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Erişime Açık

Whatever singularity: queering the ‘quodlibet’ in the well of loneliness and oranges are not the only fruit

Yararoğlu, Semih

The aim of this thesis is to propose a hypothetical community for queer people of 20th century England depicted in two novels: Radclyffe Hall’s The Well of Loneliness (1928) and Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (1985) through Agamben’s idea of community. This study also intends to investigate the issue of the queer people in the 20th century, while demonstrating that the oppression of homosexual people has not changed despite the fact that one of the two novels is written at the beginning and the other at the end of the twentieth century. Suggesting a community to the queer ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Value segmentation of remotely acquired customers in banking: a model-based approach

Mumcu, Recep

Innovations in information technologies lead to significant changes in the banking sector. While consumers' adaptation to digital services is accelerating, there are developments in the areas of customer experience and expectations. The integration of banks with high technology to meet customer expectations ensures that new products and services are emerging in the digital banking. Remote customer acquisition has become one of the most important developments in digital banking, enabling banks to acquire new customers by overcoming geographical restrictions and without any physical interaction. ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Status of Ilkhan in the socio-political organization of the Qashqai Tribe

Sohrabi, Hossein

This anthropological research is related to the Qashqai tribe, which lives in southwestern Iran, and apart from the urban and rural population, it has nearly 96,500 nomadic people. This research answers the question, could the Qashqais have the same solidarity, authority, and integrity without an Ilkhan from the Shahilu family? My claim is based on the fact that the main factor of Qashqai solidarity and empowerment in southern Iran, where the majority of the population is Tajik and non-Turkish, was the Ilkhans from the Shahilu family. And with the leadership of the Shahilu family, the Qashqais ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The reproduction of the self-made man myth through Netflix : a comparative analysis on Netflix's original series

Benli, İpek Beril

Netflix is currently the subject of various academic discussions in addition to its widespread commercial success over the last two decades. This study seeks to make a contribution to the academic literature by examining whether Netflix, an American media and entertainment company, truly "thinks local and acts global" in accordance with its motto or instead promotes the myth of the self-made man, one of America's founding myths, and, thus, reproduces capitalist hegemony. By examining Netflix’s three original teen series created in three distinct nations, Sex Education, Elite, and Aşk 101, this ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

2005 yılından günümüze Türkiye’deki e-dergi kapak tasarımlarının incelenmesi ve “grafik tasarım dergisi” için e-dergi kapak tasarım önerisi

Topal, Didem

Bu tez çalışmasında amaçlanan; basılı ve elektronik mecraların birlikte var olduğu günümüzde dergilerin basılı ve elektronik basımlarının arasında görsel kimlik devamlılığını her iki mecrada tutarlı bir biçimde sağlayıp /sağlayamadığı ya da ne ölçüde sağladığını araştırmaktır. Çalışmada basılı ve elektronik yayınların gelişim süreçleri, elektronik yayın türleri ve formatları literatür taraması yapılarak araştırılmıştır. Basılı ve elektronik dergi tasarımında görsel kimliği oluşturan unsurlar incelenmiş, seçilen beş dergi (National Geographic Türkiye, Skylife, Harvard Business Review Türkiye, L ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The other space: Heterotopia, memory and individuality in dystopian novels the memory police and the giver

Sarılale, Ecem

The aim of this paper is to explore the heterotopic nature of the concept of memory in dystopian fictions The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa and The Giver by Lois Lowry comparatively and thereby to discuss that memory is possible to be applied as a means of oppression primarily through the destruction of this heterotopic space and individuality. The protagonists in both novels suffer from memory loss that is schemed by the totalitarian authority in their communities. In order to resist that authority, they are required to hold on to their memory which acts as a counter-site that is analysed throu ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Doğa-Resim i̇lişkisi i̇çerisinde değişen “Figür” kavramı

