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The relationship between machiavelism, grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, and loneliness among white collar workers

Çataklı, Ayşenur

Considering the several negative effects of loneliness as an undesirable and hurtful emotion, it is important to discover how it occurs. Although Machiavellianism and narcissism are associated with loneliness, the number of studies that have investigated their relationship is relatively limited. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the relationship between Machiavelism, narcissism, and loneliness among white-collar workers. In addition, it is also aimed to examine whether the level of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and loneliness are related to sociodemographic characteristics of the part ...Daha fazlası

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Image to Music: Cross-Modal Melody Generation Through Image Captioning

Kaplan, Alper

Advances in machine learning in recent years have also been seen in computationally creative systems. Interest in machine-generated artifacts paved a way for creative models to evolve as such. But the earlier methods mostly explored a one domain approach and cross-modal learning has stayed relatively unexplored. Thus, the direct mapping between modalities for cross-modal creative models is not fully explored. This work proposes a novel methodology for generating symbolic music through images by directly mapping their features. A CNN encoder and deep stacked LSTM decoder are the base models as ...Daha fazlası

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Examining the effects of interoceptive awareness and self-focus on emotion perception from point-light dance movements: an eye tracking study

Arı, İlkay

Emotional expressions are vital in human social interactions and effective communication. This study explored the influence of interoceptive awareness and self-focused attention on emotion perception from dynamic point-light dance movements along with the underlying eye behaviour. Eighty adult participants underwent random assignment into either the selffocus or control group, while considering age, gender, and interoceptive awareness. To assess interoceptive awareness, data were collected through both a heartbeat counting task and the implementation of the MAIA-2 Questionnaire. Self-focus gr ...Daha fazlası

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The mediating role of psychological capital in the relationship between agile leadership and employee intrapreneurship: An empirical study in Turkey

Nurdağ, Veysel Karani

This research aims to undertake an extensive investigation into the correlation among agile leadership, employee intrapreneurship, and psychological capital. By examining the impact of psychological capital on employee intrapreneurship, this study seeks to make a valuable contribution to the academic literature.While there is an increasing interest in the concepts of agile leadership and employee intrapreneurship, there is a lack of comprehensive research exploring their relationship with psychological capital. The suggested study will employ an interdisciplinary approach, combining the pertin ...Daha fazlası

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The investment strategies of art funds

Angün, Pelin

This thesis study examines the conditions that laid the groundwork for art funds in particular, their formation and development processes, and subsequently analyses the properties of art funds as a type of investment fund, and their structure and diversity, ultimately closely examining their investment strategies in detail through examples. Although artworks have been known to be valuable for centuries, the classification and acceptance of artworks as an asset class is a newer phenomenon that occurred in the last century. The operating mechanisms unique to the art markets evolved within the li ...Daha fazlası

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How systematic is default risk?

Dalgıç, Nihan

This study aims to provide an extensive analysis of systematic (market-wide) and systemic (sector-wide and industry-wide) components of the idiosyncratic default risk. We detect significant heterogeneity among the default risk structure of various industry groups. More specifically, the default probability of institutions affiliated with certain industry groups is more strongly linked to industry-wide risks while others are more heavily tied to sectorwide risks. We further show that systematic and systemic components of default risk alter also relative to up/down market cycles for each indust ...Daha fazlası

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Women’s confinement and struggle against the patriarchal family structure: a feminist analysis of selected women’s writing in the light of Kate Millett’s concept of sexual politics

Aslan, Pınar

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the main female characters in two short stories and a novel written in three different periods, using the conceptual analysis framework that Kate Millett puts forward in her 1970 work Sexual Politics. In her book Sexual Politics, Millett formulated two important concepts as “sexual politics” and “sexual revolution” and focused on how the family institution and genders were handled in literary works. The most important contribution of her work and the reason why it is one of the founding texts of the second wave feminist movement is that she sees the aboliti ...Daha fazlası

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The effect of supply chain agility and supply chain resilience on firm performance: A Study of the Marmara organized industrial zones

Gökhan, Esra Nur

Today, supply chain agility and supply chain resilience are two important concepts that companies try to invest in with their existing resources. In the rapidly changing and complex global world, the survival of companies and the ability to cope with their competitors resiliently depend on using their resources most efficiently. In addition, if these companies integrate digital technologies into their operations so they can quickly respond to customer expectations and increase the satisfaction of their customers who play a key role today. The first aim of this study is to investigate the effec ...Daha fazlası

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The relationship between management and information systems students’ e-learning styles and attitudes towards e-learning in Turkey during Covid-19 pandemic

Lüle Ercan, Nazlıcan

This research aims to investigate the relationship between e-learning styles and attitudes towards e-learning of Management Information Systems students who have experienced e-learning during Covid-19 pandemic and the change in terms of gender and grade level. This study was conducted with 114 participants. Two instruments were used. The results showed that audio-visual learning style is the learning style that the participants have the most. The higher e-learning predisposition scores means the participants have positive attitudes to use e-learning. The lower e-learning predisposition scores ...Daha fazlası

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Looming cognitive style as a predictor of social anxiety

Akbay, Ayşenaz

Looming Cognitive Style (LCS) has been proposed as a cognitive vulnerability factor specific to anxiety. This study aims to investigate the predictive role of LCS on trait and state social anxiety. With this purpose, for social anxiety manipulation, 30 participants were asked to make a short presentation about themselves. This relationship of concern was aimed to be investigated by assessing LCS and social anxiety assessments taken prior to the presentation. In this regard, the Demographic Information Form, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Questionnaire, Looming Maladaptive Style Questionnaire-Revised ...Daha fazlası

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The effects of stereotypes which are imposed through media on the creativity of children during the early puberty: the concept of goodness and badness

Cenk, Saime Özge

The aim of this thesis is to understand how much children in early puberty get affected by the stereotypes that are presented through media. Also, it aims to elaborate how much these children manage to get out of these stereotypical patterns in situations that require them to use their own creativity. To understand how much they can cross the stereotypical borders as they think during a creative process, students are asked to illustrate goodness and badness in human forms in focus group sessions held in different types of schools located in Istanbul and Mardin. The illustrations are then stati ...Daha fazlası

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A research about determining the importance of word of mouth marketing for choosing pre-school education institution in Trakya

Taşkın Akkoyun, İlayda

In today’s technology, consumers can easily obtain all kinds of information. In addition; the consumer who is directly exposed to many desired or undesired messages has difficulty in making a decision in the purchasing process. While consumers try to choose the best one for themselves among many alternatives, marketers who try to respond to variable needs and desires of consumers are also trying to develop new strategies. One of them is to use word-ofmouth marketing method in a positive way. Since the choice of pre-school education institution has an important place in the service sector, wor ...Daha fazlası

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