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Erişime Açık

20. Yüzyılda resim sanatında çocuksuluk kavramı

Benli, Selma

Bu çalışma, sanat alanında 20. yüzyılda görülebilen, çocuk resimlerine özgü yanlarıyla, “çocuksu” diyebileceğimiz eserlerin incelenmesini ve aralarındaki ilişkiyi anlamaya yöneliktir. Bu ilginin nedenini ve eserlerde nasıl görünürlük kazandığını anlamak bu tezin amacıdır. Modern Sanatın gelişmesi ile bu kavramı çalışmalarında kullanan sanatçılar “çocuksuluk” kavramını hem araştırmış hem de çalışmalarında uygulamışlardır. Çocuksuluk kavramının biçimsel, kavramsal ve sezgisel yönleri ayrı ayrı belirlenip genel bir çerçeve içerisinde ilişkilendirilmiştir. Bu kavramlarla ilgili tarzı olan ressamla ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The mediating role of psychological capital in the relationship between agile leadership and employee intrapreneurship: An empirical study in Turkey

Nurdağ, Veysel Karani

This research aims to undertake an extensive investigation into the correlation among agile leadership, employee intrapreneurship, and psychological capital. By examining the impact of psychological capital on employee intrapreneurship, this study seeks to make a valuable contribution to the academic literature.While there is an increasing interest in the concepts of agile leadership and employee intrapreneurship, there is a lack of comprehensive research exploring their relationship with psychological capital. The suggested study will employ an interdisciplinary approach, combining the pertin ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Artırılmış gerçeklik destekli etkileşimli infografik tasarımı: İstanbul Rahmi M. Koç müzesi örnek uygulaması

Şilit, Renç

İnsanoğlu tarih boyunca merak içgüdüsü ile yaşamını sürdürmüş, bilgiye ulaşmak ile meşgul olmuştur. Bilgi kavramı üzerinde yoğunlaşan insan, topluluğun devamını ve varlığını sürdürmek için güç unsuru olarak bilgiyi kullanmıştır. Bilgi, en küçük toplumsal oluşumdan evrenin işleyişini anlamaya, gerçekleşen veya gerçekleşebilecek olayların anlaşılmasını ve kontrol altına alınmasını sağlayan bir deneyimler bütünüdür. İnsanlık devinime uğrarken bilgiye ulaşmanın ve kullanımının da çeşitlendiği bilinmektedir. Analog dönemlerden farklı olarak; dijital çağda bilgi, toplumun tamamına ulaşabilmektedir. ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effect of corporate social responsibility activities of container shipping companies on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

Ardıç Saral, Gülşah

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly gaining importance for businesses due to its multifaceted and mutually beneficial advantages it offers to society, the environment, and other stakeholders. In addition to the benefits it provides to stakeholders, businesses contribute to competitive advantage, corporate reputation, customer satisfaction, and loyalty through the activities implemented within the framework of CSR, consequently enhancing company productivity and profitability. In other words, CSR is not only perceived as an ethical responsibility but also as a strategic advant ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The role of parental bonding and social support in mentalization processes during emerging adulthood

Yıldırım, Ebrar

Mentalization is a competence of understanding ourselves and others that develops first in the family and later social environment. In the literature, it is stated that the relationship with parents and its association with attachment styles wield substantial influence in the development of mentalization. The importance of mentalization capacity in people's social lives, both in receiving and giving social support, has been emphasized. Furthermore, it has been noted that mentalization becomes more prominent with emerging adulthood which includes the process of individuation, and that parental ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Reflections of the black ghettoization process in the selected African - American plays in ethnically specific perspectives

İpek, Esra

Art makers have taken significant responsibilities and undoubtedly, all the African-American playwrights, like other artists, have struggled to convey their various purposes to their community for social mobility such as raising coloured people’s awareness, educating them about their circumstances, and making them take an active role in their liberation process rather than being passive. Thanks to this regeneration, the misconception about Afro-American history may be corrected from the beginning with the acceptance of the duality in their identities without ceasing one of them; Africanness an ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A review on currency shocks and inflation volatility: Evidence from a DCC-GARCH model

Akça, Melike

In the present research, the relationship among the exchange rate and inflation in Turkey was investigated by considering the monthly dataset among 1990:1-2022:4 years. The consumer price index, producer price index, industrial production index, nominal exchange rate, and money supply are used as variables to represent inflation. Impulse-Response analyzes were used to find the short-term effects of the variables, decomposition of variance analysis for the causes of the changes in the variances of the variables, and the medium and long-term relationships of the variables in pairs were determine ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Tezer Özlü’nün yaşamın ucuna yolculuk ile Virginia Woolf’un Orlando eserlerinde yolculuk ve kadın

Çolak, Şeyma Ece

Bu tezde, Türk ve İngiliz Edebiyatlarında, 20. yüzyılda yaşamış iki kadın yazar olan Tezer Özlü ve Virginia Woolf’un modernizmin etkisinde ortaya çıkardıkları eserleri, akımın ve yaşadıkları dönemlerin onlarda bıraktıkları buhranları ve kendi içsel yolculukları ele alınmış ve feminist kuram çerçevesinde mukayese edilmiştir. Birbirine yapısal ve fikirsel olarak benzeyen Yaşamın Ucuna Yolculuk ve Orlando1 eserleri, yolculuk ve kadın temaları üzerinden, ortak ve farklı yönleriyle incelenecektir. Yazarların kendi hayatlarından, benliklerinden ilham alarak, kendi yolculuklarını dâhil ettikleri eser ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The reflections of privalization policies in Turkish newspapers: The case of Türk Telekom

Çakmak, Bekir

Basically, this study, which deals with the ideological construction process carried out to create a common sense against privatization policies by using media tools, consists of four parts. In this context, in the first part, the emergence of capitalism, which forms the basis of neoliberal ideology, which is the intellectual infrastructure of privatization policies, and its transformation in the historical process are mentioned. The second part of the study is organized under two main headings. Under the first heading, the emergence of the concept of ideology and the perspectives of scientist ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Political cycles and transitional justice: Evidence from Uruguay and Chile

Genç, Tuçe

This study concentrates on how countries deal with the mass human rights violations, large-scale massacres, and social abuses experienced during authoritarian rule. A comparative research is conducted, focusing on the differences and similarities between societies governed by bureaucratic authoritarian systems. Uruguay and Chile are studied as similar cases that have ended up with different outcomes in transitional justice processes. The main question of the study is whether and how political cycles affect transitional justice policies. It is assumed that successive leftist governments in powe ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research on parental resilience: Mindful parenting and parental stress authors

Nalcı, Elif Ecem

The resilience of the family to difficult life events is a topic that has been recently researched in the literature. The factors of parenting that are related to parental resilience are an important issue that needs to be focused more. This research aimed to investigate the role of mindful parenting and parental stress on parental resilience. In the study, parents of 0-6 year old children (N = 183) filled out the Family Resilience Scale, Mindful Parenting Scale and Parental Stress Scale via the online platform. According to the research results, parental resilience was positively correlated t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Art and methodology of sculptor Füsun Onur in contemporary Turkish art

Burcu Efsun, Topaloğlu Marlalı

This paper aims to explore the artistic career of Füsun Onur, a pioneer of Contemporary Turkish Art. Despite her recognition especially within the Turkish art scene, there has been no comprehensive academic study about Füsun Onur. This study seeks to fill this gap by analyzing the development and significance of Onur’s art within the contexts of her life, historical conditions and artistic movements, exploring her contributions to Turkish contemporary art through her innovative use of materials and techniques. Onur’s artistic journey is examined chronologically. Various experimental stages she ...Daha fazlası

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