Çakmak, Ayla Doğutaş

Bu çalışmada Doğa-Resim ilişkisi içerisinde değişen “figür” kavramı, insan bedenine (vücut) karşılık gelen “figüratif” den söz edilmektedir. 14. yüzyıldan 20. yüzyıla kadar resim sanatında karşılaştığımız insan figürünün değişim süreci örneklerle, karşılaştırmalı olarak irdelenmiştir. Tarihsel gelişimi sürecinde doğa kavramı, yaşam biçimi, düşünce sistemi ve inanışlara bağlı olarak her zaman değişken bir kavram olarak kabul edilmektedir. Buna bağlı olarak sanatta insan görünümü mağara döneminden modern toplumlara kadar her zaman sosyo-kültürel alanda yerini bulduğu görülmektedir. Resim sanatın ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Erratic crude oil prices fluctuations effects on the economic development of Turkey: the case of coronavirus pandemic (covid-19)

Barakat, Duaa

As an oil-importing nation, Turkey's economy is examined in the thesis by looking at its macroeconomic aggregate’s response to oil price fluctuations. Furthermore, the thesis will discuss the post pandemic coronavirus effects on energy and stock markets. Moreover, the thesis will analyze many aspects including crude oil types, production, and its relationship with other markets. On the one hand, macroeconomic aggregates will be represented by the total industrial production index, CPI, nominal exchange rate, total petroleum and other liquids production, and natural gas import prices. Error cor ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Post-Truth çağda figüratif resim ve heykel

Ataş, Eyüp

Hakikatin önemsizleştiği post-truth dönemde insanlık bir simülasyon çağı yaşamaktadır. Zaman ve mekân algısı değişmiş, görüntülerden oluşan sanal bir imgelem dünyası söz konusu olmuştur. Artık her şey sayılardan oluşan bir veridir. Her türlü hakikat her an değişebilir durumdadır. Bu dönemde sanal medya kullanıcıları herhangi bir alandaki yeterliliklerine bakılmaksızın ‘her şey’ olabilmektedir. Hakikatin önemsizleşmesinin temel özelliklerinden bir diğeri de yalanın hakikatin yerini almasıdır. Öznel duygu ve düşüncelerin rasyonel görüşlere tercih edildiği bu çağda sanatta payına düşeni almaktadı ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The past and current state of geometric abstract art

Eroğlu, Osman Selçuk

Following an introduction to abstract art this thesis study focuses on the geometric abstract art which emerged with the onset of abstract art in three time periods. In the first section which encompasses a time frame of approximately forty five years between the onset of abstract art in the begining of the 20th century and the end of World War II it is discussed how artists like Kandinsky and Malevich made a difference by breaking off from the convention and thus contributed to the existence of the geometric abstract art. In the second section which covers a time frame between the emergence o ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Adrenergic modulation of melanocortin pathway by hunger signals

Yılmaz, Bayram | Yavuz, Yavuz

Norepinephrine (NE) is a well-known appetite regulator, and the nor/adrenergic system is targeted by several anti-obesity drugs. To better understand the circuitry underlying adrenergic appetite control, here we investigated the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN), a key brain region that integrates energy signals and receives dense nor/adrenergic input, using a mouse model. We found that PVN NE level increases with signals of energy deficit and decreases with food access. This pattern is recapitulated by the innervating catecholaminergic axon terminals originating from NTSTH-neurons. O ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The images of women in fairy tales: An analysis of the djinn in the Nightingale’s eye by A.S. Byatt and the bloody chamber by Angela Carter

Ergin, Cansu

This dissertation examines A.S. Byatt's The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye and Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber and the discussion on the contemporary issues of women, a portrayal of gender in the media, and the political position of women. The study also examines the ways in which Byatt and Carter redefined prevailing traditional notions of femininity in their selected stories. In a male-dominated environment, females are presented as emotional, weak, followers, and submissive to males whereas males are presented as bold, strong, and rational beings. Reading both collections offers an inter ...Daha fazlası

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