veridir. Her türlü hakikat her an değişebilir durumdadır. Bu dönemde sanal medya kullanıcıları herhangi bir alandaki yeterliliklerine bakılmaksızın ‘her şey’ olabilmektedir. Hakikatin önemsizleşmesinin temel özelliklerinden bir diğeri de yalanın hakikatin yerini almasıdır. Öznel duygu ve düşüncelerin rasyonel görüşlere tercih edildiği bu çağda sanatta payına düşeni almaktadı ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The mediating role of organizational cynicism perceived by employees on the effect of applied managerial power sources on the intention to quit

Alıcı, Özlem

In this study, it was tried to determine the mediating role of organizational cynicism perceptions of employees in the effect of managerial power sources applied by five-star hotel management managers on their intention to leave. The research universe of the study is the five-star hotel businesses in Istanbul. The sample of the research consists of 272 hotel employees determined by random sampling method among the employees in these enterprises, and the survey method was used in the research. Data were collected by face-to- face and online survey method. The data obtained as a result of the re ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Administrative organization of African states and oil policy: Angola and Nigeria compared

Durmuş, Ayşegül Ezgi

Angola and Nigeria are front running countries in terms of natural wealth among other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Angola lived under Portuguese rule before gaining independence. Nigeria, on the other hand, was under British colonization. Both still carry part of cultures they had acquired during the colonial period. At present, oil resources are the key element for their economic persistence and they have a notable position in the global oil market. Due to their colonial background, post-colonial experience and challenges that they have faced along with administrative and economic structu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The investment strategies of art funds

Angün, Pelin

This thesis study examines the conditions that laid the groundwork for art funds in particular, their formation and development processes, and subsequently analyses the properties of art funds as a type of investment fund, and their structure and diversity, ultimately closely examining their investment strategies in detail through examples. Although artworks have been known to be valuable for centuries, the classification and acceptance of artworks as an asset class is a newer phenomenon that occurred in the last century. The operating mechanisms unique to the art markets evolved within the li ...Daha fazlası

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