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Transgenerational Trauma and Fetishism in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” and Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

Elibal, Sena Gökçe

This thesis sets out to analyze transgenerational trauma in the African American context and fetishistic attachments developed as a coping mechanism to control and overcome transgenerational traumas. It is a fact that the history of people of African origin in the United States is marked by a centuries-long suffering from slavery, violent oppression, discrimination, and racism, which meant that generations after generations were born into this inhumane system in which they have been heavily traumatized. The gravity and the longitude of the situation created a cycle of trauma where current gene ...Daha fazlası

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Social mobility from city to province in new Turkish cinema

Çağlar, Çağla

This thesis deals with the reflection of the concept of social mobility from the city to the province in the movies produced between the years 1990 and 2000, when the New Turkish Cinema came to the fore in Turkey. Before 1990, the mobility from the countryside to the city was on the contrary, towards the countryside again. For this reason, the homeland of the New Turkish Cinema is the countryside. Especially after 1990, the increasing importance of the countryside in cinema means a mood for the characters rather than being a place. In a perspective stretching from the end of the 90s to the 200 ...Daha fazlası

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Racism among Iranian intellectuals (1925-1979)

Bioukvand Ghojehbiglou, Elshan

The works of contemporary Iranian intellectuals have been researched from many perspectives, but many of their thoughts have not been explored deeply, widely, and academically regarding the issue of racism. In this research, I used the qualitative content analysis method to examine the works of some prominent and contemporary Iranian intellectuals regarding having or not having racist elements in their writings published between 1925-1979. After methodically and analytically examining the works of contemporary Iranian intellectuals such as Ahmad Kasravi, Hasan Taqizadeh, Mohammad Ali Foroughi, ...Daha fazlası

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Bloody, bold and resolute: Dimensions of power in Hamlet, King Lear and Macbeth

Tönel, Utku

This thesis argues that there is a symbiotic relationship between the actions of characters making use of different aspects of power, and the plot progression in three tragedies by William Shakespeare; Hamlet, King Lear, and Macbeth, whose plots were built upon a problem of succession. For this purpose, the Aristotelian definition of tragedy was used in conjunction with the notion of power as defined by Steven Lukes throughout the study. To identify how this interaction helps build the dramatic structure, Thomas Pavel’s concept of move was utilised to pinpoint the plot progressionin the three ...Daha fazlası

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An investigation of depression and addiction between online and offline players: And the moderation effect of perceived social support

Can, Selçuk

Albeit having its positive aspects, gaming can result in addiction if it is extreme and interferes with daily functioning. In the field of game addiction, low social support and comorbid depression are common in game-addicted players. However, very little research has been conducted regarding gaming mode, and none of them investigated the potential moderation role of perceived social support. Therefore, the current thesis aims to compare online and offline players in terms of their gender, depression, perceived social support, and game addiction scores as well as examine the moderation influen ...Daha fazlası

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Financial performance measurement with cash flow ratios: a research and comparison on borsa istanbul (BIST) main metal industry and accomodation sector

Gürdal, Banu İpek

As soon as people start to earn the money that their labor deserves, they begin to control their cash inflows and outflows. This control is more important for businesses established for profit making. Businesses that want to control their cash flows in a more detailed and neat report form refer to the cash flow statement. Knowing cash flow is vital for businesses. It provides both the control of the cash flow within themselves and the opportunity to compare itself with other businesses that use different accounting methods. The success and sustainability of a business is evaluated by the measu ...Daha fazlası

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The mediating role of organizational cynicism perceived by employees on the effect of applied managerial power sources on the intention to quit

Alıcı, Özlem

In this study, it was tried to determine the mediating role of organizational cynicism perceptions of employees in the effect of managerial power sources applied by five-star hotel management managers on their intention to leave. The research universe of the study is the five-star hotel businesses in Istanbul. The sample of the research consists of 272 hotel employees determined by random sampling method among the employees in these enterprises, and the survey method was used in the research. Data were collected by face-to- face and online survey method. The data obtained as a result of the re ...Daha fazlası

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Impact of IT teams on digital transformation and innovation

Çulha, Samet

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, digitization has become an essential aspect for companies across various industries. The integration of digitization has resulted in improved efficiency, productivity, and profitability for businesses. The transition towards digitization has allowed companies to streamline operations, reach new customers and markets, minimize costs, and increase their revenues. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, companies that fail to embrace digital transformation may risk becoming irrelevant and missing out on opportunities for growth. Therefore, ...Daha fazlası

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The case of Marginalised Victorian women: An analysis of Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist and hard times through Kate millett’s feminism

Kırmızıgül, Tuba

The present dissertation aims to analyse Victorian society and its reflection in the 19th-century novels such as Hard Times and Oliver Twist within the feminist framework. Discriminative attitudes in a patriarchal society and how females meet abuse from childhood are among the main concerns; therefore, these are also examined with a great emphasis and added to the research. Their miserable condition inspires the author of this study to shed light upon the women and children within their fictionalisation both in the Victorian novels and in different periods. Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics is co ...Daha fazlası

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Weaponizing energy: Anthropological approach to future of war

Yanar, Banu

This thesis intends to offer an explanation to the evolution of war along technological developments mainly focusing in laser systems. The anthropological discussion of the study is based on Actor-Network Theory revealing the interaction among human and nonhuman participants of war network. Laser weapon systems are explained supported by the literature search, fieldwork, and interviews. The study seeks to demonstrate an alternative future perception of war with the integration of laser systems. The redefined character of war can be described as laser-integrated flexible network with human act ...Daha fazlası

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The relationship between machiavelism, grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, and loneliness among white collar workers

Çataklı, Ayşenur

Considering the several negative effects of loneliness as an undesirable and hurtful emotion, it is important to discover how it occurs. Although Machiavellianism and narcissism are associated with loneliness, the number of studies that have investigated their relationship is relatively limited. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the relationship between Machiavelism, narcissism, and loneliness among white-collar workers. In addition, it is also aimed to examine whether the level of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and loneliness are related to sociodemographic characteristics of the part ...Daha fazlası

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Image to Music: Cross-Modal Melody Generation Through Image Captioning

Kaplan, Alper

Advances in machine learning in recent years have also been seen in computationally creative systems. Interest in machine-generated artifacts paved a way for creative models to evolve as such. But the earlier methods mostly explored a one domain approach and cross-modal learning has stayed relatively unexplored. Thus, the direct mapping between modalities for cross-modal creative models is not fully explored. This work proposes a novel methodology for generating symbolic music through images by directly mapping their features. A CNN encoder and deep stacked LSTM decoder are the base models as ...Daha fazlası

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